What's the worst advice you've ever gotten on Veeky Forums?
What's the worst advice you've ever gotten on Veeky Forums?
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to ask someone out
things will change
Don't do GOMAD
be yourself.
Cardio kills gains.
>Read the sticky
what the autists should've said: you can do cardio if you want but you have to eat more, otherwise you will lose muscles.
sweet potatoes AREN'T potatoes....baka. idiot
Low rep anything.
To not do brosplits
eat more to lose weight.
Someone here me to drink Monster energy drink as a good pre-workout energy boost, I've been doing it for weeks now and don't know if i should stop desu. people tell me to drink coffee instead but i just hate the taste. I've gotten used to drinking it and i think i'm going to keep going, I mean, what's the worst it can do?
What if you want to increase your running endurance though? Does that mean you shouldn't expect to be, say, a marathon runner and buff at the same time?
Anything promoting Push/Pull/Legs
Pure memery, it needs to die
Rot your teeth
Erectile dysfunction
I've been doing ppl for a while. Swapping back to a brosplit soon. I liked it better and made better gains.
cardio kills gains
no carbs at all when cutting
after two days of feeling like I was going to die I decided never to trust this site for advice again
>no need to tell me i'm a retard boy, I am well aware of that by now.
bench builds chest
yes, have you ever seen a marthon runner? Is any of them not only buff but at least not a walking skeletor?
it actually doesnt build chest, all it does it make it harder
read about muscle fibre types and you'll see why not
"Don't do keto you need carbs"
Parroting any of ripp's stupidass opinions and advice like
>No need for ab work squats and deadlifts are enough for core
To stay on Veeky Forums
From personal experience i'll say this; yes sometimes it sucks. Sometimes even i feel like skipping my workouts. Like Leg day is really intense and exhausting for me; While doing dumbbell lunges i ask myself why the f*** did i join the gym. But then i tell myself to be Trans and go about the work. I'll tell you this small story- The reason i joined the gym was because i lost in arm wrestling to someone i hated and not only did he break my arm, i was ridiculed upon by the guy I was trying to win over. One more reason was that most guys I want to hook up with only want to only hook up with "good looking girls" I'm not implying that i'm ugly but not drop dead gorgeous.These two reasons made me realize that i needed to work out,so that i could avenge myself in that arm-wrestling loss and so that i'll have a muscular and ripped body. Make yourself realize why you joined that gym,Visualize the benefits you'll have overtime. Try to focus while working out on your exercise and your form.And one reason you could be losing focus maybe that your over-trained/did not get adequate rest and hence were fatigued.That's all i can say kiddos
Why is SS a meme?
I knew that was shitty advice. What are good exercises for the core?
Because people recommend it for everything.
It is without accessories.
If you believe keto is a thing, then youre still a fatty dyel.
You need carbs to perform idiot
>stop smoking weed
You can be a buff marathon runner man. You'll just be a very average competitor.
This. Zyzz was a rusemaster, he went to raves every week and danced for 6 hours straight.
Fuck this too. I skipped abs for a year and a half and wondered why they didn't show, then I isolated them and they showed.
What about when your body goes through Ketosis
That's why its fucking called keto
but its true.. you actually eat more. cuz u eliminate carbs and replace it with veggies. more veggies. (so u can be full)
GOMAD. Full of shit. Close 2nd to squats are inferior on a smith machine.
Ab wheel nigga
>worst advice you've ever gotten on Veeky Forums
Nonsense. There are far better and more arduous exercises without buying or making a wheel. Even planking fits the bill, but there are countless others. Leg raises are my personal fav.
You talk like an absolute retard. Not trying to be a dick, but nobody can take what you say seriously when you do it in that babytalk, so you might as well just not say anything at all.
squats are vastly inferior on a smth machine
Ketones work but not as good as glucose. You realize that's the reason why CKD and TKD exist right?
why is this bad? I consider doing it this year.
Been bulking for one and half year with the power of the green, gained lots
>GOMAD is actually just an uber bad choice for anyone ever.
can confirm. murdered my abs. it hurt to sit for 4 days.
DOMs get better after the 3rd or 4th time. and abs seem more visible
>be yourself.
make yourself better, then be yourself retard.
it's a two step process.
>but i just hate the taste.
I've heard semen is a good preworkout because of all the protons, and it should be easy to get because you're suck a fucking faggot.
