Veeky Forums
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Health #400
Tfw entry level job in banking
Was he natty?
Daily supplement stacks
/symmetric strength general/
So after 2 years I'm almost done with braces, but i have still a awful weak chin(mouth breathing for 20 years)...
ITT: facial hair thread
Veeky Forums memes you fell for
How does one get a sharp jawline?
When mike claims Natty, Mark bell looks really uncomfortable and Alan says 'you fucking liar'...
Reminder that if you're not eating a healthy breakfast you're never gonna make it
Post all guides relating to looking better
Tell me not to contact her and to lift, Veeky Forums
Does anyone else
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Hey user do you wanna get a burger with me and the boys
2 weeks into SS
Dammit Veeky Forums look what you did to me
"I've had a little bit of mental problems. I've been having hallucinations..." - VG
Move to NYC
If you have broad shoulders and a small waist
BBWs are God-tier gfs
Help me Veeky Forums
Is amy schumer thicc or just fat? How to get physiqe like this?
Are hairy legs alpha or are they just gross? Is excessive body hair a sign of high test?
How do i get a body like this?
What's the difference between Protein and regular Tein?
He listens to heavy metal while lifting
Train abs with wheights to get them to pop
When do i start seeing abs?
Mires from grills thread
Guys i'm 30 yo and i want to lift, is it too late? am i too old and weak to make improvements and retain them?
Mesomorph thread
What is the best back hypertrophy exercise and why is it DB Rows?
What's your nickname in your group of friends
Who do you lift for?
Daily Pua Reminder
Bradley Martin vs Callum Von Monger
TEST general
Why are there so many newbies who are cutting on such incredibly low cal diets?
Ok, so Im currently 6'0 and i weight 100kg...
Is money all that matters
How realistic is it for a natty noob to hit a 315 bp in 1 year's time?
That first vial of the day
W-What the hell? I thought my punches would hurt your buff body! Please don't slam me user!
What exercises will help you fuck someone really hard? Also, can one of you people fuck this guy's girlfriend already...
Do you guys do more than just squats to build your legs? What else do you do?
QTDDTOT Eternal New Years edition
What does chad do all day
Hey guys help give advice on this email that I am going to send my ex-girlfriend please. This is what I have so far:
If you were rich would you still lift?
Just found out my gym website offers statistics, since you have to enter a code on a keypad to get in and out
Junk Food
He doesn't do his cardio by dancing
Infographic thread
Have I made it /fit
ITT: We post our gyms to see if theres Fitizens at our gym
Friday Night Help Thread
Redpill me on "deloading" Veeky Forums
Happy International Fetish Day Veeky Forums! Fit grill thread to celebrate
What are the limits of natty training?
TFW 22 years old loser
I get free sips at work
Is this a good training?
Be me
Would flexing your abs all day be good?
How the fuck do I get rid of this. I'm down like 90 lb, I really hope it's fat and not lose skin
How do i get a fit gf?
Hows your cut going?
Autistic Music You Lift To
What are some methods of getting in shape used by ancient civilizations? Thinking of Greeks mainly here
Hi fit im 5'7 , 200 lbs, how much time do i need to lost 50 lbs ? 3 months ?
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Which one of this girls can I get while staying natty?
Post em
Tell Veeky Forums about your gym day
You are only allowed to post ITT if you bench 225lb at least 8 times without a spotter and good form
Friday night!!!
Quitting lifting Thread
/plg/ - powerlifting general
US Army Infantry
How do I into Ryan Gosling mode?
just broke noporn after over 3 months
God-Tier Face Thread
Anyone been out of the gym for a long period? (3+ months)
Would you rather have Big Z's strength and be the strongest man in the world or have Ulisses' physique and be the most...
What's troubling you user?
Grey Skull vs Starting Strength vs Stronglifts
Daily reminder that you haven't made it until you have a BBW gf
Achievable with just cardio and diet? (No lifting)
Who is your musclefu Veeky Forums?
No high test thread
What's the point of bench pressing when dumbell chest presses are by far superior?
How do I quit, Veeky Forums?
Feel good stories
Veeky Forums, did you ever mirecuck anyone?
Quitted smoking a month ago, had been smoking like a pack a week for 5 years or something...
This guy walks up to your gf while you're working out...
Why do manlets walk so fast?
Who here /FitButBald/?
