Magic Mushrooms

Do someone her take shrooms an a regular bais? What are your experience? How do they, do they influence my gains in a negative way?


I do a big dose a couple times a year but I microdose often.
Doesn't really affect sleep quality but can make you way too energetic and skip sleep if you are tripping (trips aren't too long so just doing it more than 5 hours before bedtime will be sufficient).
Taking non-heroic doses should have almost no sides, just be smart user.
Also cardio on shrooms is GOAT.

They make your stomach feel weird while on them, so many people don't eat as much the day they trip. But if you manage to feel like eating, FOOD TASTES SO GOOD.

Other than that, I had nothing but positive experiences with micro-dosing, making tea, and eating high doses. It is what you make of it

How did you deal with big doses? I start to panic after about 0.3 g with Orange Juice. Can't imagine more than 1 g. I'm quiet sensitive to drugs... but I can't understand how people can make more than this. Is it normal? Do you disconnect and don't care anymore when you take more than that? Do you experienced somthing similar?

I don't think shrooms will affect your gains unless you take them every day

Once at a baked potato with cheese and broccoli during a peak, the steam filled my nostrils in the comfiest way and I started to think about how as a kid you see broccoli as trees.
This made the little "branches" hard and crack like twigs and it was pretty amazing desu.

That's really sensitive. I have panic attacks sober semi regulary (every few months) but I haven't panicked while being on shrooms.
I've taken about 3.5 or so grams and I still am very aware of my surroundings while people with me sprawl out on the floor and can't talk for 5 hours.
Might help that I have severe depersonalization issues so if anything shrooms turn my uncomfortable depersonalization I feel to a more warm depersonalization that almost makes me feel like a person again.

that sounds amazing

Yeah... It supriesed me that I felt like this after only 0.3 g aswell. Maybe it's just the fear of where they gonna bring me and how strong the trip will hit me. This 0.3 g was like the one time i took 1 g.

I get hypersensitive for my surounding. become a sphearic view and hearing. A strange shadow effect of my body while moving... like my body is some steps behind me. I start to think in realy deep patterns... and I mean realy deep. Everything around me makes sense. It's like having 100 thoughts at once and a lot more I can't realy describe with words. But there's also this strange feeling of fear. Of this vivid optict so much people reported.
There some things to deal with in my life, but I don't think they bug me that much to force my trip in this anxietymode.
Beside this, I love shrooms. It's the best drug ever for me. I really want to try more than 1 g but I think I will give it some time until this experiment

took 3.5 grams at a festival last month. Had a great time traveling through the galaxy and speaking to my ancestors. still able to hold conversations. Unless you're one of those people who can't control themselves on drugs you'll be fine.

How do a guy with no contacts acquire drugs? I want to try shrooms and maybe mdma.

0.5g always gives me a good hum. It's not so much that I'm getting visuals or tripping balls, but it'll give me the giggles and let me relax for a few hours.
If I do more than 1.5-2, I'll be tripping balls for hours and it's *almost* always a good time. Depends on my surroundings and the people in with.
You sound like you go into your trip expecting something negative almost. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but mushrooms for me has always been a bit of an escape from reality for the first little while. A way to just laugh and enjoy what's happening around me right then and there. The last hour or 2 is usually a reflective time for me where I think deeply about shot going on in my life/family/work.
Do you take them alone or do you drop with friends?

MDMA a shit

Shrooms tea is the best way to take them. Tea won't upset your stomach and the trip feels so much more clean. I agree with the user who said "dont take a heroic dose" that's the #1 reason why people have a bad trip. Grind up a few caps and maybe a stem or two and boil some water. If you want more, take a bit more next time but don't take a second dose while you're still tripping. Also not totally hating yourself helps a lot too

itll effect your gains in that diet usually goes to shit when tripping.

otherwise spiritually it could do ya good.

get contacts

if u want to be really direct you can go to clubs, parties, festivals, concerts (best: underground illegall raves) and look for suspicious people or just people smoking weed and ask. Prices are horrendous at events, but its propably easiest way.

Heck, I once had a cardboard with "Lost my friend, Molly" and got a few offers. (But that was on a underground party where everyone were on drugs, doing this in a commercial club will get you kicked out propably)

online but it's a decently crazy process, if i were you i'd try to ask anyone i know probably if they know if you feel like you could ask without them thinking youre weird or something. or at raves but if you got them there id test it for sure with a test kit cause i know a lot of stuff at those things are sketchy or not legit anything from sugar to pure meth

I do shrooms maybe once a year. I like the headspace. I've done acid once and will probably not do it for a long time, was way too intense. I take E 2-3 times a year, it's always a great experience.

