Will I have loose skin after I burn this fucking fat off
Losing weight
You should be fine, op. You aren't yuuuuge and your skin isn't that droopy. Just lose weight at a safe pace (1-2 lbs a week) and drink plenty of water. Plenty of people bigger than you have lost weight and have had their skin rebound.
210 at 5"9
Will I ever be asthetic or will I have saggy skin?
What's the name of the baby you'll be giving birth, OP?
Also, chill out, you wont have a loose skin because you wont make it.
No you should be fine OP. Just take it slow at a normal pace. Don't get worried you'll end up like one of those 400+ whales.
Just do it healthy. Like a reasonable calorie deduction and actual lifting.
Wrong lame cunt
I'll make it
Your physique looks just like mine, i shit you not. How much do you weigh?
About 210
At 5"9
Implying you'll make it, fucking cuck
I run about 2-3 miles a day and lift moderately also crunches and push-ups
run less, lift more, count calories
ditch the crunches
Whatever you say, home gym hero.
Why wouldn't I make it?
I'm actively working out hence the photo for advice
Fucking autist
Why would I run less and ditch the crunches? Wouldn't that hinder an effective exercise?
Cardio is a great way to lose weight I'm told
God I missed you Veeky Forums
mirin that sick core
exercise is exercise
Muscle burns fat.
More muscle more burned fat.
More cardio kills gains brah.
crunches are pointless
cardio is good but restricting calories is better for weight loss
Man how do you even get like that
Lmao couldn't not laugh at this asshole
Crippling depression and hopelessness
Oh you got that fat cause i am taller than you. Im 255 at 6'3" but my belly and tits look just like yours
Won't crunches help tighten the core?
Salty fatass
Yeah but still
Fuck you
I'm trying
I don't understand how cardio kills muscle gain?
Shouldn't I work on losing body fat before putting on muscle anyway?
What's a good mix of cardio and lifting
I'd recommend reading the sticky man.
This guy hating on you must either be a fatass or a skinny pos because anyone with a good body would encourage people like you. Gj user for lurking and trying, at least you want to lose the weight. Fuck these haters
Congratulations for the ATTEMPT of being a normal human, bubble ass.
No, fatty wants advice but insults people, he can SUCK a DICK and will never make it.
Aushwitz mode possibly?
Fatty only insults cocksuckers who insulted him
Go do your homework
I can make fun of fatty because I'm healthy in first place.
You must be living in some shitstain politically incorrect country lol. Btw you guys insulted him first, idiot. Lets all make fun of this guy for being braindead.
why? you looking for excuses not to burn it?
I hope you die in a car fire you fat cunt.
Is this b8?
If you can't handle it fatty, then dont ask.
How would this even be considered b8 mate
Dude wants to know if his body is forever ugly
M w f do a 5x5 in the sticky. Worry about form at first before adding weight
T th s do the couch to c to 5k.
Eat at a 500 deficit.
Is that a pornstar pictured?
If so give name so I can find vidz and fap
Im not op i was just pointing out one of your flaws
Yes you will have loose skin. If it bothers you that much then find another reason to get fit and do it for that instead of aesthetics, then get surgery to get rid of excess skin when you need to.
I don't think he will have loose skin he isn't that fat and has no stretch marks
Maybe, maybe not. The idea behind my post wasn't to predict the future because that's fucking impossible, but instead to encourage OP to find some other motivation to go to the gym then figure out if loose skin bugs him later. Essentially "cross this bridge when you get to it"
You're still an unpleasant asshole though.
Thats a pretty pointless question to ask, you either will or you won't, are you going to stop losing weight if you're gonna get loose skin? No? Then it doesn't matter.
Where do you lift senpai?
if you could lose 100 lbs and not be underweight you will have a little loose skin most likley
Maybe, maybe not. You dont look extremely fat but you still are fucking fat. And your chest isnt saggy so my guess is no. Just lose the weight slowly.
Do a MWF weightlifting routine throw in light cardio on one of your rest days. Count your fucking calories. Go on amazon and get a food scale you fat fuck. Go on fitnessfrog enter info and eat -500 that number.