Honestly Veeky Forums
Is going vegan worth it? Ethical reasons, of course. But is it expensive? Do you feel healthier? Currently I'm 22 with lots of acne and I'm thinking of trying veganism for that?
Please help
Honestly Veeky Forums
Is going vegan worth it? Ethical reasons, of course. But is it expensive? Do you feel healthier? Currently I'm 22 with lots of acne and I'm thinking of trying veganism for that?
Please help
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Its not any more expensive than eating meat. Giving up cheese is hard though.
>But is it expensive?
If you eat mock-meat bullshit every day, yes. If you eat a lot of beans and rice and stuff like that, no.
>Do you feel healthier?
Yes but that's because I eat healthy, not because of veganism: I know people with shit-tier vegan diets.
>I'm thinking of trying veganism for acne
Probably won't work. Maybe it's the dairy?
Veganism is just about getting your nutrients from non-animal sources. Whether it works or is healthy or whatever depends of what nutrients you get into your body. Only reason to go full vegan is environmental concern and ethical concern for animals; any other benifit can be had from eating lots of veggies and whole foods and limiting meat intake to lean meats.
I have been vegan for 9 years, I don't remember a big difference either way in how i felt after changing over. Probably cheaper if you avoid the fake meat processed dogshit.
The worst part about it is other vegans. It attracts a lot of fucking retards and has a cult element to it. People love labels and being part of a group, just keep it to yourself and it will be fine.
I would suggest a diet that is like 80% vegan and just eat very small amounts of fish/chicken/eggs and cut out the rest. No need to go to the extreme.
I've been a vEgan for a few weeks now. Honestly dairy fucked my shit up and I feel pretty good. I'm never bloated and it's easier to eat healthy. Healthy sweet foods can be expensive if you like the alternatives to ice cream here and there. Cook plain meals like beans brown rice veggies.
>I'm thinking of trying veganism
You should really think about it. But not do it.
No, its not worth being low test with gyno and losing half your muscles just cause you felt bad about some cows.
Just look at indians
My lifts have been going up since I turned vegan six months ago, just like they would have on a non vegan diet. Stop spouting your ignorant meme garbage.
It's expensive if you fall into the Whole Foods/stereotypical vegan meme shit. Hispanic and Asian (south, east, southeast) are pretty accommodating of that shit. If you understand how to read a label and basic nutrition, you're good. Start with an "easier" goal like "no cholesterol" or something first
>The worst part about it is other vegans. It attracts a lot of fucking retards and has a cult element to it. People love labels and being part of a group, just keep it to yourself and it will be fin
The reason I don't tell people. I just mislead them into thinking I'm lactose intolerant and religious
What's your diet like?
Thats cause youve only been lifting for 6 months and 1 day you fucking pajeet
Rice, beans, and potatoes are among the cheapest food in the world. So no not expensive.
I'm at 1/2/3/4 pl8 so regardless of what your pig brain thinks, I'm probably stronger than you. Go eat dead animal bodyparts and drink some cow puss.
My diet is okay, could be a lot better
I eat the same oats for breakfast everyday, 1 cup oats, 1 scoop of a vegan blend from myprotein, some raisins, banana, shredded coconut, chia seeds and some soymilk
My favourite meal is red beans and rice which i learned how to make from this video, never really found a good vegan sausage to cook with it but the linda mccartney range has some bearable ones
This Korean soup cooking the mushrooms in place of the meat
I get burritos from zambreros when I can, they are kind of expensive though.
I just eat a lot of beans, lentils, tofu, rice, avocado, pasta and some fruits.
Why coconut? I've been fucking with chia, flax, and hemp seeds. I avoid soy milk 'cause I notice there's so much soy in shit I eat already
Breakfast for me is like 50g granola, 50g Edge cereal with 250ml plant milk, chia seeds, sometimes fruits + banana/peanut butter sandwich on whole grain + maybe an orange and/or carrots
Lunch is legumes and grains for that complete protein. Been trying the beans and rice recipes off NoMeatAthlete (the site gets memey so you gotta sift) with some Gardein beefless ground for protein boost
Dinner is something smaller, like roasted yams and carrots with a salad and avocado
How's your iodine? I usually eat like 5g of nori a week
I'm lucky 'cause there's a lot of chinks where I live, so there are vegetarian chink restaurant and the prices are really cost effective
Pajeets say the darnest things.
>Why coconut?
