What'd you say about manlets bro?

>what'd you say about manlets bro?

fake natty ofc but has good videos, am subbed

Sounds like someone has a short temper.

Wait, he's a fake natty?

Jeff Nippard isn't a fake natty but he definitely isn't natty.

he looks like a leprechaun

Saw him years ago on bb.com. Dude looked pretty sick even then.

I'm not a huge fan of the style of his videos, but his information is worth listening to.

where's his gold?

The dude is a fucking retard
Pretends to read peer reviewed articles but doesnt know how to interpret them
Pronounces it "et el"

lmao look at how short his arms are

manlets are manlets, but this guy is a fucking hobbit with babyface

yeah lmao

his arms look short af
>tfw my wingspan is 10cm bigger than my height

i know that feel bro

Yeah my hands almost reach my knees, glad height surgery can fix that too

Lmao he looks fucking ridiculous

What the fuck is that forearms to hands ratio??Did he steal those hands from an even shorter dude?

being a roided up retard is silly unto itself. but put so much meat on a short, small limbed skeleton makes it even more stupid.

his beard is fucking atrocious

Anyone under 5'7 should stay natty.

Myself included

i think it looks glorious.