I need mental gains advice Veeky Forums; how do you shake off singular infatuation with a woman? I'm at my parents for the holiday break and can't stop thinking about a chick I had feelings for for most of last year. How do you alphas handle these feels?
I need mental gains advice Veeky Forums; how do you shake off singular infatuation with a woman...
Alphas pick up the girls they like, they can't relate to such beta feels
Hook up with a variety of other girls.
Jerk off.
probably not as good as it sounds, at least thats what i tell myself
Find another girl to pine for. After you've been through a few infatuations you learn how to handle them.
>I'm at my parents for the holiday break and can't stop thinking about a chick I had feelings for for most of last year.
nobody handles those feels. they just focus their attention on another person
For me it is devoting myself to my career and lifting. Feels are tough sometimes but Im tougher than feels.
>at least thats what i tell myself
you got deeper childhood issues that are causing these delusions in your head.
Find another girl to remind you that the girl you're crushing on is one of billions.
Honestly spend more time with her. You'll find that the real person can in no way compare to your mind's idealized version.
>tfw spend more time with her than anyone else
>tfw we are close friends
>tfw dont want to ruin the friendship
>tfw cant stop thinking about her
How do you even catch feels for one single woman? Haven't you seen all the games, attention-seeking and shit?
It's impossible to take women seriously.
Solid advice. As soon as that shit starts getting to your head, jerk off.
I live with a girl who I don't want to fuck because of the whole "don't shit where you eat" thing
she's gorgeous, high test, law student, looks better without makeup than most girls do with it. she also has a very shy personality. she was giving me all of the signals body language wise and I always catch her 'mirin.
I find myself thinking about her a bit. Then I remind myself of her negative traits, how she manipulates the betas around her into doing things for her, how she reacted when I was stressed as shit from exams and showed weakness in front of her, how she's essentially a child with no emotional stability.
I remind myself that there are a few billion women on this planet and she really isn't very special. I remind myself that I have women looking at me everyday and this attention will only increase as I get stronger and I become part of the financial elite. I remind myself of what my true goals are, and how women ultimately aren't that important to me. I remind myself that any feels you get from women are ultimately fleeting, while money and power will never leave you if you manage them right. Then I go back to work.
"It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul."
you are literally incapable of picking strong feelings for a chick if you are hooking up with 2+ girls
Sounds good on paper
You are ruining the friendship by forcing yourself to hide your feelings in an effort to maintain the status quo. Tell her how you feel. If she feels the same way, cool take it from there. If she doesn't, take some time off to accept that shit and try being a real friend after you deal with reality. Stop trying to be in this kind of schroedingers relationship where she could be in love with you or not at the same time.
Not a bad post but in the same time pretty autistic
There's no reason to be friends with a girl, do you really see yourself hanging out/ talking to her when you're married?
No decent girl will ever trust you while you're living with an attractive girl, you might as well fuck her
One hint that I think I'm starting to finally learn is that nobody is perfect and neither are you. Like really though.
in this same boat right now. Hooked up with her on NYE and now I'm back in my single apartment away from friends and family, working my monotonous 9-5.
The last good thing that happened in my life is also mentally torturing me. fug
It's a very messy situation overall.
She was initially interested yet I consistently acted like I didn't give a shit. Eventually she got mad and fucked some unemployed loser, then brought him out and tried to use him to make me jealous, which I just laughed off.
I'm not sure if she is just pretending to like me so I can make a move on her and she can reject me to bring me down a peg or two. Any time I've tried to escalate (keep in mind I'm pretty autistic and I don't really get intimacy), she acts disinterested and looks at her phone and shit, so she's probably leading me on so she can humiliate me
On the other hand she often spills her spaghetti around me and blushes, often breaks eye contact and goes red, makes "accidental" contact when we sit beside each other, asks me if im doing anything tomorrow, hints at wanting to go to the cinema with me, makes excuses to go places with me
If shes so shy around me then how come she fucked some loser who's inferior to me in every way (shorter, uglier, no job, dresses like shit) after probably meeting him on tinder or something?
I generally don't bother talking to her much when we're in the house together, I dont want to be an emotional tampon and thats what would eventually happen if we are around each other constantly, she already has her beta orbiters for that
She's a female law student so that's a red flag to me, she's probably a feminist too kek
Wouldnt he get a boner everytime he thinks of her though?
Like pavlov's dog
> talking
Whenevee you feel any type of tension/connection you just make a move. Girls will look at their phone even if they're interested in someone.
better off just bringing a one night stand over and fucking her somewhere in your apartment where she could here. Keep focusing on making money and attaining power
Dumping your feels on her is too much pressure all at once and from out of nowhere. It will send her packing. You should instead be escalating, flirting, get her comfortable with you touching her. Then in a moment when you're sharing a private joke or making casual body contact, then test the waters. Be fun, flirty, and lighthearted; not intense, beta, and needy.
I'm mirin' that poem tho.
Here is the full thing:
"Invictus" - William Ernest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Thanks dudes i appreciate the advice.
>There's no reason to be friends with a girl, do you really see yourself hanging out/ talking to her when you're married?
Not the same guy but yes, I can see myself talking to a couple of friends I have that are women.
They're fun to shoot the shit with and they provide different insights than my guy friends.
I really don't know what people mean when they see they don't want women as friends, a lot are terrible but so are men.