How often do you guys take a shit?
How often do you guys take a shit?
Averages at 3 every 2 days.
Two times a day
I genuinely wonder why, instead of a really big shit every 2 days I now get 2 smaller ones everyday
Maybe I have cancer or something I doubt I want to know
I take 2-3 a day which feels like way too much. But then again I have IBD so maybe that contributes
Shitting rn tbqh
One when i first wake up, another in the afternoon
Once a day at work usually 5 hours after I've eaten at the start of work
They tried to get u in fodmap to ?
3-4 times a day, turds with above average size. idk wtf is wrong with me, i dont even eat that much
My best was 14 times a day. I was i a bulk diet this time.
Once a day. More and you're not expending enough of the energy you ingest.
I'm eating 3.5 - 4k calories a day as a 5'7 manlet.
4-6 times usually
2-3 times a day. obligatory 1 in morning right after awakening
Once every 2 days. Not sure why. I get around 25g of fiber everyday.
Who else /nopoo/ here?
Same here. I have no idea how to fix this.
For those that do massive logs that block the toilet, try putting a scoop of washing powder and a kettleful of hot water down it. After an hour or so the poo is usually broken down and it will flush.
I'm and my poops are quite large since it's been culminating for 2 days. Usually clean public restrooms are my friend. I'm quite proud that I've been able to block 2 industrial public toilets.
WTF? None of your business, weirdo!
Usually 3 times every day and I'm very regular without even really thinking about fiber ever.
Once about an hour after I get to work.
Once usually about an hour after I get back to work from lunch.
And once usually sometime between 9-11:00PM.
>tfw get paid to poop for like 10 minutes every day
Mirin. You should dry them out and varnish them.
>he doesn't shit at least once a day
never gonna make it
4 or 5 times a day. Erryday. U mirin?
Why do americans take a dump? In the Uk we have a dump. It is similar to giving birth, you have babies not take them.
1.5 times a day on average.
like 4-5 times a day usually
>IBS master race
Same. It's at least twice a day and I don't pay attention to fiber at all. When I went vegetarian for 6 months it bumped it to 4 or 5. They were all super long and thick. It was glorious.