Just threw some in one day and ended up liking it. I use flaxmeal sometimes and some PB2 too
>I avoid soy milk
Not a bad idea, I have almond milk or just water in my shakes but soy with just oats
Haha you are right, it looks like a mixture of decent and awful. Hard to get gardein where I am, people say it's really good though.
I just use salt that is iodised, not sure if that's enough or what
Outside of that I just take a b-12 tablet, though my b-12 was really high last time i had a blood test, some spirulina and zma. Zma dreams are great but I don't think it does much else.
I would get takeout a lot more but where I am from it's pretty bad for vegan stuff and usually far more expensive than just eating meat
This. If you hit your micros, especially from natural sources, you'll feel far better than if you don't. You'll also have to eat more protein from a wider variety of sources to account for bioavailability (e.g. Squash and Beans).
>be unironically vegan
>love Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums hates vegans
This sucks
>I just use salt that is iodised, not sure if that's enough or what
Not about that added salt.
I was really surprised when I walked into Walmart for the first time in years and they had Gardein, Yves, So Delicious, etc. Hopefully you get lucky. Also, chinks and their wheat gluten
See if you can get vital wheat gluten (it may have another name where you are like wheat flour) to bake some protein bread. Another user suggested I mix in chickpea flour for better nutrition
>Is going vegan worth it? Ethical reasons, of course
Nah ethical reason are not worth shit by default
If you make your own food, it isn't. Unless you try to get all of your proteins from nuts, which would turn an otherwise unexpensive diet intoo something six times above average.
Incidently, if you eat out, it WILL be much more expensive. You can blame leftists for that.
You may or may not feel healthier depending entirely on your bowel movement, and as long as you're doing it right.
If your shitting was shitty before, you'll feel like a new man. If your shitting was ok before, you'll crap a newborn child either way.
However, most people that feel healthier with veganism is because they actually learnt how to eat right in the first place, not because of veganism per sé.
The main reason why veganism is unsustainable for humans is because most humans are retarded as fuck and can't complete their protein profile even if their lives literally depend on it. Most would choose to give up veganism instead of dying... but, do understand that it's their fault, not veganism's.
One last thing, if you tell an inuit to go vegan he'll tell you to go fuck yourself.
Went vegan 4 years ago after dropping fake and pumped up meat. Big city food has a lot of shit in it, if you start looking at the labels you will barely eat anything.
The problem also is even if you don't consume animal products, most of the veggies etc. are watered up (don't know how to say it properly in English), basically they are worth less regarding nutritional value.
Give up foods with added sugar, smoothies, etc. and you're gonna be fine. Even better if you go vegan and don't eat food with sugary shit.
Experiences with a full vegan diet, without sugar (occasional Coke Zero, I know I know):
- Better, easier shits
- Faster metabolism
- Less sleep needed
- Can eat as much as I want without getting fat
- No supplements needed
- No skin problems like acne
Negatives might be that people make fun of you, but if you are not a self-conscious prick you'll be fine.
The problem with "veganism" is the entitled shitheads who do not understand nature. Animals kill each other, eat rotting flesh. Men did that too, and you would eat your classmates if it came down to that.
Sry for the blogpost lads.
OP here cheers guys
Gonna go for a shop later, I'm on a huge budget so just stock up on loads of beans rice and some sort of pasta sauce?
Go without pre-made sauces man.
Pasta, rice, beans, buy large if you can, cheaper.
>trying veganism
You dont have to /cult/ yourself to eat less animal products, but it's a good choice. Huge climate impact, and once you're used to not eating meat, the thought of eating it again will disgust you.
It's not hard being a fat vegan, though, but if you eat clean it's definitely healthy for you.
The environmental and ethical aspects to it is definitely why I gave up meat, makes you feel pretty good about yourself. Anyone who is all "MEAT ERRYDAY" should be annihilated for not accepting the huge impact it has on the earth and not doing anything about it
There are benefits. The biggest scare of eating meat, for me, is that meat is propped full of antibiotics. So by eating most store bought meat you're actually increasing your tolerance for antibiotics - which scares the hell out of me.
Otherwise, some fish is good for you and not really healthy to cut out of your diet. Just saying.
