theoretically, what would happen if we injected exogenous hormones into younger males?
just for a baseline, lets assume 13-16
would GH improve everything about their bone structure? would test give them DICKMAXX?
theoretically, what would happen if we injected exogenous hormones into younger males?
just for a baseline, lets assume 13-16
would GH improve everything about their bone structure? would test give them DICKMAXX?
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Not OP but what would the negative side effects be.
patching sellstograndpa
this experiment has already been done 3-4 times
David Laid and his friends (who also have their own fitness youtubes) who are all 18-19
so you essentially become chad godmode?
it should only be done once you are satisfied with your height though, since once you start gear u are probably not gonna grow anymore (or if ur low test and cant stand it anymore)
just LMAO if you think david laid isnt natty
Heart attack in their early 40-s if using test and cancer in their 30-s if using hormones.
afaik arnie and some other pro BBers have been juicing since youth, and they're still relatively healthy for their age
you are an idiot or david laid shitposting in disguise if you think david is natural
his lifts are prodigal for his age and his physique gets disgusting results despite his daily fast food diet
just natty fearmongering
look at, like u said, all the pros, who are both fine and also using YEAR ROUND 100x the dosages that normal people will ever use
nice to see some good old delusion
you dont want to use gear as an excuse to eat like shit
while you can still get results aesthetically, your health might go to trash
gear already fucks with your cholesterol.
my friend was using like 1/3-1/4 my dosages and has a worse cholesterol than me, because he eats like shit and i eat perfect. i just tested my cholesterol after using tren for like 5-6 months and it was good... meanwhile he was just on like 600 test and he is fucked
so do you think using juice on teenagers wont be that dangerous, especially at relatively low doses?
i cant find alot of studies on this tbqh
>linking me the iifym meme
Dude, I've been cycling for years and I'm telling you that David, without a shadow of a doubt, is on gear. Please stop deluding yourself.
no one gives a shit about lifting numbers
you will never look good natty
yeah, depends on the steroid. test is pretty mild. tren will fuck up your lipids if you eat like an idiot. what you need is good support (megadosing fishoil, coq10, etc.) in order to minimize the damage
dangerous in what regard, it effects a lot of shit that is completely unrelated to eachother
but the "too young" thing is only a meme unless you are talking like under 18 years old, because literal kids shouldn't be fucking with illegal chemicals anyway just out of common sense since they probably don't know what kind of commitment it is
the thing is though EVERYONE when starting gear except for the genetically super lucky will get fucked up estrogen and need to learn to control it. but high estrogen will seal your growth plates permanently. so if the guy is satisfied with his height there is no reason not to start as long as he accepts the risks (which are extremely exaggerated by the media/normal people)
funny thing is i didn't even take fish oil or any supplements, and my health markers were all basically perfect. gear was legit too, no question about it.
so it all comes down to personal choice?
i imagine if you use proper PCT (or just B&C) the estrogen levels would stay down
would doing this approach mitigate the side effects? (like epiphysial plates, acne etc?)
probably genetics
again the only permanent thing you could possibly regret forever (as in, you roid then 4 weeks later decide to come off because it's not for you) is the sealing of your growth plates. you wont care your cholesterol is fucked up for a few weeks, or that your blood pressure was high for a little bit, since those will just come back down. but the height thing can leave you forever wondering if you could've been taller (again, only if you are not satisfied with your current height)
the second you inject exogenous test you are gonna raise your estrogen, no one knows by how much until they try it themselves, everyone's different. some people need ai on 100mg of test, some people don't need it at even a gram (like bimbo).
pct and b&c has nothing to do with that since that shit would come into play only after the point that your plates would be sealed
every side effect is completely individual also, but you have to think about them all and accept them potentially happening before you roid, since you might get all of them, you might get none of them. there's no way to tell until you try. but you don't want to start roiding expecting no sides and then regret it because as it turns out you get bad side effects from it
To yourself maybe not.
To normies? Get a six pack, chest, arms, and you're set
you can look "good" to fat fucks and young girls that like justin bieber, but you will never turn heads or make people look twice
I'm running 400mg a week of test, on week 4, and have to take 10mg of aromasin every damn day just to keep my nipples from being sore
prove it
imbeciles like this are how the fitness industry exists
probably spends hundreds on "supplements" and "routines" endorsed by youtube natties
>the "too young" thing is only a meme unless you are talking like under 18 years old
Thats literally what the entire thread is about, sideeffects of young teens using steroids.
the guy i replied to said teenager
Carry on then.
Genetics play an extremely complicated and enigmatic role in determining your development, and there are many, many hormonal processes that are at play.
It wouldn't make all kids look like Jeff Seid or Zyzz if they juiced from age 8. You know how Jeff's dad is a pretty good looking, manly, tall guy? He didn't have juice at age 13 like Jeff, but he turned out the way he did