Is SS a fucking joke? Literally less than ten working sets per session, only three times a week.
Not even 30 sets. For an entire fucking week.
Is SS a fucking joke? Literally less than ten working sets per session, only three times a week
SS is garbage. dont do it
Fine for beginners.
Alright then buddy what brosplit did you start out with?
>inb4 no reply
I mean..i guess i'll listen to a random kid in an indonesian bile farming website rather than an actual strength coach..
Nigga, what does the first S stand for? It's for newbs to take slowly to enforce form and the importance of rest. Shit, fitness isn't complicated.
How much can you bench?
im not at liberty to disclose that information with you, newfag
1. Eventually, you must do warm up sets. This allows your body to adapt to volume.
2. The program is pure strength training. Rippetoe has said that you might find your rest times increase to as high as 10 minutes per working set at the end of the progression.
3. The program is short. You only expected to do SS for 4-6 months.
4. In the beginning, the program takes very little time to get you hooked. As you progress, your workout time grows to about 75 minutes three times a week, which is enough for the average person.
15 lbs added to your squat every week isn't what I would call slow. And this rate of progress can be sustained for a good while, probably past 300+ pounds for a young man, if the program is done correctly.
>10 minutes
>between sets
Ignore this
Delet this
Mock this
Is that not obviously optimal for strength training? To prevent fatigue from being a factor in whether or not you can complete each set? How much can you squat?
not even giving you a (you) since my body and face is much more attractive than yours
Best comp result was 205kg at 74kg.
10 minutes for 3x5 is a waste of time.
Good lord, you're a fucking idiot.
Hows that 1/2/3/4 coming along? Sure you'll hit it one day champ.
For lower body, I don't think that rate is anything excessive when you're doing, what? 3x5?
Haven't OHP in years. Didn't do them at the start even.
First year of training, I was 83kg. Used floor presses, flat DB, chest flies and weighted dips to build up the bench.
6 months in. Just squat and leg press
6 months in. Good morning and hamstring curls
Your point?
It's good for strength training. It's a strength routine. The problem is 'strength base' idiots recommending it to people that want to look good
4x6 4 days a week instead of 3 is best routine fags
I didn't say it was excessive, but it's certainly faster progress than can be made by anyone who isn't a novice.
My point is you are ignorant if you think 10 minutes of rest is a waste of time. You've probably just never done a program that demands it.
Form goes a long, long way in my opinion. A weakling can accomplish a lot with discipline.
It's not a waste of time - it's a TOTAL waste of time. What would happen to your "lifter" that takes 2 hours to complete a grand total of 7 working sets for a day when he has to do a program with more work?
If you need 10 FUCKING MINUTES between sets you are either extremely out of shape or you are using too much weight to begin with. I can't believe we are having this kind of conversation.
It's a good program but it shouldn't be ran more than 3 months, 4 at most. People like to believe it's the "be-all-end-all" of training for some dumb reason.
Quack quack quack, dipshit.
Squat 315
Deadlift 335
Presses 180
Chin-ups 30
This is the potential 6 month progress of SS for the average male lifter.
Personally, I think the average guy would benefit from being at least this strong.
Except everyone that is looking to start who asks advices gets memed to death with SS in all circumstances.
Even if the new lifter specifies they don't give a shit about big lifts and just want to look good everyone tells them SS+gomad.
What would be a program you would recommend to a begginer who only cares about looking good and doesn't want gyno tits and thunder thighs?
>If you need 10 FUCKING MINUTES between sets you are either extremely out of shape
This isn't about how out of breath you are. It's about muscle fatigue. How "in shape" you are has nothing to do with it.
>What would be a program you would recommend to a begginer who only cares about looking good and doesn't want gyno tits and thunder thighs?
Why so standoffish?
>he fucking has to rest 10 minutes to do ONE PLATE OVERHEAD PRESS FOR 1 REP MAXES
Make the following modifications to SS:
Make sure you do the chin-ups ever other workout at the end.
Do bench triceps extensions with an easy curl bar on the days you don't do chin-ups.
Drop bench press and do OHP three times a week.
Add push-ups for reps after chin-ups.
Add inverted rows for reps after the tricep work.
It will look something like this:
Squat 3x5
OHP 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Chin-ups / Tricep work (alternate)
Push-ups / Inverted Rows (alternate)
These modifications increase the arm volume and shoulder frequency, while still being a manageable program for a novice.
Let me put it this way, whenever I do work that is 100%-105% of my 1RPM I don't take more than 2 minutes between attempts. My rest time for rep work isn't longer than 3. That's because I don't allow myself to be out of shape. Contrary to popular belief, recovery and readiness are trainable qualities. My original point still stands - you are so weak and out of shape that you absolutely need 10 FUCKING MINUTES between attempts at what should be around your 80-85% 1RPM.
