Is he the perfect human specimen?

Is he the perfect human specimen?

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>balding in his 20's

Isn't Dom Mazzetti way bigger? (i hate this meme)

he fell for the balding powder meme

but how big is his dick

He abused steroids like candy when he was already predispositioned to balding.

desu id rather spend 3-5 hours a week in the gym and be athetlic mode than some balding gymcel roider that spends all his time in the gym

Dom definitely has a bigger ego

>always wears hats
>25+ years old and wearing Air Jorden clothes, caps, etc.
>so insecure about his balding that for years now he hasn't exposed his head in a single instagram post, youtube video, etc.

This dude is trash, imagine what is thoughts are about himself before he falls asleep at night. There's gotta be much more there than ya think.

lmao what a fucking manlet. this guy is a midget. iphone 7 is 13.8 cm tall

>Who is Mike Tornabene?

No, he is.

He'd be better off just shaving it all and ditching the hat

thats too big

women want brad pitt in fight club

women are fucking retarded

that looks fine, whats his deal with the hat?

Why are you wasting your life lifting and eating perfectly when in reality women just want a dad bod? Just fucking eat pizza and drink beer ya nerds.

Crippling insecurity? Same reason he built a body like that.Same reason all of us started lifting.

i started lifting because i want to see how strong i can get. i don't care about aesthetics although i don't want to get fat either

only those tfw no gf people think that lifting will get them a gf. those who actually had one when they were dyel know that it doesn't matter and if a woman does care about looks more than you then she is not worth it and she's probably already banging 10 other guys on the side

why does he wear the hat?

He has good skeletal structure for bodybuilding.

Narrow hips. Wide clavicles. Obviously responds well to roids.

Perfection is pretty subjective. What if I thought that as tall as possible (without gigantism) and muscular was perfect? Then I could go with Andy Slocum, even though he's a grade A douchebag, he's 7'2" and 370 pounds... pic related

inb4 people miss point and think 7ft+ roider is perfect either. Point is = perfect is subjective

>if a woman does care about looks more than you then she is not worth it and she's probably already banging 10 other guys on the side

So what, like 99% of western women? Women care about looks just as much as men care about looks. "Personalities" are all basic, generic memes. It doesn't mean a woman won't settle for less if she has no other options or low self-esteem, just like men, but it doesn't mean they don't desire better.

Lotta loyalty for a hired shitposter

Lol, u call that perfect? I see a guy with wide hips and an ugly face.

He needs to be 5% leaner & needs bigger arms, legs and lats.

>experience from Veeky Forums boards the post

>so insecure he wears hats 24/7

Nah, he's cool tho.


Stop shilling for yourself faggot

He just looks fake and ugly

>I'm ugly

>Muh Chink pussy

Sorry you can't accept real life facts. But the truth is a majority of personalities are boring, generic interchangeable replicas of each other. Women simply choose the best available option to them based on objectively desirable traits based on looks, money, and social status. In terms of sexual desirability, looks absolutely come first. And you better believe she'll trade up the second she has a better option. Sorry you think you're a special snowflake

Sorry, can you try speaking in complete sentences? I don't speak retarded

Most of those guys, 95% are Beta approval seeking pussies.

Maybe 1 out of 20 guys show leadership personality traits.

Those traits certainly do carry them a long way.

If you are a Beta male, then you will be selected and ranked like all the other interchangable betas.

If you are a guy with leadership traits who does not seek female approval then girls chase you.

Yes, there is some overlap between desirable physical traits, height, frame, face, etc... with guys who have leadership skills and other Alpha behavior traits. Not alpha like every douchebag calls himself, but the real thing. The guys who other men naturally follow.

However, those same behaviors are NOT limited to tall guys with good looks.

Plenty of tall good looking Betas out there. Good looking losers who seek approval and who girls walk all over like everyone else.

he has a perfect ass at least.

>those same behaviors are NOT limited to tall guys with good looks.

Those guys are exceptions, not the rule. For a majority of people, your looks correlate to how "alpha" you are. A tall good looking guy with great genetics who's had the world bend to his every whim his whole life is of course going to be confident and show leadership. At the same time, a not so attractive guy who's faced constant rejection his entire life might have a little trouble, unless he's rejection simply doesn't register in his brain.

Also, I personally know tall, ACTUALLY good looking "beta" guys who have swarms of bitches lusting after their cocks. They don't suck up to women, but they're overly quiet and socially awkward. Despite that, there are girls constantly asking their friends to set them up on dates. They don't try to act alpha or pull any of that stupid pua shit. They just maintain normal, boring generic conversation and get laid left and right. This is the reality we live in.

Every tinder catfishing thread pretty much verifies the fact. Good looking guys can get away with literally anything. From being "alpha" to literally acting like autists to saying they're virgins to discussing rape fantasies. It literally does not fucking matter. The mental gymnastics women perform in their minds has no limits. Have you ever heard women know within 30 seconds of seeing a guy whether they would sleep with him? It sums it up completely

You would think some 6'3 mass monster guy would't have such childish insecurities such a perfect hairline and just shave that shit off and look like the rock.Shaved head+shit ton of mass is tough guy 101 and pulls mads pussy.What an insecure bitch.


S-Stop bullying Bradley pls

I don't know. I am pretty neutral about him desu, seems like a cool dude and he is pretty fucking strong even for a roider. But I really can never get into fitness "celebs." I just don't have any interest in making it a lifestyle or watching gym videos.

