Powerlifting general /PLG/

THread for powerlifting, chatposting, and shitposting.

Some of us are powerlifters. Most aren't really.

>meme edition
Post good memes lads

post the original alignment chart and not this shitty one


This old man for the last 5years kept talking about how my lifting is gonna get me injured. Like every pull or squat he got a little more excited and smirked that im an inch closer to fucking up my spine. Hochocheechee i am telling you youre gonna get huuuurrttt kind of shit

Ironically he slipped on ice today and could only do arm workouts and probably will not recover for many months. Actually hes fucking retarded and probably wont ever recover. Its just a funny story to me.

how do you run sheiko? 31, 32 then 37? all these memey numbers and v2 programs. What do you do afte the initial 4 weeks´? max or just jump to the next number template?


@fat retard

there's no lowerbody day on w2d3 of C6W anyway

Tbh everyone gets hurt at some point most likely and he will say i told you so
you will find that quite funny too, infuriating but funny



Thank you, now everyone can delete thgeir garbage ones and use the real one.


Whatever, the second lower day of week 2. You know what I meant.

Why am I still on these things?

hey boys. I boned a hot naprapathy student last night. she's 28, I'm 27.
I had been sexting with her a long time before we finally met up. we're
going to start seeing each other, it was not a one time thing. I also even
talk about how I'm a big manly viking with a barn door back and I'll do her
every which way. also she's hot, thin waist, good ass, good tits. pretty face
and easy to talk to. and she's letting me get away with being a viking and
talking a bunch of shit. I even showed her Veeky Forums and some 'mirin thread.

but I don't feel anything towards her
now that I've fucked her. It's
all just kind of empty. Is
it me not realizing
my emotions
or what
is it?

because deep down you are still loved

none of these trips are active anymore


Cause you made yourself a funny character by acting stupid, having exaggerated manners, and opinions that borderline poe's law.

Just embrace it lad.

All of them are still posting, except Norsefat who doesn't post because his life is a success and he's busy dealing with it.


>deep down
Joe is literally the best active trip

Should I incorporate power cleans into my routine, if my target is simply to build strength and some muscle?

I really enjoy compound lifts. I do squants, diddys, pendlay rows, OHP and bench split into a PPL split. My pull day is, however, lacking in a nice second compound lift, and I was thinking I could start power cleaning. However, this lift seems quite technical and I'm wondering if one can safely learn to power clean with decent form and technique simply by filming oneself and learning the lift online (videos, reading)? Am I better hiring a PT for a day, or is it just a waste of money? I can do all the other compounds with good form and correct technique. I learned them myself just using online resources and filming myself.

the active ones are shit, all jews or weak or mentally ill faggots that unironically like traps.

This is a thread for powerlifting lad.

Literally all of them except Filip and norse post on a daily basis.

Am I jew?

Thats mean

he should put his trip on more often tho

I wish you'd trip so I can filter you.

>not posting everyday

Phil hardly posts either.

Trip on Fil I'm into your game.

You are a mentally ill faggot that unironically like traps.

It's anoko to ikoto

i don't get it, why not just do them on seperate days

power cleans aren't hard at all. Watch some klokkov videos and you learn easy.

The weak ones are getting stronger. Jews are not bad and I think most people like Trappy because she is legitimately helpful, not because of her sexual orientation.

Damn dude what brand is that? I could see the projection from a mile away!

Oh of course

Trappy makes me happy

Because some of us don't have time to go to the gym more than 3 times a week

What did liths gf mean by this? :thinking:

Aren't you like a sophomore in CS?


is that Jeff a joff?

CS + Pre med senpai. Last semester was absolutely brutal

>no time

you are doing something wrong.

>Pre med

Not everyone is a business major.

>don't have time to go to the gym more than 3 times a week
constantly shitposts all week

>the active ones are shit, all jews or weak or mentally ill faggots that unironically like traps

This is objectively all correct. Makes me sick that all the straight white males are gone. They tend to be the strongest. Some straight black males have been strong here too.

Ebin new Sean character

Take something that isn't feminist tap dancing theory and you'll see

What about that is confusing?

Shit posting takes 3 seconds, and can be done anytime, anywhere. Not only that, but I've been posting with extremely decreasing frequency.

>What about that is confusing?
Didn't know you were going to be doctor.

>Ebin new Sean character
I am most literally not sean, nor any diversionary fragment of that projecting little homo's personality.

Shut the fuck up you tranny dick craving faggot

I'm straight and white and will hopefully hit 400 wilks before the 2020s.


I really hope so. Be a man. Strong, masculine, moderately-meming and heterosexual.

>computer science
>above feminist tap dancing

lol get a fucking reality check. You not having time is your own fault for being garbage at time management and studying inefficiently.

