Newfag here, I feel like my pecs aren't getting hit hard enough during my workouts, what can I do?

Newfag here, I feel like my pecs aren't getting hit hard enough during my workouts, what can I do?

Hit them harder...

Work your pecs more you fucking moron. Presses, flys, dips are all you need just pick a couple variations jesus christ

drop the barbell flat bench press. it's useless

Retract your scapula during bench press, make your elbows 45 degrees from your torso.

That alone helped me a ton.

Keep working out
I know it sounds weird, but when I first started, it's almost like I just didn't have the muscle to be hit
Then after some time, my pecs grew a bit, and I started to really feel them during workouts

you guys are great

Lower the amount of weight you're doing and start doing high rep stuff till you feel it in your pecs
Experiment with angles and hand positioning to maximize how much your pecs are being hit.

There's also nothing wrong with not using full range of motion. As long as you're hitting your pecs.

Once you've learned that, you can start increasing the weight WHILE keeping your mind on what muscles you are working.

Remember, putting weight on the bar is all well and good, but if you're not working the correct muscles or have the right positioning then you're just lifting weights to lift weights.
You're getting stronger through certain movements and putting on mass yes. But you're not getting stronger through the correct movement ranges and putting on mass in the correct places and in the correct ways.

learn to bench

Dumbbell Flys or Cable Flys.

Play with arching, keep your shoulder blades pinned back. Warm up with exercises that have you feeling your pecs catching the weight. Spoto press is a good bench warmup, and a good lift on its own.

Fuck off.

he's right though?

DB Bench and Incline Bench are way better

Cool story. You're a man, you need an answer when someone asks "so what do you bench?"

>oh I only do incline dumbbells, you see the EMG rating for the clavicular head of the pec major is significantly higher with these exercises than it is with the highly dangerous and unnatural flat bench press movement


>not recommending barbell flies

you could stop evaluating well your workouts serve their purpose by how they feel. actually read ss.

breast implants

You have my attention, who is that

So do you bench to impress other meatheads? The number on your BP doesn't qualify you, user. Unless you compete in powerlifting it's absolutely useless, like skill in videogames.

You must be new to the internet.

Mia Khalifa.

>Unless you compete in powerlifting
I do.

>it's absolutely useless
That must be why every athlete in the world does it.

Get your flat bench out the way early then hit all your tricep isolations
Then do chest dips and incline bence once triceps are fatigued
Add drop sets for volume

I have been absent. I'm gonna check out some of her videos.

Cable flies. I don't feel shit unless I do flies.

You probably don't have any pecs to hit. Just keep benching, and do some DB pressing work. DB incline benching is your friend. In fact incline anything is your friend, having really good upper pecs is what gives you that manly look that you want from your pecs .

Also for god's sake keep doing barbell bench or barbell pressing of some kind, people who don't bench heavy have disgustingly small arms.

The fuck are you even saying?

wish she didn't have fucked up nipples

single arm butterfly machine.

>Only worked for like 2 years
>Only appeared in like 20 videos, almost nothing full-length available for free
>Most of the videos that are available are her just laying on her back, not moving, and getting fucked by niggers.

Has there ever been a more disappointing porn star?

lol idiot
retract scapula, make sure you are benching with a sufficiently wide grip

add in direct chest work, dumbbell bench press with a higher rep range and a lot of volume works nicely

Every athlete in the world competes at bench press?

Gooby has best pecs
Watch Gooby videos about pecs

You're now trying to be retarded, please fuck off

>flat barbell bench press is GOAT but to work your chest add dumbell

come on son, do you hear yourself? barbell is sub par for chest development

I'd sooner say drop the dumbbell flat bench cus of how silly you'll look trying to raise yourself from the bench on your own.

I almost tipped over once, legs flailing, as I was dropping down.

Inclines are best.

This, shes was a meme for no reason. Her scenes are complete garbage and shes fucking ugly.

Doesnt matter. Just keep benching. Your pecs will grow. When youre benching 315 youll have nice pecs, you dont now cause youre weak. End of story.


I hate her, no one cared who she was until she got a boob job, started doing porn and smoking weed.


No-one cared who you were until you put on the mass.

>no one cared who she was until she got a boob job, started doing porn
This is literally all she's known for. Why would anyone care otherwise?