What is Veeky Forums's height and head circumference...

What is Veeky Forums's height and head circumference? How do you feel when a male with bigger skull and is taller is in your vicinity? Do you feel inferior?


It only feels shitty if the difference is more than 20cms and I barely see someone who is taller than 2m

190 cm, no fucking idea how big my head is, not too huge.

36 1/2 inches checking in, is this big enough to satisfy grills ?

no way dude, you must have done something wrong

Why, is that big ?

average head circumference for white males is like 24 inches

What about a black male ?

We are talking about humans

I have a massive head.
Bow to me

they usually have slightly smaller

Makes sense since they have smaller brains.

Head circumference? I this the new body dysmorphia meme of 2017?

yes just as much as height, girls doesn't care about it :)

Skull size is the newest insecurity Veeky Forumsizens have to obsess over

>Being a headlet



I'm 6'4, tallest person I go just about everywhere so yes it is a very uncanny feeling seeing someone taller than me. Not a feeling of being inferior, just feels odd.

wtf i love looking like jimmy neutron now



My head is kinda small tho, how can i make it bigger? Reading?

blacks have lower brain capacities than whites/asians on average (scientifically proven, sorry), so probably around 22-23

when will brainlets learn

>191 cm
>62 cm head
IQ above 3 stddev, physicist

I surpassed the maximum available hat/helm size during my obligatory service by 1cm; as a reference the average male skull is 57 cm around. Always felt self-conscious about my big head, thanks for the meme

6'3", not measured skull but I'd guess slightly above average
Almost never happens but when it does it's depressing af

>mfw some based user saves my truthpill

Same stats here, although I don't know my IQ

What field are you specialised in

solid memes

>tfw massive head
>exacerbated by high hairline
my forehead is the stuff of legends

tfw 6'2 and wide

tfw 24 inch head circumference

>Using outdated charts made with agendas

not an argument

bring counterfacts or stop

>pointing out that the research was flawed from the start isn't an argument
Settle down /pol/

They actually didn't have agendas at all, what we have now (data and fact suppression) is due to an agenda

You don't have any source for your Claim bongo

They purposefully made sure to press down and make more room in white skulls with more pebbles, while black skulls just had them dropped in and weren't even filled.
>fact suppression
Oh so when someone else calls out your shit you require facts, but when you need facts it's ok because the facts have been "suppressed." And suppressed by who? The media? The gubment? Fucking racists I swear.

>head exercises
>4x8 slam your head into a wall
>make those head gains in time for summer 2017
>impress Stacy with your manly head gains
>make Chad feel inferior
>we're all going to make it

Where's the source on that

>the media? the gubment?

Sure, and academics. Don't think it's a big secret that racial science is taboo as fuck lol

i'm 5'8", but i live in toronto, so the vast majority of people around me are shorter chinks/poos
it's not really a problem

>tfw my head is to big that I have to be fat or my head would look even bigger

62 cm head
175 cm tall
At least I have broad shoulders and barrel chest to make my head look normal

Academics such as?

its just lookism memes trickling down

race and iq is a very taboo subject
btw not guy u were talking to

I'm almost 6'4, don't know my head circumference but it usually looks bigger than the manlets I'm standing next to in pictures, so I guess it's proportional to my height