Every drug except weed seems to make me nauseous as hell during the come up though, anyone have a solution?

dnm's, but only if you put in the time to do it right

>>Every drug except weed seems to make me nauseous as hell during the come up though, anyone have a solution?

changing route of administration could help. If you swallow your acid blotters for example, try to just hold them on your gums and spit them later. If u swallow some kind of powder - sniff it. ETC

I've done acid twice and both times the experience seemed too hectic. My mind was all over with no euphoria.

The greatest experience I've ever had in my life was on mushrooms. Something happened to me when I opened my phone and the keyboard started dancing and glowing (years ago when phones actually had keyboards) while my background, which was just a photo of a firework, started exploding. All this while listening to my favorite upbeat song of all time. It was more euphoric than any of my ecstasy experiences. I truly felt like I had a taste of heaven.

Damn, I wanna do shrooms again.

see if you can get some zofran
its anti-nausea meds for chemo patients so its strong.

That's cool, the times I've done shrooms haven't been psychedelic at all but just an altered mind state. When I did acid it was like my eyes were caked over with crystals and everything looked like a kaleidoscope for 8 hours. I'd like to try 2C-B for a less intense psych experience.
MDMA is always my favorite, you can do anything on it and it will feel amazing. I'm taking it again in 2 weeks at some psych/rock kinda festival.

I'm jelly. I haven't done anything like that in years. Maybe one day.

how many G's for a person going first time. im thinking an eighth.

are panic attacks really real? I mean we all get stressed out etc but it seems a little dramatic..

Handful of trips under belt, largest is 4.5g with lemontek. You won't eat that day and if you dose too late you'll miss sleep. You'll feel fried and tired the next day while your brain tries to put your shit back together but it's a spiritual experience and makes up for any physical losses with life and spirit gains.

whats the recommended dosage for a first timer?

i did about 2-2.5g my first time and i was 6'2 300+ lbs

however im not sure if body size impacts how shrooms affect you though

I'm waiting on some at the moment, not sure it'll work out though because they have colonised yet.

Want to do them for that depression/anxiety relief.

Done shrooms 1-3 times a month, I need 5-10g to feel an effect. Only negative way they have influenced me is by starving myself and taking days off gym cause minor muscle cramps... overall feel positive and clear headed each time after.

define doing it right

are you retarded

>Unless you're one of those people who can't control themselves on drugs you'll be fine.
you're fucking delusional. If it alters your consciousness, you are not 100% in control.

Not that guy but I have had one. You just can't calm down, think you're dying, heart is pounding, and just overall a nervous wreck. It lasted an hour then went back to normal. So yes, they are real. No drugs were involved, I was completely sober just chilling at home.

Take a big enough dose and you'll realise how futile ego boosting lifting is. So it might affect your gains negatively.

Psychedelic drugs are worse than crack and heroin desu
they make you delusional and happy about it

taking all the important security precautions

I like to close my eyes and meditate. I get insane visuals and I enjoy the trip the mushrooms take me.

How do you guys deal with coming down from shrooms?

>I microdose often.
Nice meme.

I would highly recommend you to start small. 1 g if you nerver did psychadelics before. Shrooms are powerful and can kick you in the ass if you don't use them with respect. Work your wax up to higher doses but if they're ingested you can't stop the trip for the next 5 to 8 hours. You will notice the effect in waves... If you took to mich and the first one hit you like a train you could end up forming a bad trip. So better start small and safe. Read some bad trip reports and what the guys have done wrong. Pay attention to your set and setting and have a tripsitter by your side

The panic attack on shrooms for me is like a complete change of your senses, thoughtpatterns and different layers of sensoric inpit you never had before. So you overwhelmed by everything around you causing the feeling you never could form a clear mind again. The world around you is twisted in thousand directions. In my opinion you have to learn to manage this feeling/state. Maybe I just have to take a little more to completly disconnect. But yeah a panic attack is real. The first hour of my upcome is always realy heavy... Followed by a rapid change in a state like in the movie "limitless". Shrooms realy helped me to overwork my whole appearence. Details I never paid attention to sober.

How? Shrooms is best for cutting no disire to eat what so ever. even hours after

I'm tempted to try them. Truth be told,I'm skeptical about mushrooms. So many people claim shit like being enlightened, but the way they write it just seems like they lost a good bunch of braincells.

I always read people that say it opens their minds but they never actually have anything interesting or novel to relate

It's almost like the effect of the drug is to make you feel like you've had a spiritual awakening, but that's it, just a feeling.

