How long can you plank?
I got 1 minute 49 seconds
Plank Thread
more than 2 minutes, i don't know how long
>he doesn't sleep in plank position
60 seconds with a 45 on my back, then i add weight and try to hit 60 again.
Then try it you filthy casual normie!
Does planking even do anything? Right now I'm doing daily push-ups and chins but am thinking about adding something
Good for stomach muscles essentially, do it after doing crunches to failure and you will learn a whole new meaning of pain.
my pb is 8 hours 1 minute
>pic related
My top is like 5:30 but towards the last 30 or so seconds my form goes to shit
about 4 min and a half
and 1 min 50/2min on sides.
You get it.
did my first one ever the other day. lasted for 1m 30s. feelsgoodman
I got 1 min 51 seconds
I get bored after 3 minutes so I stop.
armyfag here
the other day we did 5 mins at pt
I just did 2:44
wow that was a lot harder than I thought but it seemed to be mostly mental strength.
i think holding a handstand is way better
but i stopped doing that shit because even though it felt great on the back and bloodflow in general, i would get one hell of a stiff back neck
i lasted 2 minutes last time i did but my problem is that it makes me hurt my back so bad and i dont feel my belly burning
Guy who has done planks for martial arts conditioning here. Its not difficult, just really fucking boring.
I miss Insanity. would probably be easy for current me...
>toes keep slipping