You get up and take your preworkout, a combination of chemicals mass produced at factory level with lots of waste, out of a bottle of plastic that either ends up in a landfill or the ocean, drive your shitty car to work emitting co2 and polluting the air, lift weights with metals that destroyed water tables during mining, only to go on later that night on your electronic device made by slave and child labor in china to say how you're all about ethics. My, how mighty you are
very nice straw man!! well done
Do you guys take creatine? The only dietary source of creatine is meat and taking creatine supplements increase cognitive performance in vegetarians but not in meat eaters (indicating a creatine deficiency in vegetarians).
I take creatine and drink whey protein, I'm vegetarian (no eggs though)
>you own a phone and a car which is needed
>you cant be against needless brutal enviroment destruction, a holocaust of animals for a burger cus you need to use transport
Stay strong, brah.
Creatine, taurine and BCAAs. Feels better than when I didn't take them, but honestly I was a couch potato back then so....
>chill on the roids son, people who jump all over vegans for being preachy when that vegan isn't being preachy are embarrassing
Roids are VEGAN and because I'm not a FAGGOT I make sure to add COWBLOOD before injecting!!!
I don't follow a vegan diet but try to support animal rights in other ways, for example I only buy free range eggs from chickens that are outdoors, I use natural/organic products like shampoo.
This is not just for the sake of animals, I don't want to eat food from animals that are fed antibiotics, hormones and god knows what, and want to support alternative business.
Why do you faggots insist on making this thread? It's not Veeky Forums related. Go to literally any other board.
>Anyone who is all "MEAT ERRYDAY" should be annihilated for not accepting the huge impact it has on the earth and not doing anything about it
You seemed to have /cult/ed yourself just fine bud. This is exactly why veganism is seen at best as a bad joke and at worst as complete insanity.
Don't forget all the slave child labor needed to make their clothing and the slave migrant labor needed to grow their food. But we all know vegans don't care about people.
R u me?
>R u me?
The only vegan athlete I known is that Rich Panini. The guy seems pretty buff despite being natty, so I think that's the secret to make it.
Yes, that's an important issue. Not life or death importance, because we already make our own, but it does matter. Creatine sups are usually from GMO yeast, and therefore, vegan, so it won't really be against your diet. Which reminds me...
OP, ever noticed how so many vegans are bitter as fuck? It's usually tryptophan and/or tyrosine deficiency. Both essential aminoacids with huge improvements in mood to the point where a person with deficiency on either has antidepressant effects. Cognitive performance boost in vegetarians with creatine is also antidepressive in action.
Tbh, I cannot fathom why someone would want to not eat eggs but have no issue with drinking milk. Eggs are superior to milk, as they have both a complete aminoacid profile, but eggs have better fats - no fat present in milk is redeemable.
Joke's on you I was already depressed before I stopped eating meat.
I don't drink fucking milk, just use whey protein powder. Dumb fuck
Except the impact cows make against climate is verifiable and real, and being or not on a cult won't change that. You're the /cult/ist.
Yeez, chill the fuck down bitch nigger fuck fartface. Kek. But do chill, man.
On a sidenote, if someone came to you and gave you a chicken, would you not eat her eggs? I'm just curious, again.
after you've said "cant complete their protein". You are really uninformormed about that.
>we should kill everyone who eats meat daily
>oh no, I'm the calm rational one here!
I know you're doing your best to convince people you're right, and it's so bad that I can't decide whether to pity yiu or just laugh and ignore your insane ass.
>but muh cow emissions
Easily fixable if you buy locally raised, pastured beef and dairy like myself. It's easy to address environmental concerns without going full poo in loo or advocating genocide.
No, I don't want to eat a hen's period. Period.
You have a remarkably poor understanding of biology. I can see why you're a vegcuck.
If you accept that animals have rights, eating animals is wrong.
There are a few arguments for whatever "natural" bullshit meat-eaters like to make, ie. that humans are carnivores.
Humans have zero predator instincts. We don't have claws to hunt and kill, to tear cows' throats out. Our hands are perfect for picking fruits from trees and berries from bushes. Our digestive tract etc. are like 5 times the length of our torso, which means digesting food takes a long time, ie. not suited for consuming meat, unlike real predators like lions and tigers.
Meat also increases blood Ph. How do our bodies deal with that acidity? By leeching phosphate from our bones. This is why Western societies, ie. meat-eating societies have an abundance of osteoporosis etc.
If you put a 2 year old child in a cage with a rabbit and an apple, which one do you think the kid will eat? Will it eat the rabbit down to the bone? I think not.
Meat-eating isn't innate, it's taught by tradition.
>Humans have zero predator instincts.
>Meat also increases blood Ph
>Meat-eating isn't innate, it's taught by tradition.