I ate 20-30 grams on accident thinking I was getting five and went through a wormhole to another dimension and encountered insect aliens.

Yes, this is what I noticed from the countless threads I've been in, be it Veeky Forums, /r9k/ or /pol/. Mostly useless bullshit that leads nowhere.

As someone with a lot of experience with them, I can tell you that you're not losing brain cells. At the same time, you're probably not actually being enlightened, but when you are in the state of mind that only psychedelics can bring on you'll understand why people feel that way. They sound so stupid to you because it is literally indescribable. It's a beautiful experience and you can take from it whatever you will.

It's not just a feeling - but it's also not something that has any practical, demonstrable value. You just see things you aren't supposed to and then you have to come back into society with a permanently altered viewpoint.

>permanently altered viewpoint

But people seem unable to explain how they view the world differently

They definitely fucked up your grammar.

the subconscious is more free flowing so to say
euphoria and irregular thought patterns are in themselves novel phenomenon

people generally don't have much novel things to say so there's no reason to expect someone to start saying some unprecedented thing just because they took a hallucinogen

personal experience, my imagination gets cranked up in connection with whatever i'm psychologically attached to, usually based on how i see myself or whatever situation i'm in

Well people are to varying degrees conscious and aware of their own lives to begin with, and have varying degrees of command over the English language, so you can't really expect most people to give you a point by point breakdown of why Psilocybin was one of the most profound experiences they've ever had. They'll probably say something like, "It was really eye opening and spiritual," which is completely meaningless but what else can you expect from a generation raised on enforced idiocy? It's cool to be a moron now so coaxing any kind of substantive breakdown of what these things are and what they mean is going to be difficult.

So I'll do a brief summary in another post here, let me gather my thoughts a bit and try and break it down for you.


There's alot of archetypal imagery that goes on within the psilocybin trance that's metaphysical and tied to ancient religious traditions; so much so that you begin to wonder if said traditions had their foundations in mushroom cults or some other type of psychedelic, but I'm not going to get in to that stuff because it's not really concrete and highly subjective.

One of the things that you'll notice doing mushrooms is your point of view shifts. Psilocybin competes with serotonin at the same receptor sites in your brain so for a brief period of time your brain chemistry is altered in such a way that some parts are lighting up more strongly and others less so, so you literally perceive the world in a way you otherwise wouldn't be able to. This is verifiable and tangible.

The connection with nature and your body. Your true humanness outside of social programming. I mean you ARE a type of sapien ape thing walking around in plant fibers carrying a small electronic device giving you instantaneous access to the collective database of your species knowledge since the dawn of history at any moment. You're seeing the same world that you saw before, but from a vantage point and viewpoint you could not have imagined.

So that's one thing, but that is literally just the tip of the iceberg.

Just be careful you are ingesting spores from a sentient mushroom specie on another planet


Again, psychedelics have a knack for melting down a lifetime of programming and cultural assumptions and getting you to look at yourself and the world as you are NATURALLY, as a mammal, as a creature in a part of an integrated, natural system, rather than some kind of platonic superego which exists outside of nature and is driven by abstraction. Wealth, power, fame, blah blah blah.

ur wrong though.

took 7g, pee'd myself, internalized my struggles and gained new motivation, now I work out 30 extra minutes per session and am noticing the "push yourself" meme in full swing

well said

look at the bag. take a small cap. chew a stem. mark the time. wait 20-30 min and note the change in your body. eat a little more. and so on. Be alone and at home. You will need to shit and then will want to shower. That's a good way to have the come-up.

t. psychonaut

Which brings me to the way mushrooms altered my view of reality and nature itself. You know previously I just innately assumed without being consciously aware of it that nature was "dumb", or rather, that things like plants and systems like the weather were not 'alive' in the same sense that I was because they don't have a brain. After mushrooms you cannot help but see that the entire planet is a living breathing organism with intent for itself. Intelligent intent. Intent to communicate. I began to feel like reality itself was attempting to communicate with me. This deviated into schizophrenic territory so I backed off of it... you really have to be careful with this shit.

I mean, then, you know, as you go deeper and up the dose the really crazy shit starts to go down. At one point I recall very vividly not being able to tell the difference between myself and other people. In other words, I would think of another person, and couldn't differentiate between self and other. That all this time (and this is big and a major ongoing occupation) everyone I thought was outside of myself and not me, was actually just me in disguise. That we are all one thing playing separate roles.


I'll have you know I took lsd and I had organic thoughts about the meaning of life so basic that they applied to every religion and beleif system in a simplified, yet entirely true way. I then connected it to real world fuckery and I now live a changed life in respect to the principles I thought up.