SS is only a meme if you're not a weak unathletic retard
but since this is an anime forum, most people who've never lifted before have also never done sport to a high level before so are weak unathletic retards
>someone photoshoped her pubes off
what monster would do that
Love is a meme girls are a meme the worst of them
What if I want to cut though? Is it bad to reach caloric deficit through cardio instead of eating less food?
Go beyond 10%bf
500 kcal surplus bulk
duck out if the compromises make you miserable. duck out if you get miserable. duck out if it just makes you uncomfortable.
the goal is not to force a relationship to keep going. its to find a relationship worth keeping.
there is literally no benefit to frankensteining a relationship other than possibly sex, but you're better off withotu it if it isn't working.
emjoy the relationship for as long as you can. and if it goes south, leave, cuz all you're doing is preventing yourself from finding the good one that might last.
lasting isn't the point, it isn't the goal.
And yeah you have to take the risk of making a high stakes deal with a potentially very unstable person, plus people change. That's life, you can't play all of it safe.
No fap
"dude, too many exercises is le bad!"
Muscles are heavy, and you will have to carry your weigth over 42 kilometres
Being buff is detrimental to being good at running long distances, but there is nothing that hinders you from doing both
thanks J K Rowling
actually didn't do it but it is the worst advice
Cardio kills gainz
This depends on what gainz are. For 99% cardio once or twice a week is not killing the gainz and having a good impact on general fitness.
You need to deadlift and squat or you wont get big.
This is just BS, legpress, running or jumping rope are enough for your leg. For lower back go swimming
skip isolations, bench is enough for triceps, pull ups are enough for biceps
tfw pull up +50kg and 14inch pipes :(
how to build chest then?
Yes, you can do that
Keep in mind at lower body fat percentage thought ( around 12%) you either want to cut or gain muscle.
For me cardio always felt like doing chores, so eating less was much easier option to cut than running.
>go vegan
J K Rowling. I hope you meant that as an insult. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
why is this considered bad advice???
That you shouldn't do a bro-split if you want to get big.
>god tier
>Atlas Shrugged
Opinion disregarded.
Calories in > calories out
hanging leg raises for that juicy spinal traction
"Fapping is okay bro."
>Don't deadlift*
>Stranger on same level with Les Miserables
"Porn is normal man"
Recommending flat bench over incline and low bar back squat over front squat to someone that has no intention of power lifting.
>b-b-but muh ripptits said so
Which brain dead nigga made this graph
>tao lin that high
>rand that high
>big daddy Twain that low
Pleb detected
Please elaborate
>You need to deadlift and squat or you wont get big.
>This is just BS, legpress, running or jumping rope are enough for your leg. For lower back go swimming
this is the worst worst advice i've ever read. those 2 exercises are by far the most time efficient.
>running/jumping rope equivalent to squatting 2xBW
>swimming equivalent to deadlifitng 2xBW
so much autism, hey, at least you're immune to that nasty old rubella :)
recommending bench at all
Rip says to work abs. He says its one of the best accesories one can add.
Im tired of stupid douchebags like you spreading bullshit on my board.
>do SS.
it is a stale meme. people will come here saying they want a starting routine and instantly everyone shills SS without even knowing what the person wants to achieve. If you care at all about aesthetics SS is a terrible program even for beginners and on top of that its not at all enjoyable
>your board
kiddo pls
Do behind the neck press
Fucked my shoulders up senpai
> 1984 >> brave new world
Try this one, mate. My favorite sip, I can bench 20lbs more with having this as a pre-workout
dumbbell chest fly, or cable chest fly
lol what the fuck happened to Veeky Forums
Where did this cancerous bench-doesn't-build-chest-meme come from?
Thank scot herman, the faggot likes to spew broscience and dyels then come post here.
>"Always drink warm water! it will melt the fat away. you know why the chinese are slim? it's because they always drink tea!"
>Squats are required for any leg routine
I banged my head on a wall for 1 year trying to do a squat correctly with my shitty long legs.
Then I switched to sldl, leg press and hack squats and actually made gains.
this is one of the worst list i've ever seen.
other that brother karamazov, the god-tier list is pretty weak. if those books are worthy of gods, we should stop worshiping them.
>squat 3 times a week with increasingly heavier weight
Thank's a lot for the stretch marks on my thighs, fags
definitely dyel as shit, and i'm not the same guy but scooby agrees on bench press being pretty shit if aesthetics is your goal
> I have found the squeezing exercises like flys more effective at adding chest mass than the pushing exercises like bench press. People tell me all the time that my pecs are too big so obviously skipping bench press hasn’t hurt me too much.
"cardio is bad for you"