ITT: your current stats and where you hope to be at the end of 2017

ITT: your current stats and where you hope to be at the end of 2017
>30 yo, 6ft, 194lbs
>bench 295
>squat 315
>diddy 335
Where I hope to be 1 year from now:
>31 yo, 6ft, 205lbs
>bench 335
>squat 385
>diddy 405

> bench press

top kek, enjoy your fucked shoulders and computer chair posture

bench press isn't functional, punching power comes from your ass

do cleans instead

Those are some realistic goals. In fact your DL can probably sneak up to 460ish maybe. Goodluck. Im just hoping to get my bench from 365 to 385

There no reason you can't get your squat to over 4 plate and your deadlift to 5 plate.

>23, 6.4, 220
>bench 215
>deadlift 330
>squat 235

don't know how realistic these are, but these are my goals whether or not I hit them this year or not:

>bench 300
>deadlift 400

Said the skeleton that looks like shit

>bench 70kg
>ohp 45kg
>squat 75kg
>deadlift 120kg

>bench 100kg
>ohp 60kg
>squat 120kg
>deadlift 160-180kg

Seems pretty doable to me. The main thing holding me back is my hips. Need to do more stretching and mobility work.

> bench 97.5kg

in 2017:
> bench 100kg

literally two weeks away from cutting.


5'11" 230 lbs
Squat/Deadlift: 105
Bench/The Press™: 110
Chin-ups: 2

End of Year:

5'11" 200 lbs
Squat/Deadlift: 345
Bench/The Press™: 230
Chin-ups: 26

Slow and steady wins the race.

>21 yo, 6'4", 180lbs
>bench 155x5
>skwat 225x10
>diddly 285x8

>21, 6'4", 210lbs
>bench 225
>squat 315
>DL 405

won't happen because i'm pretty undisciplined rn and constantly eating is a pain in the ass but i can dream

Jesus how is your bench so high compared to your other lifts?

He's probably been benching several times a week for the best part of a decade before deciding that his legs needed a little work too.

yo, 5"11, 170lbs
>>bench 310
>>squat 395
>>diddy 455

1 yr future:
22 yo, 5'11, 205lbs
>>bench 405
>>squat 495
>>diddy 585

6'3 215
2016 - Squat 435 Bench 275 Dead 545
2017- Squat 500 Bench 315 Dead 600

My goal, somehow overshadows me needing to get other aspects of my life together...ultimately I just want to be happy and find someone that can teach me how to love before its too late.

>bench 150lb
>ohp 85lb
>squat 75lb
>deadlift I dont
>bench 225lb
>ohp 125lb
>squat 200lb
>deadlift something

I just started after 3 months of calisthenics. I just wanted to make sure I'd stick to something before investing in equipment.

You can get to a 3 plate squat within a year if you actually try. Same with 4 plate deadlift.

From a 75lb squat? Honestly my squat is only bad because I avoided using my knee after a surgery out of paranoia.

Yes, even from an untrained level squat. For almost every knee surgery, strengthening your quads is immensely helpful. Prehab is based around this.

Dude, if you start with the bar, and squat three times a week, adding only 2.5 lbs a workout, you can get to 405 in a year.

best lifts in 2016:
>29 yo, 187cm, 91kg
>bench 120kg for 5, 135kg 1rm
>squat 4pl8s 1rm
>deadlift 200kg 1rm

>22yo, 190cm, 95kg
>bench 3pl8s 3rm
>squat 200kg 2rm
>dl 200kg 5rm or 5pl8s 1-2rm

I've never checked my 1RM so I'll post how many reps/sets I do things in
OHP: 95 lbs (5x5)
Bench: 145 lbs (5x5)
DL: 225 lbs (1x5)
Squat: 160 lbs (3x5)
My goal is to be at 1/2/3/4 by the end of 2017. Can I do it lads?

160lb BW
350 squat
215 bench
355/365 deadlift
150 BW
440 squat
275 bench
455 deadlift

Reasonable or not? Squat is the most important, wanna hit that 200 kilo mark

21yo - about slightly over one year of lifting time
6ft and still growing so 2017 goal is 6'1 for a 6'2 2018 finish

Bench 80kg / 176lb
OHP estimated 63kg / 139lb

Dead 135kg / 297lb
Squat 130kg / 286lb

The heaviest I can get them.

If I currently dl 2pl8, is it realistic to try and get to 4pl8 by the end of 2017?

>8 months ago
>5'11 168
>bench 245 3 x 5
>squat 315 3 x 3
>dead 385 1 x 5

>started lifting again right after thanksgiving
>started at 133lbs
>5'11 150lb
>bench 190 3 x 5
>squat 235 3 x 5
>dead 285 1 x 10

You'd have to increase by 6.67kg per month or 1.67kg per week. Definitely possible.

>18 yo, 6ft1, 160lbs
>bench 135 3x5
>squat 195 3x5
>deadlift 245 1x5
>ohp 95 3x5

>about 200 lbs (going for bear mode)
>hit 1/2/3/4

23 yo 5'10 166
>bench 305
>squat 335
>diddy 445
>bench 355
>squat 425
>diddy 495


Bench 81kgx3
Squat 112.5x3
Deadlift 150x3

End of the year

Bench 100kgx1
Squat 140kgx1
Deadlift 180kgx1

And hopefully a little bit more so i can get a 1000lb total.