I mean shit dude it's bretty tight. Care to hear?

How hard is it to get some on the darknet?


And beyond the perception of universal oneness are the aliens and that's where I backed off. Extra terrestrial intelligence is fun as a concept like santa claus but to experience it for real is disturbing.

You just buy them with bitcoin like everything else

thats true tho. its often cited in buddhism, and we all stem from the same source. call it big bang or whatever, but its well known in quantum physics. Many of these states are also obtainable through deeply devoted meditation.

I've done LSD twice and shrooms once. Neither changed my life, let alone gains, but they did give me a lot of food for thought. Like how your brain filters external stimuli into interpretable forms. After all you are experiencing something for the first time ever. I suffered from a bit of anxiety and a feeling of detachment afterwards, but that ended soon, and all in all they had a positive effect on my mental health. I'm not in any hurry for my third time as these things can take a toll. I feel that I'll know when the time is right.

Easy, but remember:

>bitcoin is NOT anonymous
>your vendor may keep your name in a database
>without proper OPSEC, you may get busted years later due to FBI tracking
>Use TAILS, coin tumblers, bitcoin ATMs (if possible), and public wifi

>Do tonnes of psychadelics
>End up normie without feeling any better
>Do more psychadelics
>Realize how much I hate normies
>Currently ascended to ultimate NEET lifeform with no desire to do drugs

Nice, I'll have to look into it. I'm quitting weed and alcohol and I'm thinking a casual dose every month could help me. I tried it once and for the time after I didn't have any cravings.

Not in the USA fortunately, but thanks for the heads up

unless you user have truly thought a new thought you're not providing evidence to the contrary of what i'm saying, which is that people generally even through the experience of psychedelics generally think things they are predisposed to thinking, which includes this connection of all religions which has been going on before either of us was born by sober and non sober people alike

yes, go ahead

Look this shit is NOT for stupid people

Stupid people plus psychedelics may make them batter people, but they tend to come out stupider. Give a smart person psychedelics and they will go buttfuck, but tend to be more grounded.

By grounded I mean not suddenly beleive retarded shit. Your milege may vary. But honestly the mental fuckery which transpires as a result of scientific knowledge is confounding.

Watching the world gizmoid into backpedalding versions of undulating organic obtuse itterations of itself as photosynthesis and quantum field relaties are suddenly visible and your beleifs about society and the nature of reality physically morph the topology of your conciousness as you proccess a complete dissolution of external sensory input and any random meme you conject into the buttfuck is really fun if you're not
>terminally autistic
Like me

would anyone happen to have an infographic on doing this shit lol

been trying to straight up ask people who i already know smoke weed, sometimes at random

the one 'solid' lead i got is sketchy as fuck

>MDMA a shit

objectively false

Listen man, you should seriously consider growing your own. What state do you live in? I can teach you right here right now and you don't have to worry about any of that shit.

socal brah

can you give me the 101 on how to synthesize lucy also? thanks

Not him but please enlighten me. Mycology looks like a blast

Not that user, but synthesizing lucy is difficult as fuck and pretty much impossible without proper lab equipment and extensive knowledge of the field.

desssu i knew i fucked up by not having my tongue firmly in my cheek during that request

Alright, first of all, a disclaimer. The information being provided forthwith is for all intents and purposes broadly applicable to the production of ANY coprophilic, dung loving mushroom. I do not encourage nor condone any illegal activity; let's get that out of the way.

not only that but finding/growing ergot is incredibly hard.

Are you high right now?

Step 1)

Alright students, now here's what you're going to do. You're going to buy spores, because spores are mushroom seeds you dumbfuck. I'm not going to tell you where and how to get them because I assume you have google; just know that ALL mushroom spores are legal to purchase for "microscopy purposes" because they do not contain psilocybin, which is A SCHEDULE 1 SUBSTANCE THERE MERE POSSESSION OF WHICH COULD GET YOU FEDERAL TIME LET ALONE IT'S PRODUCTION.

this is for EDUCATIONAL purposes ONLY

Step 2)

Alright, now mushroom spores need to eat because they are hungry, so you need to put them in a SUBSTRATE, which means mushroom soil, so go out and buy brown rice flour and vermiculite and mix that shit together. If you need to know the exact ratio's google P.F. Tek.

