/PLG/ Powerlifting happens HERE
/PLG/ Powerlifting Gener
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Do I NEED to do power cleans or can i just do high pulls?
How do you guys prevent anal tulips?
I'm moving up to big boy numbers, and I'm having serious issues when I hit the bottom of my high bar squat. Will low bar fix this?
Hahaha you are all fat
High pulls are better
Prevent what??
why are high pulls better white brother?
>jerk off for a few hours
>dont feel like lifting
>>jerk off for a few hours
aaaand i'm happy im doing NoPorn
cn I gt a form Chem....
tjaks yuo.
trapy Chang say8ng butt wink ok
so donet worried....
here u gnome: instagram.com
Is there any proof this was pulled from the floor or did he take it out of a rack and walk it back?
>flu for 2 weeks
>lost 4kg bodyweight and quite a bit of strength
So, how the fuck do I get back into my shit? I was in the middle of Sheiko and now I'm trying to not kill myself.
Trappy makes me happy!
desu, that looked really good but what do I know... we probably squat the same weight for 5s.
technically you're going deeper than required, especially with Low Bar ... sooo idk, maybe cut the depth by an inch or 2 and see your squat skyrocket
brb doing Box Squats only
Am I still a dyel?
post pic
living up to the tripcode
Drop your working weights and get that weight back. A good amount of it was water/glycogen, but you've probably lost at least a little muscle and you won't be as fresh with the lifts.
>size and strength are not strongly correlated
Get a load of this guy
I wish owg were this active and had a community this good (bad)
gee it's almost like you can train for strength and never do hypertrophy work and get strong and be DYEL as fuck
if only there was a general full of strong people that look DYEL to prove my point
Did 190kg really comfortably tonight. Probably the best 190 I've done this training cycle (so, ever)
Also discovered wrist wraps on the bench aren't necessary. I mean, this hurt but 180 was fine.
I dont look dyel and im strong i think
Thumb on ring hurts for me, but my ring finger on the rings does not.
So I chose to have an almost max grip but not quite instead.
this guy is actually not wrong
I've done a small workout earlier @ around 60-70% weight...3x5 squats, 4x5 bench and some easy back work. Still can't believe that I lost that much weight, it hurts.
Reminder that this is perfect bench technique (excluding the pinky memeing) and that everyone who doesn't bench like this isn't going to bench as much as they can
Control the bottom of your squat better. You're getting halfway there, then just dropping in, so you can take advantage of stretch reflex better. Nothing wrong with stretch reflex, but slow it down slightly and tighten up your form.
It's almost like you just finished SS. You will never see someone with a respectable bench and dyel upper body. Yes there are three or four of them who exist, but you'll never meet one.
I know you will say he is constantly applying pressure to the ground, but this isn't conventional leg drive, right?
How is it better?
regardless of how not dyel you are if you spent the years you've been training in doubles, tripes, sets of 5, etc, training for hypertrophy and adding in isolation for lats and traps and forearm/bicep/tricep you would look a LOT bigger and be a LOT weaker.
This is total common sense and why size=strength is a meme/10
>Beinb named after the citie that was bombed in wwII
Squat plug
Is that BenchBro spotting you?
looks so athetlic bro, amazing sportsmanship right there.
Powerlifting is a joke.
how about you start benching like clarence instead u pussy
but the opposite isnt true
no one that is out of looking dyel has 'intermediate' strength
I'm pretty sure the finger thing is actually 100% necessary.
Sucks duder. Maybe take like two weeks to hit some 5x5's and see where you're at after that. Hopefully with some good food and sleep you'll be most of the way back to where you were.
You get big then gain strength or do both at the same time my legs are a good 11inchs bigger then when i started and im pretty twinky
I am sorry and I am sober now. Took a sleep aid and drank a load of water so I should be... normal, lel.
Truly ebin meme
It isn't, no. Most people don't know what leg drive is and the idea that hip shift can move the bar is hilarious desu
It's actually really impressive how stable he is.
Clarence is not a powerlifter.
Keeps you way tighter and more stable. I like this kind of leg drive way more
> Maybe take like two weeks to hit some 5x5's and see where you're at after that.
Sounds good....thanks, user.
just look at this behemoth
must be pretty weak seeing as how he has 0 size
I literally never seen anyone bench with such leg drive other than that single webm you post.
I don't know if I trust it
What if you hit a shitload of doubles then two quick bodybuilding exercises like a normal person? Also, the big guy would be able to get his numbers up pretty quickly once he wanted to.
You haven't been paying attention to real powerlifters then
It's common for lolfedders to have shit technique.
Does anyone have the pic showing the bench grip of 4 jap lifters?
Can't find it anywhere in the archives and for some reason I didn't save it.
I think it included Daiki, Yusuke and Fukushima... Daiki on the bottom right corner.
How to do it?
Being a big fan of candito that pic doesnt give justice
Because you're gonna overtrain and fuck your shit up by doing too much volume (doesn't take much to be overtraining if you're do hypertrophy work after a 'shitload of doubles' OR not be able to do enough hypertrophy work to get /juicy/
>got a free ($0) deep tissue massage at lunch
>therapist said my entire right side is much tighter than the left
Explains some shit
He's probably both bigger and leaner than you are and I'm positive he's got a better bench than you.
squat. bench. deadlift.OHP. Long ago, the four lifts lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when trappy chan attacked. Only the blueshu, master of all three lifts, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he got three reds. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new blushu, a powerlifter named Jacob dindle. And although his powerlifting skills are shit, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe BLUESHOES can save /plg/.
