Tattoo thread, get that qt.1314 with your newly found bad boy side brehs

Tattoo thread, get that qt.1314 with your newly found bad boy side brehs

Always wanted one, but full body seems overboard as fuck.



Nah I'm good, I'll keep my bigboy job. Thanks though.


>getting tattoos with no meaning just so you can look like a douchebag

I'm making 85k a year and I have tattoos, if they can't see them when clothed what's wrong? Are you too young to get one?

Tattos are for faggots.

LOL found the fgt.

not getting a full body tat but am considering getting a sleeve for aesthetics

Can you please stop samefagging? That homophobia (repressed homosex) is really coming out strong in these posts. Also I think you've been cucked by a tattooed Chad with your oneitis / love interest.

If you have a dull personality or no career go for it, otherwise probably no.

>12 / 1 / 9 / 2
How new are you? Are you mad you can't get a job now because of a decision you made when you were younger? I'd be mad bro.


You would be wrong. I'm not gay, and I don't get cucked. I've been the cucker, never the cuckee.

Tattoos are for insecure people who crave attention, which is fine but it's lame to show how much you crave the attention. Some look good but most of the time you're just a trend following loser, or a poser.

LOL how can you be the cuckee we all know you're a kissless virgin on a fucking Mesopotamian brick laying image board you idiot

Getting my first tattoo on Wednesday, some norse mythology shit on the left side of my back and on to the shoulder (should be pretty large).

Should look pretty good because I roid but we'll see how I feel about it when I get off all this tren.

That projection though. You sound triggered newfriend.

>giving someone shit for posting on a Mesopotamian brick laying image board while you post on the very same board

>that pic
shouldn't have started a thread with a person covered in meme tatts

I find alot of the people on Veeky Forums care what others think about them. So think long and hard about tattoos because justified or not people will judge you.

I never saw the point in tattoos. You just put random artwork nobody actually looks at (They really only see shapes, never specifically what it is). Not only that but the possible regret isn't worth it.

This board is fun. It's entertainment. Doesn't effect or reflect the kind of person I am, but you know what does? Tattoos.

P.S. I kiss girls.


Tattoos are great; I'll never get one, though. Have piercings - I don't hate anyone with tatts.
Know three people in my life with their manhood tatted - they're we're all sex addicts and substance abusers!
Some men look great in tatts, and are great bros!