Do I really need to bench?

I loathe benching like no other. If if I do alot of high volume OHP and ring dips will my chest really lag that much?

Yes you tard

Why do you not like bench?

Just feels extremely unnatural to me.

Ian McCarthy is that you?

Lying down, all the sweat gets in the eyes. Wet sweaty back gets squised on the bench in the wet tshirt. Always cramp up in my glutes.

No this is patrick

You're just a fat cunt

You can just use the fly machine I think

Only people with a shitty bench press hate to bench.

hey fuck you bro

That's why you bring towels, you dum

I do OHP and weighted dips and sometimes dumbbell bench, chest is my most Noticeable feature

At last I get an answer. Thank you, kind user.

The people who tell you that you NEED to bench are people who have shit squats, deadlifts, overhead presses and cant do weighted dips.

Just do heavy The Press and weighted dips and you will be just fine.

>At last I got the answer I wanted
Fixed that for you, buddy

ever tried incline bench, dumbbell bench, decline bench, floor presses or some other variations ? maybe there is one you like.

otherwise dips, flys and maybe pushups together with OHP should do the trick.

of course it depends on what your goals are. if you're training for powerlifting or to be football player, then yes you need to bench. if you want to get into dick-measuring contests with keyboard warriors on Veeky Forums, then yes you need to bench. otherwise, there are plenty of other ways to hit your chest. i personally find incline bench to be a much more natural movement, and also enjoy the chest press machine.

do incline bench. flat bench is pointless unless you're a powerlifter

How the fuck do you not like benching? It's arguably the most enjoyable and relaxing lift there is.

Worst one of the big 4

nah, bare minimum exercise routine is ohp and deadlift. You can get good pecs and triceps from ohp and pec iso's

are you a grill?

Hell no - that's OHP.

OHP is the most fun for me

>unironically not liking the bench



gonna make it

there is not a single exercise you need to do

but be honest about why you don't want to do bench

You mad benchlet?

4 you

I only do OHP and Dips
Chest is big
Can Bench 275
Eat shit Bench is for pleb faggots who wanna ruin their posture for gym props

>Implying laying flat can damage your posture

>not doing both

I bench 385 and do weighed dips with 220 lbs.

Im a chestlet and my 1rm is only 210 yet bench is my favorite lift.

>tfw 220 1rm


Bench is actually pretty bad for building size in the chest. Great strength movement though.

Incline dumbell press is god tier for pec gains.

yeah and bench is hard af to increase for me

literally 10lbs in like 5 months

oh vey! dont ever use the bench press; it would negate your chest and strength gains. Not even greats like Kennedy, Eychveny, and Rigert Bench.

Yeah, dont do the bench press its such a fucking overrated lift! Let the idiots use the bench press.

If flat bench feels unnatural, maybe try incline bench press? It really is an essential exercise for chest