Cutting while at university is really fucking with my ability to study properly.
How can I work around this? I'm not going to give up getting shredded because too much of a weak cunt to actually cut and concentrate at uni.
Cutting while at university is really fucking with my ability to study properly.
How can I work around this? I'm not going to give up getting shredded because too much of a weak cunt to actually cut and concentrate at uni.
ECA stack
Shit is literal meth
stop being a weak cunt
What are you eating?
Cutting while at university is the best thing ever. Being busy with other shit is great for cutting and distracts you from being hungry etc
If cutting hinders your ability to concentrate you need to cut less calories...
How many days per week do you go?
It's just the first two weeks, after that you will not notice
I still have some few sleepless nights sometimes, but it isn't that harsh as the first two weeks
Fucking bulking man, gives you some insane craves after eating like a pig for some time
>that pic
>fucking with my ability to study
OP, don't listen to these goddamn retards. You only have one chance to get a good GPA during your undergraduate career. You have a lifetime to cut.
Fitness goals aren't something you wake up one day in a month and realize you made it. It's lifelong. Your grades are not. Don't be stupid.
OP here.
I've been lifting for 5 years and I have NEVER been under 15% body-fat.
I know it sounds stupid to be cutting now, while deep into university, but I just want to be FUCKING SHREDDED for once in my life.
I'm sick of being 15%+ bodyfat my entire lifting fucking days. Tired of being one of the only cunts at my gym who has never been sub 10% bodyfat.
I'm at a point where I so badly want to do it that I'm able to not give into hunger at all. The only issue is that I deal with tiredness and lack of concentration, which also makes studying really fucking hard and I can see my studying quality has gone down a lot since I've been on this cut (since November)
Don't be like me OP, i used all my motivation in this semester in uni in bodybuilding and fucked up 2 courses
and then in summer i did my second cut of my life and lost a lot of gains (most of what i built during the failed courses)
Are you me OP? Currently procrastinating on studying while waiting for my chili to finish cooking.
Only tips I can give are to make sure you get all and every micronutrient you should get, vitamins, minerals, all that jazz, for deficiencies show up as fatigue, among many other problems of course, and that's something you don't need. Cut slow. Regulate your blood sugar, you can't afford the crashing feeling what comes after snacking on something high in refined sugars. Fruit and berries are the shit. Sleep every chance you reasonably can.
education is so important compared to fitness that you'd have to be totally retarded to fail a course because you were not eating enough to study effectively
you can always get fit. there are 30, 40 or 50 year old guys who go from dadbody to bodybuilder in a few years or even a year
people who study toilet engineering or some bullshit might not understand it and advise you to "man up" and try doing both studying and bodybuilding at the same time with 100% focus, but it makes a lot of sense to just save being shredded for later in life and now focus on the more important thing
Pretty much the only solid advice in this shitty thread
>I've been lifting for 5 years and I have NEVER been under 15% body-fat.
That's nothing special and the main reason the FAKE NATTY meme exists.
if you can't study and cut at the same time, you have to pick one only, why make the thread when the answer is obvious.
or you could stop being a pussy, the problem isn't lack of focus or concentration not studying, you don't study because don't want to study and now you have an excuse (cuting) to blame it without hurting your ego and still telling yourself you want to study, that's all there is to it.
As hard as it is to admit, this is the right answer. I went through this and justified my cut as an excuse for me not studying . I didn't have to face the real problem- my lack of effort.
This, what course are you doing OP? I did English Lit which equaled a shit ton of library/computer esearch and reading. Only eally had time for toast for breakfast, a cheap as fuck meal deal for lunch and moderately sized, homecooked dinner.
Wasnt even trying to lose weight (wanted to maintain while lifting for a while), but did ao over 12 weeks and lost 5kg.
woah who IS that monster? I net he looks bigger IRL
>If you can't swim underwater and breathe at the same time, you have to pick only one. Why make a thread on a scuba equipment forum when the answer is obvious?
I don't know what you're talking about OP. Cutting is perfect for when I'm busy with school. My routine for the day is
>Wake up
>Go to bed
Only room for two meals a day. Even if I stuffed myself I still wouldn't have enough calories to maintain.
Only replying for blaha.
Blaha ments have been fucking insaaane lately. Good to see.
Fitmisc is still the most autistic group of trolls on the net currently, but at least it's fun to watch.