>4th day of 2017
>already fucking up
how do you guys cut? tips or tricks?
>4th day of 2017
>already fucking up
how do you guys cut? tips or tricks?
look up jacked guys on the internet
>how do you guys cut? tips or tricks?
it's simple really ... eat fewer calories than your body needs and know that's enough
and don't be a fucking pussy, just cut
does it suck? yeah
will it end? probably
will you be grateful you did it? yes
so just do it
Lots of coffee and water. Coffee suppresses your appetite, same with water but to a lesser extent. If you want, you can also buy Bronkaid and caffeine pills and take that, this is known as an EC stack and is pretty effective for weight loss. You can add in aspirin to that if you don't like your kidneys.
intermediate fasting
Indeterminate Fasting
immediate hazing
immaculate fasting
Infinite fasting
Intercept fasting
Eat nothing but sugar. Weigh out the sugar you need to cover your exact calorie requirements for the day. Then swallow it.
Drink as little water as possible, water is just dead weight. You need far less than you think.
If you get hungry you can cut your hand and drink your blood, that keeps the calories in your body and adds no outside weight.
coffee might wreak havoc on the small intestines ... after long enough most people just need to shit after drinking coffee
swap coffee during the day for green tea
I shit every morning after I drink coffee, best feeling in the world. What the fuck are you on about m8?
I note what time I eat my last meal the day before then fast for about 12-16 hours so I usually eat dinner skip breakfast in save for a glass of milk to wash down vitamins and then I just eat at lunch
>4th day of January
>107th day of clean eating
why did you start so late OP?
yeah I shit after my morning coffee too ... but I responded to someone saying drink fucking coffee all goddamn day and for a lot of people that'll mean shitting all fucking day too
What are other harmless ways to suppress your appetite?
be a man and just ignore the desire to eat like a fat fucking cow
Good ol' fashioned discipline. If you are addicted to food you should get some help instead of posting here.
i meant something less obvious and im a female with no cojones
That was me. Drinking coffee all day is a great way to survive a cut. It gives you energy. Plus, it won't make you shit if you don't have any shit.
that's the thing lady, there isn't any fucking secret magic trick out there to not being a fatass other than eating/burning fewer calories than your body needs
>there's no quick trick
>there is no easy way
I had breakfast 3 hours ago and won't be having lunch for another 2 1/2 hours and I'm hungry now ... and I'm going to fucking put up with it for 2 1/2 hours until I eat again but between now and then a couple glasses of water and a glass of green tea but there's nothing less obvious than that
Use your willpower
Resist the urge to feast on every edible thing within your sight you fat lard.
Ok, i was actually just curious about answers because i have been cutting for some time and tried some stuff and wanted to compare experience
I have more of a sugary alcohol problem more than anythign tho
>how do you guys cut? tips or tricks?
eat less
move more
Then switch to sugar free alcohol
God damn woman how hard was that?
no, i meant i have more problem with that rather than uncontrollable eating, didnt ask for help with it haha
anyway it is hard to go through a day without some cider though and other alcohols taste gross ;(
I was doing intermittent fasting for a while but it just makes me useless during the part of the day before my eating window opened. I could still get in my workouts without losing too many gains but mentally I was a wreck and couldn't focus on anything.
I know it would probably get easier if I just sucked it up and let my body get used to it, but I like eating breakfast too goddamn much. It's basically my reason to get out of bed. And working out is much more pleasurable this way.
If I'm still eating exactly the same amount of calories and macros but spread out across the day instead of in a four hour window am I really sacrificing that much in terms of cutting?
>sugar free alcohol
bruh are you retarded? there literally is no such thing
I assumed she was talking about fruity drinks and shit
>don't snack
>if you feel hungry, drink water first and wait 30 minutes before eating
>if you feel randomly hungry, do a bit of cardio
I will tell you what was my cutting plan. First there were two days of 'cleansing' which would be:
-half of your normal breakfast
-veggie soup for lunch from up to 0,5 kg of veggies with no additions of anything than herbal spices, one apple
-veggies up to 0,5 kg for dinner, same restrictions as above
water between meals
i have heard of people trying things like only potatoes day or only rice day, but it wasnt for me
i also used a mild cleanser like magnesium sulphate
after those two days it will be easier for you to eat smaller portions without getting the hunger cramps at all, it worked for me for around 2 weeks of 1000 calories diet and then i've got some really mild hunger cramps later that i calmed down with drinking water
Well memed.
