You've done 30 minutes of cardio at 160-180bpm heart rate already today, right user?
Y-you do cardio... right?
You've done 30 minutes of cardio at 160-180bpm heart rate already today, right user?
Y-you do cardio... right?
I lift three days a week and run 24-minute 5ks the other four days. Plus 30 minutes incline walking every day.
Lifting IS cardio
>There are people who seriously believe this
On a serious note, aerobic fitness is a tradeoff between speed and weight. Meatheads and bear moders can't run and marathoners can't lift. You want to be in the nice intermediate zone.
jack of all trades master of none?
I bench press as fast as I can for 30 minutes straight. There's my cardio
>You want to be in the nice intermediate zone
>I want to be not strong nor fast at the same time
I did 8 hours of snowboarding at 4,000 feet elevation
Does this count or am I a pleb
>24min 5k
This is the most retarded thing I've heard.
This would be like claiming that being obese and disregarding your health somehow makes you a better programmer. Or that reading books somehow makes you worse at lifting weights because le "Jack of all trades xDD"
I try to do an hour of mixed HIIT and distance running every day
Not is not even remotely the same thing.
>24-minute 5ks
>low intensity cardio
>for a short period of time
literally why.png
you said it bud don't get upset now, stay strong do your cardio and eat your oats xDD
Thats called crossfit my dude
Outstanding digits friendo
Nobody else has noticed em get but you get a check from me brotha
I personally wouldn't mind being able to bench 235 and run sub-6 miles. Sounds like good stats.
running a 5k in 24 minutes isn't 'low' intensity I'd say it's pretty moderate and definitely good for heart health and overall sexual stamina. Plus dem extra calories.
Why not just do HIIT instead?
How is it not?
Do you honestly believe that doing cardio is going to have a significant impact on your strength?
Do you really believe you're going to be lifting less weight because your heart health is actually optimal?
5k in 24 minutes is slow, it's low intensity.
It's not the heart health.
You need to be heavier if you want to lift more. And every extra pound is like 3 seconds off your mile time. I used to be a skelly at 130 but I was running sub-20 5Ks. Now at 171, I'm running 21 or 22. I lift more now but I'm just too fucking heavy.
I'm trying to get faster too.
21-minute 5ks soon
Are you at least a competitive lifter?
is it really practical to neglect one of the most important things about your health JUST to be able to lift a little more?
Nope just a college student who's just trying to make it brah. I still try to maintain cardiovascular fitness because dick gainz and because running regularly literally feels vitalizing as fuck.
Long distance cardio is overrated.
If you want do cardio and lift properly, just do sprints.
Surprised how Veeky Forums has never realized it.
Then what are you trying to say? Are you not le jack of all trades meme guy?
People can be good at many things, you're suppose to be well rounded. Having a good physique but then gasping for air from walking up two flights of stairs because all you exercise for is "the pump" then it doesn't make much sense.
No I'm the guy who wrote the trade off post.
How the fuck do I run without ruining my shins?
I tried to get into cardio after being a potato because I was done being a fat piece of shit back in August, but after two days of pushing myself as far as I could, I got terrible pain in my shins and could barely walk for a week after. It's been 4 months since then, but whenever I try to run I can still feel that pain in my shins and get too afraid to do any serious cardio in fear I will ruin my shins again.
What the fuck is wrong with me? Did I push myself too far and permanently fuck my shins up? Or is there something I can do about this? I really need to do cardio but can't run for extended periods in my current state.
I do like an hour of stationary bike a day but the highest resistance is that low that I barely sweat
1) Suck it up little baby and get accustomed to it - get better shoes, learn to run properly, etc.
2) Do low joint intense cardio. Epileptical machine, swimming, stationary bike, etc.
Those shin splints. They can become permanent if you didn't rest yourself.
Running is like lifting. Gotta ease your self into it.
Get an X-ray and visit an orthopedic clinic.
Mirin those digits
Don't run on the fucking road
Get good shoes
I just do 20 minutes of HIIT 3 times a week. Rate.
like Jeff Seid right??
You're fucking wrong.
Last year I did 2 marathons and lift weights on a regular basis. Granted, I could be much faster/stronger if I focused on one thing, but that generalized statement is bullshit.
>I'm not nearly as fast or as strong as I could be if I focused on one thing!
>but it's not a trade off!
I bike to the gym for 8 miles then when I'm there do 30 minutes of stair climber for 200 floors. Then the usual brosplits.
Master of being a well-rounded athlete with a body that's actually useful in a wide range of different situations
>mfw I'm posting on Veeky Forums while walking home by the highway after my night run
I'm doing the couch to 5k thing. When I'm running I get these vomit-smelling burps and wonder if I'm close to getting sick. I just want to know what is going on here and if vomiting is a common occurrence when running.
I also get headaches fairly frequently after running. I drink plenty of water and eat OK so I think that's not the source of the problem.
how can I do cardio in pic related weather?
literally took this picture today, instead of running a 5k, I ended up walking it
ps: can u guess the country? (it's in europe)
better picture
Two sweaters and boots.
comfy desu
>guess which country
close, it's in Germany (Bavaria region)
Today is rest day nigga. But I do low intensity cardio 4 days a week for 30 mins after I lift.
it doesnt count and you are a pleb
thats comfy as fck u fat unappreciative motherfucker
I row hard for 15 min at the beginning of my workout that usual lasts an hour 15min. Level 7 and to at least 3300m. Is that good?