Better diet
More activity
Simple daily calisthenics
Jogging or walking between 30 minutes and an hour every day.
Massive hangover from drinking with the guys and messing around with some cougar girls.
Why would you replace the bench press with push-ups?
If you can't do 100 pushups with good form you have no business benching.
Are you sure that is actually 100% of your 1RPM (sic)? And why do you use the term "attempts" to describe these sets that you're supposedly resting enough for?
>the only alternative to SS is a bro split
That's an incredibly dumb statement for many reasons. A 100RM is pretty much entirely muscular endurance. Do you really think a test of endurance is necessary to determine if someone has the strength to bench press an empty barbell safely? And if safety isn't the problem, what in God's name could it be?
Yes, I am absolutely sure that I am doing 100% of my 1RPM when I program it that way. I use the term "attempt" for everything above 100% because there is a chance you will fail on it.
Anyway, I am off - you guys are obviously experts on all things lifting-related after reading 2 books about it and watching some YouTube videos.
>I use the term "attempt" for everything above 100% because there is a chance you will fail on it.
Well then we can't really know if you're resting enough for them.
5. If you are not eating like a north Siberian sperm horse the program won't give you the desired results.
I dropped bench because chest doesn't matter that much for beginner aesthetics. The push-ups are there to add arm volume for metabolic stress ("the pump").
Also, from a posture stand point, chest is the least important. Most people already have a hunched over posture, so work is needed to fix this.
>if the program is done correctly
If you gain 150 lbs like Rippetoe wants you to?
No one is going to increase their squat that quickly for that long if they don't rapidly gain bodyweight. Unless they start with considerably less weight on the bar than they ought to.
I'll add another caveat to that: if they're fat to begin with, their bodyweight may not need to increase.
>t. user who has no idea how to design a strength training regime for beginners
did you come here just to embarrass yourself?
This site needs a separate board for the wannabe male models so I can stop seeing this thread five times a second.
It's because the workload is hard. It's 85-90%
This thread is still alive? At least my hangover is better lol.
What's wrong with lifting to look better?
thefuck SS stands for?
Do Stronglifts instead but throw in dips and chins on alternate workouts
Rippleshits is a bitter and demented old fool
>Veeky Forums
>doing ss or stronglifts
>not doing candito linear or alphadestiny novice
Where's this from? I've seen this linked multiple times, but never the source.
Also the recommendations are a bit too general. A change in weight increase should occur when you start missing a rep or two, not because you have trained for a certain period of time.
This is the stupidest shit I've ever heard.
The fact that you say "do chin-ups every other workout" when it's already in the program shows how clueless you are.
Why would I add a tricep accessory over a bicep or a row accessory when I press three times a week?
It doesn't matter how in shape you are. Just because your muscles are ready to go doesn't mean your CNS is ready to go.
Well while I don't agree with him, you can still get your CNS in shape as well. It's part of the newbie gains you get.
While you can, it is still what will hold you back before your muscles.
This is true, but when someone says your in shape, the CNS is usually included, at least when you're speaking about resistance training.
I remember Jay Cutler saying that he rarely allows more than a full minute between sets, and that fatigue = gains. I personally started with a PPL and never allow more than 3 minutes between sets on compounds.
when you start lifting heavy you will see that resting
Bodybuilders are full of broscience, because it was all they had before computers and such. Information was passed around and that's how you learned.
Rest times are usually a meme, at least for decently heavy compound lifts.
That's all fine and well but what happens when I make you do an actual workout complete with dropsets, accessories and rep work? Are you going to take 5 hours to complete it? Two hours is a Sheiko session for God's sake.
ah its one of these posts.
Flat bench press is godlike for chest.
>U have to do the curls and drop sets bro! Dont u wanna be swole like me?????
Squat 10x5
Squat (lighter) 5x10
Leg press 5x10
Leg curl 5x10
Adductors 5x10
Abs 3x10
How long will this take you?
I am still waiting.
(nice reaction image btw)
>getting this triggered
Top lol
>not ramping up from an empty bar to your working weight then doing your sets
Not the program's fault that you don't know how to work out
Probably around an hour for everything after the 10x5, which itself might take 45-60 mins, so maybe 2 hrs total. gym bros aren't doing 10 heavy sets of 5 across on squats anyways so nice ruse lol
It even explains in the book how to warm up correctly, top kek
i said when you are doing for strength work not 10x5 and some shitty accessories
Where the fuck are the braps?
what a fuckign cuck lol