>Going to be
Strong implication there senpai. I doubt that I will be able to get into med school


tfw you're a straight white male but you will never have 400+ wilks because you're too tall for that shit


Also note that I don't resort to imitation like
when I get utterly buttblasted like the alco-leaf.

>all this insecurity

Why are millennials so bitchy about everything? Is it because you were sheltered all your life, or because you didn't leave the bedroom?

How's the trap gf going?

>too tall
Brandon Campbell does just fine. As do many other tall guys. Rely on your deadlift.

If not, then go be a beer-league basketball or volleyball player, you retard.

>wakes up next to women (male)



>bragging about 400 wilks
>feeling of superiority above everyone else because of things you were born with, and took no effort from you to achieve

You're my favorite sean character so far.

>because you're too tall
*because you are a lanklet that refuses to go above 93kg weightclass

Neither your back nor sexuality are capable of staying straight while trying to pick something up.

>bragging about 400 wilks
Just the facts. If you don't have a 400 wilks, you shouldn't be a cunt about it. You should be trying harder.

This place is a fucking embarrassment. Grow a competitive bone you limp-wristed wimp.

Even a fucking GDE like myself (Isley) has 400plus wilks
And is a straight white male. But that was the easy part.

tfw taller than 3inches taller than that guy


110kg and rising fuck up nerd

>feeling of superiority above everyone else because of things you were born with, and took no effort from you to achieve
yet there are people that try to make you feel shame for the exact same thing of being a straight white male

I agree with Sean on this desu.

You're 6'7"?

Time to hit the juice and go full-strongman. Don't stop blasting until you're over 300 lbs at that height, bean pole.

This biscuit gets it.

You need to be a doctor. I want you to be my doctor so you can prescribe me more test.

>straight white male

but you crave tranny cock, that makes you gay

Yh im 6'7. No juice for me thanks im too retarded to remember to take my doses im just gunna go for a 300kg DL and not give a shit about wilks because it doesn't count for abnormal people like me

I had 450 wilks in 3 months.
You're literally nothing at 400 wilks. The bottom of the barrel. And yet you think you are the ELITE of /plg/ for having 400 wilks being white male and straight.

You're not even close dude.
KYS to be honest.

And none of those people are in /plg/

Trappy is a girl


i actually laughed out loud




you are 6'7 and only 110kg
actually try getting bigger before complaining about wilks
you are the same weight as 5'5 screamer ffs

your wilks and strength will go up with weight

Tbh its more like a 400 should be minimum, not that it is elite

ok dino?



all the trips on here are giant faggots. got there special little reddit tier clique where they put all their stupid personal business on blast. imagine getting your friends together in an AIM, MSN or ICQ chat and expecting vast crowds of strangers to read and follow your activities as if you were even worth a shitty reality show. None of the trips are even strong ir funny, they are all just a bunch of cringey attention whores with too much free time.

I have seen 0 social justice warriors shit up a /plg/ thread.

I see 2 alt-rights PER DAY shitting up at least 2 to 3 /plg/ threads.

Really makes you think.

460 is the MINIMUM.
Anything under is average at most (430-450).

>wooohoo I finished college being the last of my class, I'm such ELITE

Im well aware of that thanks, i'm just saying that wilks will never matter for someone my height also

>comparing me to a roidaroo


Glad you feel better for posting your stats. I notice that you did not say anything about being male, or straight for that matter. Nobody is perfect.


>I have seen 0 social justice warriors shit up a /plg/ thread.
You don't need a telescope to see all the feminine dick orbiting homosexuals that spam this board daily. You probably only need a mirror.

AHAHAH fucking KEK

>wilks will never matter for someone my height
if you refuse to get to the necessary bw then ye you are correct

Reminder if your sexuality doesn't include trans people, you are a bigot who is no friend of mine

What's sad is that I AM all the things in my name.

And you are only projecting. Sad. Feel free to ask me fitness related questions, I'd love to help a wretch like yourself to become a man.

ahhahahahahah FUCKING lel



yeah okay buddy you're "Straight"

keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek, now suck that tranny cock fagit!!

Mein siderinos!

holy shit lmao

I'm white, straight, male, and stronger than you will ever be in your life. In fact, when I was a novice I was already beyond your limit.

But sure. You're awesome for having a 400 wilks. Last competition I was in we felt embarrassed because there were 400 wilks lifters who had no chance but were having to lift their shitty lifts anyways, while the audience probably laughed inside.

>if your sexuality doesn't include trans people, you are a bigot who is no friend of mine
I'd be bummed as fuck if my seed did not fertilize the womb of the mate that I chose.

That being said, quit shitting up the board with non-lifting related homosexual orbiting.

>And you are only projecting
Glad to see you have no idea what that word means lol

what's the necessary bodyweight for 6'7. because im taller than all of the SHW guys afaik