Which 2016 Veeky Forums memes do you think will appear on SIR's comic?
Which 2016 Veeky Forums memes do you think will appear on SIR's comic?
Lookin fit buddy ?
>Yeah, I'm a lucky guy.
Terrible shoop
Pretty quiet year for Veeky Forums I think seemed very slow at times and little new content.
We could be in our death throes
Hey guys sorry I haven't been very active on Veeky Forums this year. Kind of scrambling for memes to put in this year's comics. Anyone have any requests?
tripfag cancer
look, I can do this too!
Feelin' fit buddy
Yeah I'm a lucky guy
>this is 100% a give me ideas thread
honestly can only think of first sip and the recent braaap. shit year
What new memes were there? Veeky Forums seems kinda dead now with anyone past a beginner program having migrated to misc, r/bb/ or fitmisc. All I've seen is that first x of the day.
>feelin fit buddy
>36 egg whites and a multivitamin
>kingdom heartlet
>don't test me
No fap meme
Thick grils
Lifting feelings away
The only relevant thing to happen to Veeky Forums all year.
>every day wear a different colour so Veeky Forums can recognise one another
>CHAD eats PIZZA while you work your ASS off at the GYM
>Brehs.../high test
some DYEL quoting a study to teach why some dude repping 6 plates of squats is doing it wrong
Face frame height, chad eats pizza, and MONSTER SIPS
..This year sucked. Veeky Forums peaked meme wise at like the Sir comic before the last one.
Height Face Frame, Chad eats Pizza (GymCel), Chiseled Jaws,
I would say "that first sip" but its not funny at all so fuck that.
why do you think this is funny?
It seems like just yesterday when we got the one for CURRENT YEAR
that osmium plates thing
missed this one, explain pls b0ss?
2 smart 2 lift
>posting on Veeky Forums is lifting
Dude also add Kingdom Heartlet and Potato Farm/dinosaur user from last week
the egg whites one killed me
Also, for pop culture references:
Zac Efron bod
Ronda Rousey
Naked Genova
Can you tards post screencaps of examples as none of these make any sense without context?
>Accidentally ingesting three jars of peanut butter
none of them were good enough to cap/
I'm actually autistic enough to recall every meme mentioned ITT. Step up your game son
I'll search my folder and try post some shit
People only remember the memes from the later part of the year, which are the worse memes because there are less people in the board.
So all the golden memes from the start of the year are forgotten and instead of have people praising 0/10 shit like "sips!"
This those are some of the highlights from Veeky Forums in 2016
Making gyms great again, sips, BRAAAP, 2 smart to lift, creepers at the gym maybe
>don't ignore me you rancid swine
>lifting for Willow
>dat self defence spear barbell
Don't forget the nun-chucks!
kinda related to sips
[Autistic farting noise]
Jimmy Nu-tron
What was that one Dark Souls joke that got posted in response to that anorexic girl? I wanted to show a friend but can't find it
Anyone got a cap?
Rich Piana The Movie starring Dave Bautista. Writing the script for it now.
Was plate dispenser this year?
Also if IPF spotting with 15 years old kids is not a joke, then I don't know what is.
im filipino too
how do i achieve this mode
minus the -40 years chopped of my life from "professional" wrestling
This one definitely has to be in it somehow.
worst crop ive ever seen, drop the barbell on your neck
Someone made a thread about how Veeky Forumsizens could recognize each other in the gym. Shit colour scheme was proposed as mentioned. But that wasn't enough, since it may be sheer coincidence, so additionali you ask "feeling fit buddy?" and if person is from Veeky Forums he respond with "Yeah, I'm a lucky guy."
It was so autistic it kinda become a minor meme.
Activated almonds
Idgaf whT year thT came out
I know it sounds ridiculous, but why is this a bad idea, in terms of health?
wrastle for 40years amatuer
>full lifting gear outfit for 3.5 pl8 squat
top kuk
manlet meme as always. I wish manlets of 2017 a year of pain, suffering, and despair.
I no longer have the screenshot but does anyone remember:
>My gf died today. None of us are going to make it.
It completely took over the board until it gained insta-ban status.
>Poland shirt
I bet it's one of these "muh heritage" faggots.
God I hate Polonia, they're ruining my coutry.
...from abroad.
HEIGHT FRAME FACE while CHAD is eating PIZZA and fucking STACEY
fuck i clicked the wrong one
Literally every american has something with american flag theme on him at all times
it's required by law.
But Poland isn't America.
These guys try to be more Polish than Poles. Nigga, you want to be Polish get your ass back here and make country less shitty instead of waving flag from behind the ocean.
Please add varg saying stop
Those are fucking internation federation's finals, do you also get offended that people from outside of Brazil took part in the olympics?
>curling and overhead at the same time
what do super sets supposed to accomplish that regular lifts do not.
>doing lunges in fucking pants
leak rick and morty season 3 you canadian fat manlet fuck
Fuck thats hilarious
Worst forced meme of 2016.
this, someone important needs to die so we can get closure with emo grandpa
>>feelin fit buddy
>internation federation's finals
Then no problem, sure.
I just hate these fuckers that live abroad.
It's a retarded samefag who is continually trying to force a stupid phrase with no meme qualities whatsoever into being a meme.
The thread had 300 replies and 50 posters.
What the fuck?
>i dont even lift
>i dont even have eyes
the post
why the fuck does he grab her tit before helping her
fuck off
You forgot about frog posting.
1. he's trying to cop a feel at an opportune time
2. he thought the tit grab would release dopamine and ease the pain
3. he's sadistic and wants to seem like he's helping while watching and letting her suffer.