This fat chick doesn't even look like she lifts, yet she can deadlift 510. What's your excuse, Veeky Forums?
This fat chick doesn't even look like she lifts, yet she can deadlift 510. What's your excuse, Veeky Forums?
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I prefer not to have my own gravitational pull
I can deadlift my bodyweight too.
it's a good lift despite her size.
She must she must have a death grip
This is why I only deadlift once a week and when I do it I only do 1 rep sets working up to my max.
Pointless overrated exercise that does nothing but show-case total strength. I only keep it in my routine just because single rep deadlifts are easy n fun plus something different. It's the only exercise I'll do 1 rep sets on.
how is that even possible? HOW???
get so dog in here
Those plates actually look legit but look at her stance I don't believe this shit. Also her left hand looks like it's barely gripping it.
Post video OP.
but does she dream in code?
>Post video OP.
I want to beat you so much, fucking retard
lifts discarded
Okay just watched the video and looked legit Jesus Christ.
she's obviously the female equivalent of builtfat
still impressive, not even going to make some witty retort.
That's pretty cool.
>caring how much some fat bitch can deadlift
lol you can run your dyel smart mouth online all you want but we both know if you we were standing face to face and Big P was with me, you wouldn't say shit. You'd use a little more respectful language. Big P doesn't like to be disrespected and he's been known to have quite the temper. Wouldn't end well for you.
Maybe it depends on the brand but most bars I deadlift with would start to bend at 3pl8, let alone 5pl8. Doesn't seem legit to me.
>average /plg/ poster
>white knighting fat women on an anonymous chinese cartoon porn website
reevaluate your life and then kill yourself
You wouldn't even know what to do with her if you had the chance son.
thanks for the ab workout user
i'd walk away at a semi-brisk pace
>cannot powerwalk
She would be pretty cute (and probably still strong af) if she lost about 150 lbs. What a shame.
she would probably have to lose closer to 250 before she looked like a person
Fat people lifting heavy isn't impressive at all. They do it all the god damn time just by standing up
pure 'tism
sorry I refuse to watch anything with an opening like that.
Hey your phone looks like it's battery life is getting a little low. Might wanna charge it up. Also your current area doesn't appear to get the best reception - leaves something to be desired. Just something to consider. Thanks.
I want to be an athlete not a maximal strength zombie.
>being this new
>only 1 rep
>in regular shoes
I'm not impressed
Forgot about this guy, you just made my week
She obviously doesn't give a fuck about looking cute at this point. Good for her
Her future when she decides to leave humanity behind
>This fat chick doesn't even look like she lifts
Ofc she doesn't, she fat as fuck
Who else read this in Richard Dawkin's voice?
See now using your fupa to shorten your ROM is cheating
why the fuck is she leaning on her right leg`?
Is Mathis still off in her own little world or have other female heavyweights starting catching up?
Is this a "women"?
She's /ourgirl/.
Is this bait or Retardation?
Pretty sure her bench will be for a long time. Some heavyweight squatted 300kg recently so maybe will catch close. Not sure how many more years she has in her. Lightweights are more competitive right now I feal
what the fuck
this is beyond crazy
But can she run a mile?
Don't need one, I'm pulling 617 >:^)
>mix grip
>bendaroo bar
Lift discarded.
>woman lifting 500 lbs
Even as a fat as she is, she won't get that strong without some kind of juice. Come the fuck on
Try actually lifting dyel.
It's a good lift BECAUSE of her size. She'd like tree fiddy man. Plus gear. And she looks gross.
A natural female lifter is not going to deadlift 500 pounds, you fucking mongoloid.
>most bars I deadlift with would start to bend at 3pl8
Hahaha fucking lol, your gym has REALLY shitty bars
i bet you deadlift a lot with that retarded approach
you lift with some garbage whippy bars then, most don't bend noticeably until well after 5pl8
Come back when you've been lifting for more than a year.
>i dont know how female hormones work
>i dont know how obesity fucks up normal hormonal production
Come back after you've passed high school science courses
OK so you are trolling, here's your (You) enjoy it retard
Fuck I'd marry that guy straight away
Top kek, I 'member that
>He's never lifted at a weightlifting gym
Fucking DYELs
someone who does WL calling anyone a DYEL is laughable
every WLer i've seen irl has looked like hammered dogshit, truly the fedora of sports
at least PL will make you a little swole
>The only reason to lift is to look good
Are those smelling salts she smells right before her lift?
>being this insecure
>being this roided
o shit its that guy from the rich piana eating videos....or wait no, its someone else
wait a minute that IS the guy from the rich piana five guys excursions...wait it I cant tell
no it's not
It's almond extract. One whiff and she goes into a cookie monster type fury
i think the fact that she is fat is irrelevant. it sounds like she works out her arms.
not even that guy but you're retarded bro. 500 is attainable naturally by literally anyone willing to put on weight.
>she fell for the power lifting meme
so true
uhhh. im actually an advocate for powerlifting but not when it means being this fat. she could cut and yeah she would lose some on her total but she could be competetive in a healthy better looking weightclass
five star post nigga
Holy shit.
I expected him to break his ankle.
Not that guy, but the world record for woman is 600lb.
>you will never experience trickstutorials forums again
gold star
likely pcos.
jujimufu's entire instagram is just a gold mine of crazy shit with heavy things.
>the fat powerlifter meme is real
Veeky Forums btfo.