It looks way worse when you see it in videos IIRC. Especially when it's a little grown out.

Dont try,these guys will declare you as a beta if you keep telling the truth.
I just cant understand it,why the fuck do you think women prefers personality over looks.
personality,social status and money might get you a wife,because of this way woman knows that she can use these conditions,but none of these traits will excite her as sexually like looks do.
MAJORÄ°TY of sexual excitement comes from looks,this is the truth.

>Sorry, can you try speaking in complete sentences? I don't speak retarded

he wears a fucking hat in every picture i've ever seen him in. has he fused with it?

You forgot
>Is richer than 99% of Veeky Forums will ever be

you are fucking delusional. take a look around next time you're outside and look at couples and most importantly at the guy. 9/10 he will be average looking and a dyel.

the fit meme that you need to be

>6'+ tall
>lift for 5 years
>make 500k per year
>look like a model
>have 10" dick

has gotten to your head

Back when I was dyel and still a manlet I got a gf who was taller than me and objectively hot.

>the leadership meme

Last time i saw a lot of alpha leadership guys, they were drunk hobos walking in the street yelling shit to people

i like this meme actually

High lat insertions... no real massive V.

Pouty nose and lips.

Small hips, not much real "farm strong" power.


>pic related is what was good once


>Doesn't make a line with his arms
Arnold doesn't approve

The behavior you just described of those "beta" tall good looking guys is that of men with options.

They don't say a lot to the girls. This is an alpha behavior.

They probably also move slowly, and don't brag about themselves either.

Attempting to talk yourself up IS approval Beta behavior.

I agree the PUA stuff is dumb as shit, especially when it gets to wearing dumb costumes and shit.

There is some truth to the general concept of having game however. Learning to adopt some of the behaviors of alpha males, and avoiding certain cringy Beta activities.

Those good looking guys who get lots of attention probably do not overly invest in those girls for example. They don't send essay long texts like I am typing right now.

They are not johnny on the spot to respond either.

They are probably slow and lackadaisical about it.

That is a demonstration of not being outcome dependent.

It is the true opposite of "try hard", and is a true characteristic of the Alpha.

There is no harm that a shorter less good looking guy would inflict on himself by adopting things like that.

Talk a bit less, shorten replies. Move slower in general. Don't ask her for any kind of reassurance.


I don't see a huge dick bulge.

>being 7'2" and built & not having a giant schlong
>dissapointing all teh womenz

This guy is

Idk. Clarence deadlifted 750 I think. Only seen Bradley do 700. Could be entirely wrong though.
>tfw the trainer is mirin

I hope he enjoys his life until 50, even with cardio that's all he's got.

>so insecure about his balding that for years now he hasn't exposed his head in a single instagram post, youtube video, etc.

>deadlifts 7plate
>not much real "farm strong" power.


why is he /micropecs/

great body and does some sirius lifts. its a shame hes so insecure about his hair though.

because pec don't matter for fighting

>hair = perfection
>what is head shape


He looks pretty good with his head shaved desu. No homo


it's literally the punching muscle

lack of hair = not perfect

so you punch with your pecs huh?
youre pretty good

What do you punch with, your biceps rofl???


the punching muscle is the serratus

the pectorals contribute, but they arent the actual muscle

i have completed 300 jelqs in front of my computer, the kind that is indestinquasable from the real thing, i feel like i can pack the power of a thousand punches with my omega dick so you better sget of that keyboard filthy dog or its going straight into your face

what is, steroids and hgh?

Shaq's the same size, he's over 50 and doing just fine.

Bradley Martyn before roids

He should just keep shaved desu. Looks good.

Can I get this physique natty?

A little late but I can answer this. My wife had a fling with Bradley before we met. She guesses size better than most other girls I've been with and she said he was about 8" and girthy. Taking into account the slight girl-inches I'd say he's 7" length minimum.


Too autistic.

Funny when he is with Mike though.

I know this will be unpopular, but I'm a girl and I don't really like really developed lats. It reminds me of ninja turtles.

duh. don't let the weak willed shitters here pull you down.

girls have dogshit taste and don't know what they like.

i bet atleast one time in your life you've appreciated how aesthetic a developed back looks.

shit like makes me want to turn in my natty card

>Bradley plz

hair's pretty important for women

Maybe instead of telling girls what they like, you should listen when a girl tells you what she likes, you piece of shit.

His face is not good looking. He's got them down syndrome eyes.

Height has nothing to do with your dick man I'm 5'9 and have an 8" dick
Lanklets having big dicks because of height is a meme

That guy won't make it far when it comes to survival, that body is for show, not for efficiency. Not my idea of a perfect body

alright well when a zombie apocalypse happens i hope u make great use of all that functional strength.

you're a cuck and you don't even care. Incredible.

>when it comes to survival

Nigga you on Veeky Forums planning for the 'efficient apocalypse body'

Shit arms, his muscles dont flex when he flexes, they just.. kinda sit there, the biceps particularly

Curious. Do you think you're going to find a virgin to marry?

its crazy how a cuck can be so secure but a non-cuck like u is probably riddled with insecurities.

Except he can bench over 4 plates and do dips with an adult male on his shoulders.

isn't he fucking nikkei blackkettle

BMFIT can do it all. your just a jelouse bitch ass pussy who can't even bench 135lbs. nigga please you micro dick faggot.

she shits on his chest