Mouth breathing as a child can ruin your life.
Start mewing and chewing
Mouth breathing as a child can ruin your life.
Start mewing and chewing
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Is there any evidence meeing, as an adult, can make your face look better? All I've ever seen is 'i did it for 6 months and saw some difference'
He literally looks the same wtf
At the very least it will prevent it from getting worse so IMO that alone is worth it.
Are you blind?
Two different people, the nose, ear and brow are nothing alike.
Sick bait senpai
No way that's from chewing gum
Jaw surgery. To illustrate. Chewing gum alone would never have that kind of an impact.
>mouth breather
>Still an okay jaw
Hmmmmm, explain this
Once your jaw is done developing, no. Except it won't look disgusting.
its a before and after of multiple plastic surgeries
Mouth breathing happens when your mandible ils too narrow. It's narrowness causes your nose airflow to reduce.
This mandible deformation is caused by poor nutrition and heavy processed carbs and grain.
You fags better feed your kids decent fois.
>it will prevent it from getting worse
this. Also there might be slight gains in 10 years span or more. Look at hawkings face how his facial bone structure changed in time as an adult. All because he lost his ability to keep the correct tongue and spine posture.
you need both things tho - correct tongue posture and spine posture
>mouth breather
>closed mouth on the pic
I mean I'm not gonna keep my mouth open for a pic. Mouth breathing has definitely affected the width of my face and it's narrower than it should be.
What? He looks just as ugly just older and naturally uglier with age. Lmao
You don't know what a mandible is do you?
Not native english speaker, but i meant maxila.
Yep, just natural aging.
Not even the same person
you're such a cunt you always post your attractive face all over here and get all the compliments
hate u
I'm just posting content brah, if you wanna talk and be friends I'd love to.
If you can't get friends with that face irl, you must have horrible personality
If you ain't Mewing, then what the HECK are you doing?
What the fuck is mewing
You kind of have gayface.
And def, yeah, your palate is wrecked and it seems to have caused some sort of asymmetry. Good genetics though.
>he doesn't know about facepulling
/r/-ing the video where he responds to s*uthate posts and says shit like "beta gayface".
When I try this it feels unnatural as fuck to place my upper teeth on my lower set of teeth. Shouldn't my upper front teeth be placed a bit over my bottom teeth instead?
Jesus christ, I can HEAR him breath in the first picture.
That's because he can close his mouth further than it's supposed to go, he might be toothless in the upper jaw and wearing removable dentures would be dangerous for a paralyzed person..