Holy fucking shit, you're terminally stupid. You're literally just lying about basic biology and human behavior just because your cult blogs told you it was true. Even worse is that you've had every one of these "arguments" annihilated multiple times before, yet you still insist on spouting the same debunked garbage every vegan thread.
>If you put a 2 year old child in a cage with a rabbit and an apple, which one do you think the kid will eat
Kek, you changed this from your retarded baby argument that you tried to use last time I see, but failed to grasp why the argument is broken to begin with
Creatine is one of those things you don't need a dietary source of because your body makes it
Honestly, if you don't have the brains to even consider what was said, and just resort to calling me a liar, you really deserve whatever cholesterol related disease is in the horizon for you.
Jaw Type
Carnivore Angle not expanded
Herbivore Expanded angle
Omnivore Angle not expanded
Human Expanded angle
Jaw Joint Location
Carnivore On same plane as molar teeth
Herbivore Above the plane of the molars
Omnivore On same plane as molar teeth
Human Above the plane of the molars
Jaw Motion
Carnivore Shearing; minimal side-to-side motion
Herbivore No shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back
Omnivore Shearing; minimal side-to-side
Human No shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back
Major Jaw Muscles
Carnivore Temporalis
Herbivore Masseter and pterygoids
Omnivore Temporalis
Human Masseter and pterygoids
Teeth (Incisors)
Carnivore Short and pointed
Herbivore Broad, flattened and spade shaped
Omnivore Short and pointed
Human Broad, flattened and spade shaped
Teeth (Canines)
Carnivore Long, sharp and curved
Herbivore Dull and short or long (for defense), or none
Omnivore Long, sharp and curved
Human Short and blunted
Teeth (Molars)
Carnivore Sharp, jagged and blade shaped
Herbivore Flattened with cusps vs complex surface
Omnivore Sharp blades and/or flattened
Human Flattened with nodular cusps
Carnivore None; swallows food whole
Herbivore Extensive chewing necessary
Omnivore Swallows food whole and/or simple crushing
Human Extensive chewing necessary
Carnivore No digestive enzymes
Herbivore Carbohydrate digesting enzymes
Omnivore No digestive enzymes
Human Carbohydrate digesting enzymes
Stomach Acidity
Carnivore Less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach
Herbivore pH 4 to 5 with food in stomach
Omnivore Less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach
Human pH 4 to 5 with food in stomach
Length of Small Intestine
Carnivore 3 to 6 times body length
Herbivore 10 to more than 12 times body length
Omnivore 4 to 6 times body length
Human 10 to 11 times body length
Carnivore Simple, short and smooth
Herbivore Long, complex; may be sacculated
Omnivore Simple, short and smooth
Human Long, sacculated
Okay, now do the same thing, but only include primates.
I'm not vegan, but plant-based foods are much cheaper.
I usually live by oatmeal on milk, pasta/buckwheat/lentils with self-made tomato sauce, eggs and some cheap fish (like sprats). I rarely buy meat, because the cheap stuff is shit quality and the good stuff is unreasonably expensive when compared to what you can buy for the same price (lots of oats or whole-wheat pasta instead of a single chicken breast).
I blast your asshole every time you post this shit, why should I be expected to endlessly debunk the same non arguments that you post every fucking thread? I'm not as obsessed as you are, and anybody with two brain cells to rub together and a basic education knows you're lying.
>not just posting the debunked "le humans are frugivores" jpeg
>plant based foods are much cheaper
Lolwut? Maybe if you solely eat rice and pinto beans, but if you want variety or vegetables then you're going to be spending a lot more.
>tfw pig and beef feet are a buck a pound
>cooking ham is fifty cents a pound
>chicken gizzards are usually a buck a pound but often go on insane sales where I can get three pounds for 14 cents
>20 butcher box gives me enough meat to have meat with every meal for a month no problem
>grass-fed butter regularly goes on sale for 2 bucks a pound
>white fish in season is 75 cents a pound
Learn to shop breh.
Are you American? I only see Americans complain about vegetables being expensive.
Yeah, but vegetables are expensive on a calorie to price ratio regardless of where you are unless you solely buy potatoes. If you want some real ruffage and nutrition then you're going to be spending some money as a vegan. Living solely off of grains and legumes is going to have piss poor micros.
This is my first time posting in a vegan thread on fit. It's obvious that your stance on the whole issue isn't based on logic, but strong feeling. Another victim of the meat-industry lobbying machine!