Fit memes you fell for
Day 6 of NOFAP
A 10 year old is taller than 90% of Veeky Forums
My wife says that having her period is the only valid excuse to not come to the gym, but I don't buy it...
Can't stand this cunt
Lifting natty is a fucking scam
Is overtraining a meme?
Hey Femanon. What's that, you go to the gym? That's cool. Show us your natural C-cup or greater breasts!
Is it true that fit people, in general, are not intellectual?
I'm a lazy NEET stoner
Realistically speaking, who would win in a free for all, vale tudo style brawl between clarence, isley...
Friday evening thread
Fit, genuine question. Not bragging. I've slept with 4 girls...
What's your resting heart rate Veeky Forums?
Has lifting stopped people from fucking with you?
Fit humor
What's the point of lifting if we're all gonna die one day?
My farts smell REALLY fucking bad right now and Im supposed to have a girl over for Netflix and fuck tonight
Nature has commanded that girls get their pussy automatically wet from broad shoulders...
Every cell in my body screams : REPRODUCE ! and im a kissless virgin at 21. It's getting harder and harder every year...
How do you guys setup heavy dumbbells for a dumbells chest press or similar exercises?
Fucking skin WHAT THE FUCK
*teleports behind you*
He uses a "fade" of any kind
I'm done with lifting
Are you ugly Veeky Forums?
Mental fitness help
Do you guys take off your shoes when you deadlift? why?
How can a man rebuild himself after severe trauma?
What did Veeky Forums eat today?
Which do you like better?
2.5 months on SS
Kendrick farris is a vegan
Makes a video about how the "fitness industry" is fucked and people only want money
FAT HATE SPECIAL EDITION: Dumping fat people with The Lakers Girls
How 2 achieve this level of ankle dorsiflextion ?
That guy that uses clips instead of his muscles to stabilize the weight
Why do women insist on wearing this shit to the gym?
Healthy masturbation habits
What percentage of Veeky Forums do you think is homosexual?
Why lift when money is a-
Squat: 147.5kg
/mu/ ridicules Trent for getting Veeky Forums why are DYELs so anti people getting in shape?
He skips neck day
What's the point of living in LA?
I thought he was big 2 years ago. Keep in mind he was on steroids and fat even back than
What multivitamin does Veeky Forums take
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
How do i go patrick bateman mode
/CBT/ - Current Body Thread
Find a flaw (you can't)
If the goal is 1/2/3/4 and above, why the fuck do I train biceps?
What can I do?
Only fat ugly girls are attracted to you
If I masturbate in my dream, do I lose my NOFAP streak?
One chance at life
See old gym bud at shopping centre working
How much do you think young Donald Trump can bench?
Reminder that if you have a feminine digit ratio you won't make gains
Would this be a bad idea?
Go to the gym to bench
Genetics edition
You will never be bradley martyn
How do we enter Henry Cavill mode lads? everyones loosing their minds over this leaked pic
Post fictional characters you wish were your gym buddy
Is this beneficial?
McDonalds releasing 2 new Big Mac sizes
How get popping triceps?
He doesn't watch DBZ before lifting
Hit the 100lb club today. Feels amazing. Just wanted to say thanks bros, you've been with me on this journey...
Good feels come on!
What's your heartrate boys?
How do i look like this?
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Brehs is their any really dry and crunchy af food that isn't nuts and isn't loaded with carbs that I can munch on?
Progress thread? Progress thread
How can I temporarily lower my testosterone for a couple hours...
Is he just a meme?
PUA vs aesthetics
Veeky Forums, maybe you can help me with something. I'm a college freshman, and I feel really conflicted about drinking...
What's the deal with no fap?
Is it just me /fit or are sloots just human parasites?
This right here is why i lift. White girls with a phat ass
How healthy are you, Veeky Forums?
Would you give up your gains in exchange for love...
Mandatory steroids check at gym
Random strangers are always mirin you
Veeky Forums
Is it possible to be an alpha/Chad if youre a homosexual bottom?
ITT: The most Chad-like thing youve ever done
Be me
Is it possible for a female to get to 6.6% bf?
Veeky Forums thinks this is ottermode
Work as a bouncer
Can't lose weight
It's wiser to spend money on hair restoration rather than fitness and supplements
Is retard strength real?
You walk into a private room in the back of your gym and see this
How do I tell if I have wide hips?
/BWG/ bodyweight general
Like 90% of the population of the US, I'm addicted to sugar
Do I really need to bench?