Stop drinking.
Stop hanging out with people who drink.
intermittent fasting just makes it mentally easier for some people. If it doesn't work for you, just don't do it.
indefinite frosting
Irrevocable fasting.
The diet one can never leave.
heavy fasting helps me, i only eat one large meal at night around 8 pm. get used to the hunger bro
its been going well for me because ive had a cold and zero appetite. its always fun dropping the initial water weight and intestine goo the first week
>there are people in the world that have to try to lose weight
Why does society allow your weak genes to propogate. You're clearly dead weight for food production.
>Why does society allow your weak genes to propogate. You're clearly dead weight for food production.
>t.spooky skeleton
Involuntary Celibacy
Next to the actual cutting plan, i had to follow a few rules:
-3 meals a day
-5 h break (max 7) between meals. In the breaks only drink water. You can have coffee/tea with your meals but that's it. This part was a little difficult so i ended up having shorter breaks but i hope to improve on that. The basic idea is, every time you start eating something your insuline level increases and you have to give it time to decrease otherwise you will build fat and feel hungrier than you need to
-start every meal with high-protein food (eggs, almonds etc)
-you have to eat one kind of protein for every meal but different kinds during the day
-try to eat the meal within 1 hour, if it goes for longer then take a 15 min break and start with protein again
-for breakfast and lunch end the meal with around 100g of fruits (im guessing a bit more wouldnt hurt) within with you include one apple
-The amount of water you need to drink daily would be ideally your weight in kilograms/30 (sorry ameribros)
That's it, basically it is a sort of intermittent fasting everyone talks about. Oh yeah, ideally would be making like 14h breaks two times a week (the break can include your sleeping time) I also had restricted portions and things to to eat but it is individual so im sure you can figure the right portions of food on your own.
Interestingly enough the amount of food increases through the day which means the breakfast is the smallest, as opposed to the common advice.
Hope somene reads this and hope it helps
>-Don't eat anything
>That's it, basically it is a sort of intermittent fasting everyone talks about.
That's literally the exact opposite of intermittent fasting.
How? There are three meals only with big breaks and after sleep your breakfast is small. I understand some people can skip breakfast or eat even one time per day, but this is basically the intro to that.
Get the fuck off this site and join tumblr. This is not the support system you are looking for.
IF is centered around fewer meals eaten in a small window, followed by a fast. example - eating all your meals in an 8 hours window followed by 16 hours of not eating.
gotta go Incremental fasting
Agreed. It's so simple yet so effective.
Because the whole point of IF is to go a long period of time without eating. 5 - 7 hours isn't "long enough" for IF. Most people do a 16 hour fast, followed by eating everything they eat in day, within eight hours.
Not saying your way of doing things is wrong or anything bro, just wanted to point out that it's not intermittent fasting.
I explained later i asked out of curiosity silly user. And if giving advice isnt a support system then what is it?
We gave you advice and you don't want to do it you fucking cow.
Ok i understand, maybe i shouldn't have specifically named it like that (doesn't matter really, just saw a lot of definitions of IF). The mechanism is similar in the end just less 'extreme'.
Where did i write it? I just wrote i have a drinking problem which was an unnecessary information i admit. But i wrote i've being on a cut for some time and was curious about some methods anons are using aside from coffee
Also you didn't seem to give any advice, unless you count going to tumblr as one, which is only good for finding pretty images
This was my advice. Go look at the reply you wrote. You literally don't want to do the only thing that needs to be done. Now fuck off.
ah ok, i explained later though. lets leave it brah, sorry for provoking you
Is this FDA and DEA certified?
Im a fatass and have found IF to be extremely easy to do.
its ok :3