Sure bud, that's why your comment was almost word for word one I saw a couple weeks back. I guess all you fags just use the same propoganda booklet to guide your lying then.
>le ur mad so your opinion is invalid
No, just tired of the endless vegan shitposting despite literally every argument being annihilated ad nauseum.
>nigger foods
Enjoy your heart attack.
But seriously, anyone who lifts should eat a ton of veggies and legumes. Question is whether you eat lots of meat also, or just more legumes and some tofu/tempeh. Obviously the latter will be cheaper.
>naturalist fallacy
Also, enjoy my high-protein vegan "ham" I made for X-mas. Was awesome.
I'm vegetarian but my mom is mostly vegan. It's a little more expensive but not by more than a few dollars if you know what to get and where to get it from (for example, buy Great Value soymilk instead of Silk; it's pretty much the same thing but 50-60 cents cheaper). It really helps if you learn to cook and don't fall for the fake meat meme. I mean, the shit tastes good, but you rarely get enough out of it to justify the price. Love me some black bean burgers though.
On your meat diet, you don't eat vegetables as well?
>Veganism is just about getting your nutrients from non-animal sources. Whether it works or is healthy or whatever depends of what nutrients you get into your body. Only reason to go full vegan is environmental concern and ethical concern for animals; any other benifit can be had from eating lots of veggies and whole foods and limiting meat intake to lean meats.
>lean meats
>not eating fatty salmon
>regurgitating tired worn out bullshit someone else deficated
Stay pleb tier, forever.
Wow you meat cucks are really getting caught up in your lies to justify your terrible diet
"Vegans had higher testosterone levels than vegetarians and meat-eaters, but this was offset by higher sex hormone binding globulin, and there were no differences between diet groups in free testosterone, androstanediol glucuronide or luteinizing hormone."
>every argument being annihilated ad nauseum
I have never seen a logically valid argument against it. In fact I rarely see even bad argument, just insults and dumb fallacies.
This is a vegan thread. Why can't we have one for giving tips and such? No one is shilling, no one came into a omnivore thread and started shit. Why come here to pick a fight and then complain?
Well fish would be an exception, salmon is great for Omega3, but most meats don't have healthy fats.
Do any vegans ITT take Omega3 supplements? I've been doing it for 2 months, feeling better honestly.
Tell this guy a vegan diet doesn't work
>Easily fixable if you buy locally raised, pastured beef and dairy like myself
Local cows don't produce methane?
flax seed, walnuts and algae for days....
>your insane ass.
I am a different guy who enjoys eating meat and this is unrelated to your arguments.
you sound like a single mom in her 20s when you say this.
or really when you use the "your _______ ass." formula
it sounds really stupid.
>nigger foods
I figured vegcucks would like all of the animal being used. I guess we should just throw out anything that isn't a prime muscle cut, that's much less wasteful. Dumb faggot.
>still spamming your nasty tempeh shit
Nobody cares and nobody will make it.
I think you're illiterate.
Sure you haven't. It's easy to believe your lies when you dismiss everything that challenges your world view as "invalid".
Not nearly as much, no. High methane flatulence and feces is largely a result of a grain diet fucking up cows digestion. It also severely reduces the environmental impact from grains, transport and antibiotics that grain fed industrially raised cattle produce.
Whatever you say vegcuck.
> High methane flatulence and feces is largely a result of a grain diet fucking up cows digestion
Not true. In fact grass-fed cows are worse for methane production, because it takes much longer to fatten a cow with grass, giving it more time to produce methane.
>tempeh shit
It's not tempeh you dumb nigger.
You might not make it but it's great vegan recipe.
I'm serious. It's just either variations of the naturalist fallacy, insulting vegans and questioning their masculinity, or claiming that ethics don't matter at all (or at least that gainz matter more). A few people mention impracticalities ("it's too expensive...", "I'd have to take more supplements") but these are personal excuses and not counter-arguments.
Ok, keep talking like a complete retard.
Wow, nice source bud.
>naturalist fallacy
Telling a retard that eggs aren't periods is a naturalist fallacy?
>insulting vegans
Youre on Veeky Forums insults are part of every discussion you dumbass.
>questioning ethics
That's why basing your philosophy on fringe ethics is a bad idea when you're trying to convert others. Nice job ignoring all the scientific and logical arguments that get posted as well. I guess everything is just an ad home to you since it hurts your feelings.