Skinnyfat on a cut?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Recent study at my University in Northern Europe concerning height:
Is it finally over for this autistic baldcel?
I finally get a lot of female attention
/self/ general
Best part about being Veeky Forums is pulling 16 year olds while in my 30s. Feelsgoodman
So are compression pants just a meme/placebo? Or do they actually work...
Meet girl on tinder
You in a relationship user? How is it
Ask someone who owns a supplement shop anything
Anyone successful at /nofap/ here?
How's that New Year's Resolution going bros?
What do you say when people ask you how you got Veeky Forums
Any news about this?
What's your morning routine like Veeky Forums?
Who do you lift for?
ITT: Kryptonite
Walk into the gym
Why even lift Veeky Forums?
What is your most frequent meal or food?
Why do all girls who go to the gym dress like whores?
Nutrition related growth
How do i achieve this Veeky Forums?
I found this fairly rare book from 1895 called "Physical Training". Its very out of date...
Hey Veeky Forums, what is sex with a beautiful woman like?
Be 23, kissless virgin, 6 months of lifitng with ok body
Go to UK for work
How do I fix my body in 6-8 months?
Any one here has a lactose intolerance?
Your penis continues growing until you're 25
Hey Veeky Forums
Cheap Eats
You have to choose one, Veeky Forums:
Explain why fruit is bad. Inb4 fruit sugar
Are smoothies a good way to get in vitamins naturally??
Where you were when youtube drama unfolded again?
Not squatting below parallel
Explain to me in no more than 500 words why being obsessed with fitness to the point where it dominates your every...
Transformation Thread
What do you mean you lift weights in the hope that it'll one day lead to you getting a gf?
He eats fruit
Hey Veeky Forums Does cutting get easier over time?
Opinions on supplements
Veeky Forums approved shoes
Ugly and bloated face in pictures
Why does Veeky Forums see to believe it is literally impossible to build decent legs without squats?
Do you have an enemy, Veeky Forums?
This is Eddie Hall at age 16. He weighed 225lbs and hadn't even started lifting yet, only swam
/Fraud/ - Steroids, Bimbo's "ex," and Veeky Forums general
Well fit, whats your excuse?
Who here /cuckedbygenetics/?
Is lifting in a sweatshirt a meme, or is there some benefit to losing more sweat?
How the fuck do we stop this from happening anymore...
Can you get Veeky Forums without doing deadlifts?
ITT: We build the perfect physic
How many cups of coffee do you need to feel alive in the morning...
Buy house abroad
Serious would you rather
Muh arm
Well Veeky Forums, do you agree with the Viper?
Does anybody know how many calories are in butterdogs? Can I still afford to have 5 a day, or should I cut down to 2...
What's the point of these fag gliders...
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Shit Genetics General (Advice please)
Why lift when this is all that matters
You there, user? I told you all that weightlifting wouldn't help you in a real fight
Why are doctors so shit
Be Finland
Be on train
Ate a whole bag of popcorn by myself again
Is it wrong to like teenage girls because their bodies are so much tighter?
Energy drink story time
How rich do you have to be to buy a 70 million dollar house?
Do big traps look fucking stupid
I look better than the average 30 year old, right?
Attracting club sluts
Is 6+ reps just a meme?
What Mode am I?
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
What male body type do YOU find the most attractive?
Mirin & gains revenge stories
Why ARENT you juicing?
Remember when you thought he was big?
Women just expect men to take them out for a good time... Like we wanna do that
What are some high protein vegetarian meals?
ITT: People that are the embodiment of everything that Veeky Forums loathes
I swear he looked ripped as fuck when i was a kid
Veeky Forums musical thread
What do you guys think of GNC? I recently started working there, so ask me anything
Ideals thread
Are these girls fuckable or should i increase my standards?
Which flavor of pic related is best in terms of actual content? ie no chemical shit, just the bare minimum
It finally happened brehs
Post your own meals, and let's all judge each others
Anyone with vitamin d3 deficiency here?
What mode is Frank and how do I achieve it?
Ideal Veeky Forums looks (fashion/lifestyle)
Are cold showers a meme or are they actually superior to hot showers?
Why is life inherently boring
Is coffee bad for health?
Reasons to stay natty?
Republicans are about to cuck me out of my health care. How can I make sure I never get sick?
Stretch marks
ITT post the 5th picture in your profile pic/reaction folder
Language gains
Veeky Forums quizz time!