>you're gonna overtrain
Oh so you really did just finish SS. That's cool, welcome to /plg/.
I don't know, I'm not very good at not moving when I start the descent
This is me trying to do it but I don't have that stability and I still shift around in my knees and torso :/
I mean he's hardly dyel there but that's two years of noob gains and bodybuilding
and he trained for what a decade?
sure if you train powerlfiting for a decade you won't be dyel, but you won't be nearly as big as if you trained for hypertrophy for a decade
common, common sense
also the only reason he doesn't look dyel is because of low bf %. how do you not know this? everyone looks good with 8% bf. I looked pretty big after one year of training at 8-9% despite being a fucking reed
Reminder that if you want to get big, you have to try hard
>but that's two years of noob gains and bodybuilding
if any one cares, I did manage a squat "pr" and basically had one of the most commanding 405 lb benches I've ever had after first skills test despite using actual competition PR's for sheiks
but everything came crashing down after that soooo yeah
>tfw always going to be living in the past now
Most people "training for hypertrophy" for a decade will hit a wall because they have no progression structure to their training.
it's such a mediocre weight it's embarrassing it took him so long to finally do it
Im not dyel with 2 years of training lmao
>needing a decade of pl to look good
Man you must be a dead end genetically
i was going to do that
but i failed and masturbated this morning
uhh please just let me back. I've had 51 units in 4 days and I've thrown up already ;-;
I haven't been myself, why did you have to punish me once I started sobering up...
lamo he's smaller and fatter than me before I started using gear
typically first two years massive size gains are achieved,
you would know this isley if you didn't fucking waste time on a powerlifting routine making no size gains
I started with a split when I was 16 you idiot. I didn't even know what powerlifting was for years.
omg guys, creatine is steroids and they're feeding it to kids!
I care :3
Why did you use to say you didn't make gains on it? Or was it other people that said that...?
>before I started using gear
ahh well that does change things and gear will let you get bigger while still being weak if you decide you dont want to get strong
not the same for natties
back to fraud lad
>trys to make points about strength=/=size to nattys
>uses gear
Go away
maybe that's why you looked better at 18 than you do now idiot?
or maybe it's because you can't stop eating mcdondalds, or some combination
even natties can make size gains while being weak. volume is key. hypertrophy is key.
It all depends on your goals. If you want to be big, train for hypertrophy. If you want to be strong, train for strength.
This is basic fucking shit idk why I'm getting argued with
Candito is fucking living proof, there are guys pushing 1/2/3/4 that look like that because they just train with a fucking 2 pl8 bench in sets of 5 and 8-12 rep range never getting strong but looking good
OK so, I haven't been able to be on the site too much (besides /tv/) because I had a lot of things to deal wih in like the past 3 months, and now it turns out trappy is back? What the hell happened? And I mean, what was the original drama, and how was it fixed that she decides to come back?
I didn't make gains on it, my fucking squat plummeted to like 550 lbs, bench to like 365 and dealdift was like 635 on a good day
over training is real lmao
Im a twink like candito
I looked better because I ate like an orthorexic rabbit
>even natties can make size gains while being weak
>guys pushing 1/2/3/4
>2 pl8 bench in sets of 5 and 8-12 rep range
do you even think about what you are writing?
Which is fine... you train for strength and you are strong.
You hit your goals bruh.
If you want to look big, you know what to do. Lower weight. Increase volume. Way more sets. 8-12 rep range.
This isn't rocket science.
Unsure how you'd look post cut because of how fat you are desu, it's just not even possible to tell
It's a straight up guessing game, who knows what's underneath the blubber
But you squatted 615 in the program? o-o
What happened?
I'd look like a natty Virtus
Who here plans to have a gay experience in 2017?
>Unsure how you'd look post cut because of how fat you are desu,
you admit he looked good younger, yet since getting bigger and stronger, you think it is even possible to look worse if he cut again?
do roids affect the brain?
>do roids affect the brain?
Yes, they do actually. Lower your IQ.
makes sense Tbh
Should I start doing more than 5 working reps of deadlifts per week?
>These preliminary findings raise the ominous possibility that long-term high-dose AAS exposure may cause cognitive deficits, notably in visuospatial memory.
Okay, not IQ
Reasoning wasn't tested
Can someone direct me towards a program that's appropriate for a lifter who has been training for just over 2 years, whose deadlift and OHP are both advanced for his bodyweight while his bench and squat are still intermediate?
This is according to the exrx strength tables
i love powerlifting
Bench more and squat more, high intensity and high volume
This is a pretty awful study, Isley. Have you actually read it?
over trained. I hitn those half way through
should have just ended the program there lmao
Post discord invite
steroids improve cognition
fuck off kiddies
C6W with something else replacing the bench days can work well
>inb4 sheiko
LMAO, did you really say you dont look DYEL
Because you look like the average highschooler who plays league of legends 8 hours a day.
Go ahead, cunt.
Sheiko for everyone right?
Hmmm, I see. It was the 4 days program that's available in the forum, right?
Do you think it was due to the heavy maxes you used, or just the volume was too much for you anyways?
Btw sheiko has programs available for 120kg+ lifters now, he calls them small load (over 80 is medium load, under 80 is high load). Have you seen them?
Has trappy adressed why she left and why she came back?