Personally I just insult now because it became painfully obvious half a year ago that no amount of logic or science would ever convince a vegan. Why do you think retarded shit like "humans are omnivores", "humans can't digest meat", and "meat eating isn't instinctive for humans" still gets spammed in every vegan thread? I'm not going to write an essay just so you dumb fags can say "lol no" and spam nutritionfacts.org links and jpegs in lieu of ever refuting anything I say. I call you fags retards because you've all proven that you are legitimately mentally challenged, probably as a result of poor nutrition.
>The increasing proportion of lot-fed beef in Australia is favorable, since this production system generates lower total GHG emissions than grass-fed production; the additional effort in producing and transporting feeds is effectively offset by the increased efficiency of meat production in feedlots.
>Telling a retard that eggs aren't periods is a naturalist fallacy?
No, that's a factually correct rebuttal against one retard's use of the "ick-argument", itself a fallacy. It doesn't discredit veganism, however, just that particular 'argument' by that particular retard.
>insults are part of every discussion
Of course and I don't mind them, it's just that when they stop being A PART of discussions and become the only thing, it's not really a discussion any more. My complaint wasn't against the presence of insults, but against insults being pretty much all that was offered besides fallacies and excuses.
Scientific arguments cannot be made against ethical positions. Science can illuminate practical issues with certain actions taken in the name of ethics, but that's about it. For example, all nutritional arguments do exactly that; illuminate practical issues. They do not and cannot prove that the end goal, no animal suffering, is wrong.
Also vegans are guilty of fallacies and poor argument skills as well. I think people on Veeky Forums are just dumb?
You do feel healthier if you do it right. It will help acne but only mildly and after you have done it for weeks. See a dermatologist.
>It's usually tryptophan
Protein greatly impairs the ability of tryptophan to reach the brain. High-protein foods containing tryptophan like meat don't affect brain tryptophan that much. The best way to affect brain tryptophan levels is with foods that are both low-protein and high-tryptophan many of which are vegan.
>I cannot fathom why someone would want to not eat eggs
Associated with higher risk of cancer
What do you expect Veeky Forums to do, try to condense 12 years of primary and secondary education into 2000 words, just to have it ignored by vegan cult members? We tried this a year ago for months and most of us realized what a complete waste of time arguing with vegans is. So we just mock them now.
Vegetarian and Vegan diets have been shown to have the following benefits.
(VE = veggy) (V = vegan) (B = both).
>(VE) protection against cardiovascular diseases, cardiometabolic risk factors, some cancers and total mortality (1)
>(V) the above benefits and additional protection from obesity, hypertension, type-2 diabetes, and cardiovascular mortality (1)
>(VE) Improved glycemic control in T2 Diabetes (2)
>(V) significantly lower risk for overall cancer (3, 5)
>(VE) lower risks for diabetes, diverticular disease and eye cataracts (4)
>(B) less likely to suffer from hypertension (5)
>(VE) better metabolic profile (6)
>(B) lower anxiety (7)
>(VE) less negative emotions, improved mood (8, 9)
>(V) alleviates symptoms of Osteoarthritis (10)
>(V) healthier gut microbiota profile with more anti-inflammatory and disease-preventing microbiota (11)
>(VE) improves insulin resistance (12)
>(VE) reduces oxidative stress and improves the bodies anti-oxidant status (12, 13, 14)
> Meat is known to cause inflammation and cancer progression (the cellular mechanism by which it does so is known) (15)
1 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
2 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
3 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
4 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
5 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
5 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
6 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
7 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
8 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
9 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
10 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
11 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
12 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
13 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
14 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
15 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Kek, that's how it always starts. And if I went through and pointed out the study breaking methodological errors, p hacking (that still only brings a very weak correlation), or post nutritional studies showing the opposite, you'll dismiss and/or ignore the whole comment. I've done this before. I don't care if you eat your shit diet, I just don't want multiple vegan threads spammed here daily.
Your body doesn't make enough of it.
>And if I went through and pointed out the study breaking methodological errors, p hacking (that still only brings a very weak correlation)
Most of those have pretty good methodologies, if there were major flaws than other researchers shilling for the meat industry would have wrote comments under the article. People who have been published on pubmed can write public responses that show up instantly under articles, because nobody wrote a comment saying the methodology was flawed that indicates the study is sound.
>or post nutritional studies showing the opposite
Which are vastly outweighed by the number of quality studies showing it's healthier
>I just don't want multiple vegan threads spammed here daily.
