Is working out while high on codeine a good idea?

Is working out while high on codeine a good idea?

I've been popping some codeine pills so I can push past my rep threshold lately and it's worked wonders, I don't feel the burn or sore or anything, and can go for fucking ages, but am I cancelling out my gains or something?

ya, you eventually become a heroin addict.


>taking CNS depressant for high intensity and adrenaline pumping exercise

How the fuck does that help?

But I only take it when I'm working out

Sounds like a good way to snap all your shit up and not even realize it

for now

Because it totally numbs pain or really any physical feeling whatsoever so when I lift weights it feels like I'm lifting nothing

Wow dude sounds like you found a way to lift more weights by taking drugs! Nice!

Try Nubain instead. Goes well with roids. It's addictive tho, be careful

Opiates drop your test levels a huge amount. Even something like kratom will destroy your test after a while

Can't I just take test to offset the balance?

Sure but if you don't plan on roiding then I'd avoid opiates/opioids

Soon you'll build a tolerance and need more, then you'll need a cheaper option as it's too expensive. And before you know it, you're a dope addict sucking dick for drug money. Stop now when you can.

>not just taking test to lift more in the first place
>risking a srs addiction to get minimal extra gains
what the fuck is wrong with you

Opiates stay in ur system and lower test permanently so... Stop taking them

So mixing in roids/test/codeine should be fine?

>sp wut if im a dope feen

just drop it op you'll only have 3 days of mild diarrhea and feel kinda bad

take ephedrine with your preworkout

codeine is great, i started out just like you. however, dependancy just grows. you need more and more to satisfy, and before you know it you're scratching an itch larger than yourself that you never knew existed. all advice i received fell on my deaf ears. good luck.

why the fuck wouldn't you just inject testosterone???

this is a terrible idea as codeine depresses respiration, decreases cns strength and coordination, and general drowsiness. this has to be b9 tho

Its not a good idea. That said, I've done it on pretty high doses of Oxy and it made me feel energized during the sets but between them I felt absolutely drained and wanted to quit right away and just go home.

I'm off the drugs now after almost 10 years on them, don't start unless you need them and if you need them then don't work out while you're on them.