I need 454kg total, and 2/3/4 would only give me 420kg, 75lbs off my 1000lb goal.

6'2" 245
OHP: 210
Bench: Unknown
Squat: Unknown
DL: 565x2

6'2" 220
OHP: 225
Squat: 455
DL: 585

bench 115
squat 195
diddly 295

my friends say i have a lot of potential though, goals for next year are
bench 315
squat 405
diddly 495

ohp - 90
bench - 145
squat - 245
diddy - 350

goals: 1/2/3/4 within 4 months

Gonna bulk hard, should still have n00b gains, only started lifting seriously since beginning of October.

I want to qualify for nats

Extremely achievable, but that's the only tangible goal I have.



Which fed/division?

>Bodyweight: 220lb@6'0"
>Squat: 385lb
>Bench: 260lb
>Deadlift: 500lb

>Look like a lift :(
>Cut down to like 180-190lb
>600lb dead
>3 palte bench
>Don't really care about my squat but like 455lb would be nice.

Pic related, is me

>look like a lift

Lower weight increase rep

8-12 rep range.

Make sure to do lots of isolation work for triceps, biceps, forearms, abs, lats, and traps.

Compounds are great but if you train with only compounds and only do 2-5 rep range you will end up.... with a big total (like you have....) and look Dyel (like you do)

5'6 155
ohp 180
bench 280
squat 300
DL 400

ohp 190
bench 300
squat 365
dead 470

I do plenty of isolation work.

I'm just fat, I'm cutting right now though. Already have gone from 227ish to 219 right now in a couple weeks (mostly water weight I know)

if you want to look like you lift you need to reassess the powerlifting meme

Nah. Serious powerlifters carry a lot of muscle mass.

He does, however, need to reassess whether or not his training is actually getting the job done. A fluffy 220 at 6'0 is not a good place to be for powerlifting.

Yeah I'm cutting right now and focusing more on hypotrophy work.

Here is a picture of my fat back (I have no biceps I know, I'm a SL faggot)

do your main lifts and then add accessories like curls n pull down etc for 8-12

here's my btw i wish i had a better peak on my bicep

Yeah I do a lot of arm accessory work but I really shitty bicep insertions. My bicep inserts like 4 inches away from my elbow joint lmao.

I know it's not really an excuse but I'm working on it.

My forearms and triceps are decent at least.

Norwegian Powerlifting fed

19, 6ft, 185lbs, been lifting for 1 year, these are 1rm

Bench 225->375
Squat 325->445
OHP 155->205
DL 390->500

also hopped on a legit program now, 531 with jokers and fsl, bbb + truimprivate+ cardio

yeah for some reason im only 5'7 but my upper arms seem like theyre kinda long and hard to fill out

>bench 40kg
>deadlift 60kg
>ohp 25kg
>bench 70kg
>deadlift 140kg
>ohp 50kg
Can't do squats because of fucked up knees, and I started bodyweight exercises late Septemver but started lifting 2 months ago at 5'11"~6' 129 pounds same height now but 150 pounds, goal for 2017 is just to make my childbearing hips look relatively smaller and be at 10-12%bf

Squat and DL maybe, OHP definitely not, bench probably not.

The present:
>Squat 145kg/320lbs
>Bench 105kg/231lbs
>Deadlift 165kg/364lbs

End of 2017:
>Squat 160kg/352lbs
>Bench 120kg/265lbs
>Deadlift 180kg/405lbs

>23yo, 5'11'', 75kg
>Squat: 60kg
>Deadlift: 100kg
>Bench: 50kg
>OHP: 40kg
>Pendlay row: 50kg

>24yo, 6'2'', 80-85kg
>Squat: 120kg
>Deadlift: 200kg
>Bench: 100kg
>OHP: 80kg
>Pendlay row: 100kg

Gonna have to go back on squats and OHP to perfect form first though I think.

>22y/o, 183cm, 82kg, ~15%bf
>Bench 85kg
>Squat 120kg
>Deadlift 160kg
end of the year
>23y/o, 183cm, 90kg, ~15%bf
>Bench 110-120kg
>Squat 140kg
>Deadlift 190kg

nigga what? no bench or squat but almost 600 diddly?

Your stats are very close to mine, how long have you been lifting?

18, 153lb
OHP 90lb
BP 135lb
Squat 225lb
DL 180lb

>19, 180lb
>OHP 180lb
>BP 260lb
>Squat 360lb
>DL 405lb



>22 y/o, 173lbs, 5'11
>Bench: 100kgx4
>Squat: 105kg 3x6 (135kg before injury)
>Deadlift: 165kg
>OHP: 62.5kg 3x6


>23 y/o, 183-185lbs, 5'11
>Bench: 140kg
>Squat: 180kg
>Deadlift: 220kg
>OHP: 100kg
>Learn the key oly lifts
>Begin learning a fighting style


A couple of months now, have had a few setbacks due to shit knees and a shoulder injury earlier in the year though.

i think this is a little convservative. I'm roughly the same except your 5 rm is is 1 rm touch and go.