At most there are 1 or 2 threads on it every day if that. It's not hard to just ignore them or filter out "vegan"
"Pretty good" by nutrition "science" standards is laughably bad by real scientific standards.
>showing it's healthier
See aforementioned criticisms. Weak correlations obtained through multiple unethical and irresponsible means proves nothing bud.
>>you should tolerate my daily off topic shitposting because of the filters
I'm pretty sure those studies are credible I have not seen any evidence they aren't, only baseless claims.
Also, it's not just that there is credible statistical evidence that veganism is healthier (which it is) but scientists know the exact mechanisms by which meat fucks up your body and causes health issues, for example here is one study (published in one of the top journals outside of the big 3):
>you should tolerate my daily off topic shitposting because of the filters
Oh no, you might have to "tolerate" threads you don't like, the horror! It's not like you can just not click on them, poor you.
It's not off-topic, the question of which diets are conducive to exercise, good health, building muscle, losing fat etc is extremely relative to /fitness
Naw bro I often go through periods where I cut meat and dairy because there are undeniable health benefits, but my sides rocket out of orbit when these vegans pretend they're good people to feel better about themselves. They're only "good people" when it's convienient to them
Wow, we came a long way as a race where millions of individuals can afford being malnourished and still live long.
Seriously people, that thing we have between our earns no hervibore has needs a lot of sugars, phosphorus and a shitton of ATP you can only get by consuming something energetic like animal fat.
I respect vegans, why not? Everyone has the right to die however they choose. What I don't tolerate is the vegan proselitism and the child abuse that is forcing a kid to be vegan
One study against all the physicians, doctors and nutritionists of the fucking world.
Golly gee, I'm gonna be vegan right now.
No seriously, go outside your fucking bubble and talk to an actual doctor. If after saying you should eat a little of everything you think he's an evil lizardman paid by the meat lobby, just ask another. And another. Until you realize you are wrong.
Or it turns out every doctor is bought by the lobby, obviously. Duh.
>I'm pretty sure those studies are credible I have not seen any evidence they aren't, only baseless claims.
Kek, you vegan samefags are so predictable. If I spend an hour breaking apart each linked study, my replies are either dismissed or ignored without fail. If I don't do that because it's a complete waste of time, you claim that the studies are totally fine since I didn't dismantle them yet again.
>but scientists know the exact mechanisms by which meat fucks up your body and causes health issues
Jesus you're full of shit.
>It's not off-topic
Absolutely is not Veeky Forums related in any way. Go to Veeky Forums if you wan to debate the health benefits or Veeky Forums if you want to discuss your diet. It's funny, prior to the handle of vegans endlessly shitposting their cult on Veeky Forums, I didn't really give a fuck about veganism. Now, I hate vegans and see them for the lying, stupid, willfully ignorant morons they are, and I am hardly alone in this. All your threads have done is turn more people against your cult. Congrats.
Feel free to spam more shit studies or autistically rage, I won't be reading your reply.
>One study against all the physicians, doctors and nutritionists of the fucking world.
Are you retarded? Many physicians and nutritionists recognize that veganism is very healthy and openly talk about it. That's how I know you have gotten all your info from shitty blogs and haven't read the medical literature yourself.
The consensus in the medical literature (which you would have known if you had read it) is that as long as one makes sure to do it properly and get everything the body needs that veganism is perfectly healthy and may be beneficial. Not everyone agrees that it has been solidly proven to be good but right now it's considered the mainstream view that veganism done right is perfectly healthy and is likely healthier than regular diets.
>If I spend an hour breaking apart each linked study, my replies are either dismissed or ignored without fail. If I don't do that because it's a complete waste of time, you claim that the studies are totally fine since I didn't dismantle them yet again.
In the absence of you providing any evidence showing they are bad you are just running your mouth.
>Jesus you're full of shit.
No I'm not did you even read the fucking study that I linked? Are you scientifically literate at all? It shows exactly what I said it did.
>I hate vegans and see them for the lying, stupid, willfully ignorant morons they are, and I am hardly alone in this. All your threads have done is turn more people against your cult. Congrats. Feel free to spam more shit studies or autistically rage, I won't be reading your reply.
lmao why are you so triggered? If you don't like veganism than don't go in vegan threads, when you throw a fit like this you look silly.
>lol vegans tell everyone about veganism meme
>vegans btfo!
so original