Probably will get shit for this, but can I get a NORMIE routine? Something Chad would do. I have bench press and curls...

>NORMIE routine

What the fuck does normie mean in tjis case? You just want to do what regular jackoffs do because they do it? Or you mean something that makes you look good? Because part of Veeky Forums reccomends bro splits with 5x5 compounds but you don't seem to want to do that either. Can't look good without balanced training and a good diet, friendo.

yeah we do bro.

Chad's at least throw in leg press. Maybe the calf horsey too. Your legs won't get huge just doing these as long as you don't do them super heavy.

Do the standard bro split (all 3 sets of 10 reps)


Bench Press
Cable Tricep Pushdowns with rope
Dumbbell lateral raises


Cable Rows
Biceps curls


Leg Press
Ab crunch machine
Back extensions holding a plate

Only advance the weight when you can get all 10 reps for three sets.

I'm with you OP. Most people on fit are fat or genetic retards and they spend the whole time counting muh macros and obsessing over spine snapping """""compound"""" exercises, drink too much milk, so consequently look utter shite 24/7

I've got a sick bod desu and this is what I do

mon: push
tue: pull / abs
wed: push
thurs: pull
legs/abs at the end of the week if i can be fucked

BENCH is your best friend, along with SEATED DUMBELL PRESS and GENETICS

I also play football once a week

When I get bored I just do 'upper body' and do what the fuck i like

Also have a gymbro too, that helps, and have lots of shakes


Bicep curls in squat rack 15x12
Bench Press with spotter rowing the weight for you 10x8

Just choose exercises that feel like fun. Avoid exercises that feel like a drag.

came to say this, real chads are good at sports.

I see a lot of bros always doing cable whatnot. Just do those. It makes you like sick.
But yeah otherwise bench and curls for some reason