Is it possible to get a body like this just from swimming?
Okay Veeky Forums, I need your help
Social Gains
He takes supplements
Yo user wanna hop in with us and pull some sloo...
Hey Veeky Forums, has anyone tried starving themselves before to lose weight...
Oly lifting general
Alpha Discussion
Name a better protein powder than hemp protein
Why are there women trying to get swole?
Is it true the body can only use 30g of protein an hour...
This guy slaps your gf's ass at the gym
You went for a walk in the forest
The new queen of Veeky Forums?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
How much protein should I aim for a day Veeky Forums? I'm 5'10" 175lbs and I'm fairly new to lifting...
Any festival goers here? Thinking of going to one soon for sloots and gains mirin
How old can you get if you're 28 and stop eating trash food, coke, never smoke or drink...
Daily Supps Gen
Fitness cringe?
Reminder, if your resting heart rate is above 60, you need to do more cardio
Hey Veeky Forums
Order 66 jeff seid's candy ass
Good feels general
Can't lose belly
What happens if I eat 29 cliff protein bars a day?
Strongest, healthiest, and most aesthetic I've ever been
It's simple, can you guys dance when necessary? Do you like it? Do woman really like guys that can dance?
Was arnold ever actually a big deal among bodybuilders?
Who is this??
Scoliosis, Kyphosis, what do?
Explain Veeky Forums
Name some workouts that you can do every single day that don't require long resting periods
Tfw too shy to ask for a spot
High Test Genral
She spoke to me first
Why do fat people stay fat?
Survey of Veeky Forums
What do you do for your core? Squats and DLs are simply not enough no matter what anyone says...
By using an infra red light on your balls once a day for couple of minutes...
So we all make physical gains in the gym, for 3+ hours a week
What to do if your parents are gains goblins?
Set up bar to DL
Another Wednesday night spent on Veeky Forums
Eating 1800 calories a day
Favorite Natty on Youtube
I hope you didn't fall for the free range meme Veeky Forums
Imagine you are 180cm and 65kg
Why even lift?
What do you wear to the gym? What type of trainers do you wear?
How do I become funny?
Be new guy at school
Enjoyable ab exercises
5 days NOFAP
For all the /r9ks/ and feels, I have a story for you
I think I might have the most physically demanding job on fit
Veeky Forumsizens, want to share your cheap bulk ideas? I'm broke as fuck right now and lost all my strength weight...
How can I get a face and body like that?
"Just lift bro. Ur gonna make it"
That first heart attack of the day
Wrist Wraps
I think I fucked up guys
After how long of lifting did you guys start having woman randomly grab you for a feel of your muscles?
Anyone have any experience with UTI
What the Fuck Happened?
Body dysmorphia
Wtf did i dDOOOOOOO
How the hell do I fix this?
Infopic thread
Asking a girl out, understand that if she says no literally nothing will happen...
Tfw I db bench more than half of you cucks and look better than 95%of you
How do I get this physique?
How is someone so big so fucking autistic?
/skin general/
Veeky Forums I'm in dire need of help. Last resortsies
Today someone asked me why I did not use facebook, I didn't know how to answer
Insecurities Thread
Bad fitness
Do you lift for women?
What's the ultimate salt?
Say it faggots or be cursed FOREVER
Is femdom a Veeky Forums fetish?
Veeky Forums BTFO
/plg/ Powerlifting General
This is why I'm scared of the deadlift
Routine general
Is it 'over training' to do 4x8 bicep curls on one day then 4x8 hammer curls two days later...
Veeky Forums, why are you not eating red beans and rice for every meal? Check this:
Supplements Thread
Tfw you are so fucking ugly
How come a solid 80%+ of guys at my gym have buzz cuts?
That guy who doesn't wear basketball shorts at the gym
This guy comes up to you at the gym and calls you Bro. Says your meat gains are trash and you should go vegan or else...
We need more ethnic people on our discord to properly racemix
ITT: Veeky Forums is mostly women
What is the most noble reason to lift?
I don't mean to sound ungreatful
Veeky Forums ideals thread
Why are the majority of men at the gym so fucking short...
I've been on the same ppl routine for about 6 months now and I really need to switch it up...
Knowing user
How to fix my babby tier squat. I can squat 95 lb for 5 reps
Hot fit chick at my gym
Workout music thread
I have 6 weeks to look presentable for a conference, last minute thing. my family and extended family will be there...