My goal is

S: 220 kg x 1
B: 125 kg x 1
D: 220 kg x 2

Am i being too optimistic?

Current :
>bw 215/97
>S 490/222.5
>B (paused) 290/131
>D 535/242.5


>bw 231/105
>S 551/250
>B (paused) 365/161
>D 585/265

33 5'9 185lb

OHP 155
bench 225
squat 315
dl 415

goal 200lbs
ohp 185
bench 275
squat 405
dl 500

Here is mines:
>18 y/o since today, yay me, 6'1" 150lbs
>bench 132 (actual number, am ausfag)
>squat 200
>dl 240

Where I want tonne end of 2017
>bench 196
>squat 260
>dl 300
Every month 5.5 lbs added to every exercise, kill me already

>bench 70kgx5
>squat 80x5
>deadlift 120x5
>ohp 50x5

End of 2017 one reps
>bench 100
>squat 140
>deadlift 180
>ohp 65

Just do SS and you can do that every day lmao.

>5'6", 143lbs
>Squat: 265
>Deadlift: 285
>Bench: 165
>OHP: 110
>Chin-ups: 11 unweighted

>5'6", 150-155lbs
>Squat: 350
>Deadlift: 405
>Bench: 225
>OHP: 150
>Chin-ups: 5 reps with 75lbs added weight

>5'11" 230lb
>squat: 405
>deadlift: 455
>bench: 295
OHP: 180

>5'11" 220lb
>squat: 450
>deadlift: 500
>bench: 335
>OHP: 200

Started a few months ago
>OHP: 80lbs
>Bench: 115
>Squat: 185
>Deadlift: 205
Could I hit 1/2/3/4 by the end of the year?

>23yo, 5'11
>24yo, 6'2
are you getting leg surgery or what

>OHP: 70lb
>Bench: 110lb
>Squat: 170lb
>Deadlift: 230lb

>tfw started lifting a couple of months ago and still have dyel as fuck lifts

W-we're all gonna make it, reckon I can hit 1/2/3/4 by December of 2017?


>18, 5'10, 235
>bench 225
>squat 385
>diddy 405

where i hope to be by the end of this year

>19, 5'11,220
>bench 275
>squat 450
>diddy 500

2 buldging discs and a herniated disc.
>23, 6.3, 260
>bench 170
>deadlift 135
>squat 135

only been lifting for 3 months.
were all gonna make it r-right Veeky Forums?

Height, weight, and time training?
I'm 5'9 @ 180lbs and have very similar lifts. Also hoping for the 1234 this year.

>squat 545
>bench 365
>deadlift 585

hope for 2017:
>squat 585+
>bench 405+
>dead 600+

Kind of an oldfag here but only been lifting since Sept. 1st.
>39 yo, 6ft., 215lbs.
>bench 240
>squat 335
>bench 295
>squat 405
Not sure about those numbers but still on newb gains. In September when I first started could only bench 1pl8 5 times.

>25 y/o
>OHP 205
>BP 265
>Squat 385
>DL 505

End of 2017:
>26 y/o
>225lbs but leaner
>OHP 245
>BP 350
>Squat 465
>DL 600

Achievable in a year? I've been training for 2 years and a bit at the minute and progress is excruciatingly slow now

The first few years lifting I had fucked up form on bench and kept re-injuring myself so I focused on what was easiest for me to do, which was OHP and deads. Bench, incline more so, has been feeling better as of late, partially because I've fixed some issues, and partially because I stopped trying to PL bench and view it more as a BB type exercise.

5'8" 145 lbs. I started lifting in April at 134 lbs and was a dumbass and dirty bulked to 170 by august, so I've been cutting since September and just started clean bulking this week at a 300-500 cal surplus.

Bench 1.25pl
Squat 1.5pl
Curl - 1pl
OHP - 1pl
DL - 2pl (my form is bad and i lean on my back too much)

>MID 2017
Bench 2.5pl
Squat 3pl
Curl - 1.5pl
OHP - 2pl
DL - 4pl

i started at 135 may 20 and am going for 405 tomorrow

>253lbs, 6'0"
>bench 400
>squat 562
>deadlift 650

1 year goalerinos:
>bench 440
>squat 600
>deadlift 700

I'm being optimistic but if I don't get injured it might be possible based on my current progress.

20 yo, 5'9", 195 lbs

>Current, 5 rep maxes
Bench: 240 x 5
OHP: 175 x 5
Squat: 340 x 5
Deadlift: 410 x 5

>End of 2017
Bench: 315 x 5
OHP: 200 x 5
Squat: 450 x 5
Deadlift: 520 x 5

I think it should be doable. I was considerably higher in my lifts at the end of summer before the start of the semester, and this upcoming semester shouldn't be nearly as demanding, so some of it will come back quickly.
I've also nailed down a really great intermediate routine that I think works perfectly for me.

I'm pretty much exactly the same, but I'm hoping for a bigger dead