How's your prep for summer going Veeky Forums?
Still bulkan, three months to go.
169 lb
Gonna start cutting at some point but I still feel too small and that I need to bulk more
5'11" lol
u look like shit tripfaggot
cut you litterally fucking obese 17.5% bf piggy
Oh shit.
Maybe suicide wasn't such a bad idea after all.
I could in theory still fit another bulking cycle until April then cut again in time for July but fuck that I'll just maintain.
bench more
Literally roared with laughter
When do you "cutting for summer" anons start? Surely it's too early? I can't handle a 6 month cut by the last few weeks I'm not losing anything thanks to metabolism bottoming out.
I'm bulking to May then cut for 3 months to look good by August.
im ded
What the fuck are you doing on Veeky Forums Rutger.
Skipped bulking season, kinda regretting it brahs
>kinda regretting it brahs
Why? You look great
I'm ready all year
>falling for the bulk meme
Should really clean that up
I know how You feel.. I couldn't stand getting fat though
getting fat on a bulk is the real meme
Start at 8%, bulk up to 12 or 13% via +200-300 cals a day over 4-8 months, then cut again for summer. Never even approaching fat, never lose abs. Might not be chiseled year round but you'll make consistent gains and will never be overweight.
What are your lifts, you look great.
Do I look like I lift in clothes
Summer is fucking ages away but whatever.
mirin size and leanness, that's a realistic goal
thanks brah, never gonna be big enough though
fucked up my shoulder and chest, down to 2 plate 1rm on bench. squat 335 1rm. don't deadlift cuz i fucked my back as well. lift carefully brehs!
>Tfw lost 100 pounds over the course of 4 years, got cut, and then bulked 3 times.
>Tfw don't ever want to bulk, ever.
>Tfw rigorously do HIIT if I see any fat.
>Tfw Lean year round but no more PRs.
Weight and Height? Looking good m8
How do you like my /calisthenics w/ sprints for legs and distance running every other day while eating way too few calories/ body? Do I at least not look dyel?
Would it be a bad idea to eat pizza everyday at school? The only other options are greasy carbs with no protein, a ~200kcal dry ham sandwich with lettuce on it, or a ~200 kcal salad. The reason I don't want to do meal prep is because mummy pays for school food, I would need to pay for rice and chicken and greens, and I don't want to dip into my savings that I specifically worked up to neet the summer away before uni.
thanks senpai 6'0 185
Preparing for summer?? It's early january. How fucking close to the equator do you guys live? I'm not starting my cut for another few months
Dude you're in high school eat whatever the fuck you want.
Some people like to put extra time into getting ready. Bulks started in September.
Proper bulk method is Those guys getting fat as fuck are going to have to work harder to shave those eating habits and extra pounds.
what is your bench
some people got too fluffy or just simply want to take their time
if you're 20-25% bf it's time to start now. may (end of the spring semester) is 4 months away
Of those who posted... natty? I don't mean any insult, I just *need* to know.
>pls respond
Of course, if I juiced, I'd be alot bigger lol.
I only supplement Whey without any taurine, Fish oils, vitamin D, and Ashwaghanda.
you look seriously great
Thanks lad.
2 hamster wheels
6'0 190
I'm hoping 185 I have a 6pac.. Nothing I can do right now for the mild gyno..
But I'm workin
5'11 180
squat 360
dl 410
bp 280
Those nips are ready to lactate, user.
u that rugbyfag from
Nice fur. Don't shave it like all the other lady boi homos.
Those fucking traps man, looking juicy.
It looks like shit though, only gay dudes like hairy chests
He's 5'1. It's not like he has a choice other than bottom bitch.
im crying of laughter
Miring the entire aesthetic.
Nice car. Nice clothes. Nice house.
How do I be you?
starting cut monday, gonna cut 1lb/week
eca/caffiene stack
cardio once a week
focusing on the back, traps, shoudlers and triceps (doing alphadestiny's program)
You have really low standards.
I'm bulkan so not as lean as I will be in summer, plus Christmas fucked me up
hes so cute
Too late manlet
Mirin how tall and weight
Will I even reach the summer?
What do I need to emphasise to fix my shitty narrow shoulder and wide hip combo?
Should I cut too?
I'm 6'5", 189 lbs.
plz start cutting now
start cut asap
start by shaving that nappy happy trail. Then build some muscle tho if you're really 6'5" you might need sterons
One day I may but my routine is kinda wonky so I would like to try implementing a regime to work on my specific needs first before I decide the natty life is hopeless.
If I'm this skinny should I just give up?
This guy is pretty ripped and he still looks pathetic just because he's so small.
Less than impressive
brahs how much protein is actually necessary for a cut?
That back is small brah
Advice pls!
Start lifting.
post boipucci
I started stronglifts 5x5 yesterday but ive been going to the gym since september, recommend a program a little bit more advanced?
turn 16
No, do 5x5 and bulk at +350
I am :( since December
I know and it's pretty funny desu
Low standards just means I'll be comfy as fuck, doing my own thing. Wandering from place to place and meeting people and never settling down or getting too attached. The dream famalam.
either 5/3/1 or PHAT, i've had good results with both
mirin reverse curls
Would like to drop a little more fat, current BF% estimate?
i've alerted the fbi
Have been lifting for 5 months.
Had shoulder surgery last year due to dislocation issues.
As part of rehab I need to do 3x volume in back exercises as opposed to chest. Had to start from the bar and am now at 70kg.
Due to limited shoulder mobility I can only front squats.
Is it possible to achieve good aesthetics with my frame/insertions??
this place is for whites only
The Goose?
LOL get out of here you ugly nigger.
Trying to go Rugby mode mates
Need to target core a little more though.
Being this jelly,you won't make it bruh
0/5 tattoo and body
>not bulking over summer to take advantage of all the delicious calorie-rich holiday treats
Im too insecure to take my shirt off anyway
2.5 months into bulk, gone from 93kg to 100kg @ 187cm
Lifts have gone up heaps but does it actually look like ive gained lean mass or is it just fat
also gimme BF% pls
>he says without posting a current pic
ive been kinda bulking, hit 180 recently and got scared, but I still have abs if I flex so I guess thats kinda cool, but ya gonna stop being so lax on the diet here pretty soon for sure and get back to 175
Mirin delts, but those poor forearms
oops for got the pic
Lmao no the only minority not allowed here is pajeets
How much bf do i have?
enjoy ur ban
6'1 and 180 (+lighting) trying to improve my shoulders
too much
>southern cross tattoo.
>making it
Back to for you.