/fph/ - fat people hate
/chess/ - Brain Gains edition
Tfw depressed
From a muscle building/lifting standpoint, would you rather have white or black muscle genefics...
I'm a 55kg 170cm 18 year old and i want to know if bulking on INTERMENT FASTING is good for me
What's your favorite cutting food?
Do girls brap in real life?
Is it possible to take a light cycle of anabolics without fucking up your hormones for the rest of your life?
Is this THEE number 1 thing you can do to improve posture?
Are you man enough to decide right now to take cold showers for the rest of your life...
Prep Meals
Guy in China breaks his spine in two DEATHlifiting
Volunteering at physician's office
How do girls act around you now that you are Veeky Forums?
Why do you guys get so triggered by him?
Who would win? Does fitness help here?
How do I go this mode?
Worryingly Low Beginning Numbers?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Does the past define your present and future?
Sorry for posting this here, with all you macho men about...
Post some nice healthy butts pls
Who here /tiredoflookingjustdecent/?
Food tips
Why am I so goddamn tired all the time? I get a consistent 8 hours of sleep a day an have one cup of coffee at noon
How to become this:
Anything to say about this lads?
/fraud/ - Steroid discussion, and how to become Lenny 101
When did you realize height doesn't matter?
Squat more then I bench
Dairy food
Will leaving Veeky Forums forever help you "make it"?
Will pooping too often limit my gains?
What went wrong?
How legit is intermittent fasting? gonna start cut...
Sup Veeky Forums
What's your resting heart rate Veeky Forums?
You're in the gym doing heavy squats. This guy enters and slaps your ass
Can getting Veeky Forums make up for being a manlet?
Who is this, is it actually trappy?
I'm going to fuck a fat chick in couple hours any pro tips, never fucked a fat girl before
Eye laser surgery
Engaging in that winter bulk bruhs
Progress thread
Motivation thread?
Clean Eating DESTROYED by Layne Norton
Greg Plitt
My gf has got really fucking fat and ugly since having kid (you can see in pic), how do I convince her to get to gym?
How do u win street fights?
Why normalfags bother getting Veeky Forums?
Reminder that powerlifting and heavy lifting in general is retarded...
I refuse to believe that this is in any way remotely healthy
Have any of you Veeky Forums but former lard-asses had anything to do baratric surgery...
All of the FPH threads on this board just prove that all of you are immature and underage...
Baldness thread
Mires from grills thread
Just finished the art of manliness podcast. Lasted a good few months...
What the FUCK am I supposed to do all day?
ITT we post things we've seen in the gym that made you go wtf
Reminder that if you're not at least 8.5" long, you're not worth her time
How are you guys able to eat so much food?
Trust me
Is there a better way to make chicken taste incredible without adding any unwanted calories?
Is it true that tons of gay sex happens in gyms? I've been in several gyms now for a few years and never seen it
Sips between sets
Why is my deadlift so weak?
"Oh wow user you go to gym and lift weights, tell me do you have hobbies or are you just meathead?"
What are your pros and cons, Veeky Forums?
What are some Veeky Forums approved underwear?
When normies mire those gains
How do you take a good shirtless pic???
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Post last rep squat face
Bitch coming over to "have me cook for her"
Hey nigrs
Gym horror story
What were you repping for 5 when you hit 1/2/3/4 for singles for the first time?
Mods are sleeping
Are cold showers a meme?
Cat Strength Training
1.What is the board's approved sleeping position?
Hey Veeky Forums finally deciding to start going to the gym, but i am scared of being a big autist
Both considered sexiest men alive
Fatty General
What do you niggers eat before bed? i want to eat something that doesn't sit heavy
I plan on mega-dosing on Finasteride, also known as Propecia and Proscar...
/fraud/ - Steroid discussion
What betters gains in terms of politics? right or left?
Durianrider should replace the guide in the sticky and its d00d
Why has nobody come up with a metabolism increasing or decreasing pill?
Supplements Thread
Posture corrector
Magic Mushrooms
6'1 with a full beard
That first spoon of the night
Why aren't you thicc yet Veeky Forums?
Is my hairline receding?
Veeky Forums
I'm thinking about getting one of these modular dumbells sets, any experience with these?
You might not like it, but this is the epitome of male beauty. This is what you should be striving for lads
What is the purpose of leggings?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Why are all black people obsessed with Dragon Ball Z?
6ft and 5ft11
Don't compliment a pretty girl
What is the most attractive body type to women and how do i achieve it
Are fruit bad for you?
Start new diet
/fph/ - fat people hate
I'm about to start a training regimen that lasts 3 years where I'll be working out every single day (literally no off...
ITT: Your favorite exercises in the gym
At 5'10, at what weight am I considered normal?
Well, Veeky Forums?
/BWG/ bodyweight general
What type of Veeky Forumsshion do you wear, Veeky Forums?
Explain to me how blacks get bigger in one week while starving than whites using roid and trainers in one year?
Does having a good ass rely on /Genetics/?
Tfw someone OHPing 60% your ohp has significantly bigger shoulders than you
Ask an ex-vegetarian anything
Weight Loss / Cutting General
Is 22 too old to start lifting? What age did you start lifting? Why did you start lifting?
Cardo is sooo healthy!! Look at those knees perfect condish
Trying to hit the golden 1/2/3/4...
Martial arts
Tfw bench more than my stepdad
16 day of nofap
When should you start using a belt for deadlifts/squats if at all?
Makes you think
Veeky Forums
When did you guys realise that deadlifts are overrated for hypertrophy?
Advice for backne? Ive recently been struggling with it. Should I just get prescribed an anti biotic?
Mental Health Thread
Ok Veeky Forums there is literally no reason to not having a visible, shredded sixpack year round...
Short women
Planet Fatness
Is chest overrated, Veeky Forums?
What's your current physique, goal physique, and your prefered bf/gf's physique from pic related?
How's that cut going buddy
/plg/ - powerlifting general
'just lift bro'
Veeky Forums porn is literally killing my gains. I waste so much time and energy on it...
Who else is making 2017 their year of transformation? I've been lifting for 2 years, but gonna really get big this year...
Protein Powders flavor review
Does anybody else rapidly get weaker when not training?
How do I take care of my facial skin easily without ending up like skrillex, Jet Li and Morpheus
/SARMS/ General
Tfw a fat person enters the gym
You guys know that CHAD only eats PIZZA very rarely?
The only thing that worries me about roiding is gyno
Why aren't you rich Veeky Forums?
What do these facial expressions convey?
Help a nigga out, Veeky Forums
Symmetric Strength Question
Be honest
Rich "cuck" Piana
Is Sportacus natty?
Ryan gosling has wide hips
Okay so what will happen if I train legs and glutes 3x a week and only do push ups for my upper body?
Is it possible to physically defeat a polar bear using only your bare hands?
What inspired you to get Veeky Forums?
Ever since I've started lifting I had trouble getting erections
Find a flaw
Is this a good muscle massager? I saw it at the store and it said the massages from it are good...
Reminder that having a big dick is all that counts
How do I get my gf to lose weight? She's about a 6 on this scale and I notice she eats as much as me...
Anyone else not initiate or pursue woman?
How do i fix lower back pain?
/CBT/ - cut or bulk edition
Tfw you spent THOUSANDS of hours on Veeky Forums when this time could have been better spent doing something productive
/fph/ /fps/ /fht/ - Fat (people) [hate/stories]
Best Veeky Forums sweets?
Social gains
Can't stand this cunt
How do I increase the span between my shoulders?
Questionable progress
It's nearing midnight and you missed out on dinner because work took longer than you thought and the fridge is empty...
Help Veeky Forums my gf is fat. And so am I. I read sticky
You feelin' fit buddy?
Love steak
Cringe thread
How long until 1/2/3/4
Approaching Women
He takes gear
Can we get a thread of pleb lifts? Which means:
Veeky Forums can we have an honest thread where we let each other know if we our ugly or not...
LITERALLY only has a 4-pack
You work out user?
Is it gay to shave your arm hair off if you want to show the definition of your muscles?
When will this meme end?
Saitama's routine
I did this in barely 6 months
How do you prepare your oats?
What's a good calorie tracker that isn't some paid shit?
Be 5'5 170lb half white beaner (pic related)
Post your naturally achievable goal physique
Big Mike P thread comin' atcha!
Post your age, height, weight, any other info. Curious to see who's on Veeky Forums
Why are this dude's abs so separated? It's like he has a 6 pack donut going on
Is meth a good way to get Veeky Forums? I saw someone today who I haven't seen in at least 4 years...
Post em
Veeky Forums approved meals and recipes?
If my boyfriend cums in my ass will it affect my daily carb/protein macros? If so...
NoFap Red Pill
QTDDTOT Eternal New Years edition
Hey user i've never seen you with a girl
Cold showers prevent flu
Walk into gym
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Veeky Forums BTFD
Single Life
What do for abs? Skinny fag here who has been bulking for 6 months, lean bulking anyways...
Hey Veeky Forums
Slavic secret to height
Eyeing this hot 16-year-old girl at the gym (it's legal)
What shoes does fit wear?
Cheap protein
Does Veeky Forums have good forearms?, girls want guys with veiny arms but I can't ever get any vascularity on mine
Daily reminder that this is what girls want
/Fraud/ - Steroids, blogposting, and retarded natties general
Post your weakness
Ive been lifting for nearly 5 years now and I'm turning 30 soon
What are some Veeky Forums names for a cat? I need to ensure this animal grows into the most Chad of felines...
Tfw you make it
This place has gone to hell.The catalog is full blown cancer
Most aesthetic race
Should I be taking a multivitamin? If so, what would Veeky Forums recommend
What the fuck happened
Post your number 1 physical flaw
What to do with an un/fit/ wife?
Post your routine, critique others
How to get this big natty?
Current body thread
Getting fit-shamed
Who is you Musclefu Veeky Forums ?
How do I tell my boy to stop lifting? He used to be Veeky Forums but is getting big and trashy
Jobs of Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums-fashion
This fucker eats grass and looks like this
How does the average Veeky Forumsizen perfom in real life compared to other boards on Veeky Forums?
Shoulder Width
/fph/ /fps/ /fht/ - Fat (people) [hate/stories] (thread)
Already ate my daily poptarts
CBT: current body thread
I'm 19, 5'7, hurr hurr manlet you're short, but I need some advice. Should I bulk? Lean bulk? Cut? I don't know anymore...
Is it possible to eat too much protein?
Teas general
Mom says we're having lasagna for dinner
Do you care about your health? Yes? Stop eating meat
How long should it take to cut? i want to lose 30-40 lbs and get a six pack, I've been bulking for almost a year
How do I move out my parents house?
Intra-workout BCAA - is it a meme?
Rate my one month progress
Veeky Forums I have no idea what I'm doing
'That guy' at the gym thread
BEHOLD the manlet army
Rate gains
*blocks your path*
Keto general
Running General
How strong would you have to be to lift someone by the neck?
Reminder that there's nothing wrong with
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
I quite like this guy
One chance at life
Veeky Forums is making fun of us again
Can we just get a Veeky Forums green text thread?
Quick question, promise ill delete this post after i get 2-3 proper responses
Hey Veeky Forums, first time poster here. I'm about to start going to the gym tommorow l...
Is he right Veeky Forums?
How to Bulk
When you see people who lift for aesthetics (Zyzz, Jeff Seid etc) why are they never with girls who are 9/10+...
Daily reminder that this is what girls want
Hi guys
You can't outlift a poor diet
You missed out on the genetic lottery
Most powerful man on earth is a manlet
That guy that can't bench at least 2 pl8 at the gym
How do you deal with the constant gas?
Cutting questions
Weight loss journey thread
The Jizz That Helped Every Rep
Vegetarian/Vegan Cutting Diet
Why does this look like shit?
Working out with girlfriend
Veeky Forums please help me, I'm begging you
What mide is this?
What mode will get her ?
Millennials sending snaps of themselves while they gym
Fictional goals
Developed brow ridge
I know girls love money but is there a point where it doesn't matter for them anymore or earning more than X has no...
So. Is neck training a good idea? I want to get a thick juicy neck but I'm worried about snapping my shit up...
/owg/ Olympic Weightlifting General
Be fatty
Is it possible to pull an all nighter to reset a nocturnal sleeping schedule?
"Woooooow user, you go to the gym and have muscles...
He cares about the way his food tastes
Do you meditate?
TFW 22 years old loser
How bad does jacking off fuck up muh gains?
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Tfw you now have a godlike body and your gf is average but you love her because she supported you throughout your...
Tfw a cute guy enters the gym when you're lifting with your gf
Ok, guys. I want to lose weight, but I'm an alcohol. Is it possible?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Recommend a deodorant / body wash
This is what bulking while skinny fat on SL for 8 months gets you
Veeky Forums music
Give it to me straight fit. what mode am I? been training for 9 months give or take
What's his daily regiment?
Red sticki
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games