Does buying spores put you on a list or something? The government isn't dumb, they know why you are getting those

Step 3)

Alright you're going to have to sterilize that brown rice flour and vermiculite and put it in a mason jar; wide mouth, so you can pound that shit out. If the mouth of the jar is narrow when the cake is solid mycellium it won't come out so you'll have to break the jar god damn it so buy wide mouth kerr. Sterilize it with steam or a microwave or some damn thing because other micro-bros are gonna wanna eat that warm, wet, brown rice flour pussy too but you gotta protect that shit like a man so you're pure white goddess can grow and flourish so don't be a fucking cuck, sterilize.

Yeah, you're getting them for microscopy purposes. Are you slow, student? Only a criminal would put that shit in a jar with brown rice flour and grow them.

ah, new spin on classic format through reference to contemporary memes, whatever more does user have in store for us

Step 4)

Now you gotta wait for that shit to grow. It won't happen overnight so just be patient and watch.

First time, about 3g. Played Overwatch better than usual once it hit me, but soon lost interest. Closing my eyes and enjoying the visuals was much more pleasant. Did it alone in my room, lit by a single candle. I couldn't stop smiling, it was the first time I felt genuinely happy in my life. I started listening to shamanic icaros and it felt like I was being embraced lovingly by a protective force, accompanied by the visual of a golden blanket being wrapped around me. Deeper into the trip I felt like my body was a vessel to something else and all I had to do was to take good care of it and everything would be ok. There was also a sense of being back to my original place,a place where I wasn't limited but somehow was eternal.

Second time, jumped to 5g. Initially it was scary. Visuals involved creatures with human bodies but deformed heads akin to the xenomorph from Alien, always showing teeth in a threatenengly manner. Also had this visual of one of those creatures crucified on an arid field, but still alive. After that my field of view was taken over by this single creature that appeared gaseous, denser in the middle, thinner towards the limbs. It had six of those limbs and the entire body was covered in eyes with a central eye, bigger than the others, staring at me. That creature seemed dangerous and seemed to taunt me as if trying to force me back somehow. I freaked out a bit, as if I could somehow force myself back into sobriety but that didn't last long as I remembered I had no choice but relax and see where the trip would lead me. I faced the gaseous eye thing as in a staring contest and it disappeared. I had lost my sense of time and thought by now the visual part of the trip was over, so I got and sat at the computer.

Step 5)

ALRIGHT. You should have a big, white, fluffy, aryan waifu ready for breedng. If she has any brown on her that's called dactylium and it's mildew so into the trash she goes. Obviously green and black is bad too. Don't even open those jars just OUT, OUT, OUT.

Now you gotta fruit, so you gotta build a shotgun terrarium. What the fuck is that? Shut the fuck up and I'll tell you. It's a plastic box with so many holes in it it looks like it got hit with a shotgun. Why? So you can build humidity. Also you need PERLITE. Soak perlite and put a couple inches at the bottom. STERILIZE EVERYTHING. THE WHITE RACE MUST REMAIN PURE. PUUUUUUUUUURE I TELL YOU.

Yeah really though, holes. Lots of holes. Everywhere.

Step 6)

Alright well, your cakes need INDIRECT sunlight, so put them someplace in the shade and make sure the temp is somewhere in the 80s and holy shit, mushrooms.

Now obviously I've given you a VERY broad outline, but if to fill in gaps feel free to just google P.F. Tek and stop being stupid.

I just want to show you how easy and non James Bond it is to grow WHITE BUTTON MUSHROOMS ABSENT OF ANY ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES and then to consume them.

No need to buy bitcoins and get behind six firewalls and hang out with child prostitutes on the deep web, just have fungus.

Yours truly,



As soon as I sat down and turned on the monitor my field of view was taken over by geometric patterns, as if I was looking at the world through stained glass. Beautiful. I layed down again, because that shit was just beginning.

What came after was hard to describe. I started getting muscle spasms, first randomly, then rythmically. The contractions would start on my hips and would move up towards my shoulders, making me slither somewhat but most likely making me look as if I was fucking the air itself. I still got visuals, but they are hard to describe. I saw myself as a caveman drawing on a stone wall lit by a fire and got the impression "we have been doing this forever". I saw myself on a desert, looking at the stars and identified myself with someone else who had that experience in Algeria. Then everything was white and the only impression I got was "fire", "shin", "spirit". Then sex. Visions of me fucking every woman I ever fucked. Then nothing.

Third time, about 4g. No teeth in my visuals this time, but everything humanoid was showing tongues. I was listening to a McKenna lecture and at some point he demonstrates glossolalia. That shit felt like he somehow managed to take a part of the trip and congeal it into "sober space", I was startled the very impressed and got this feeling of kinship with him. This trip made me dance, something I never did in my life. It felt like I had to move in specific ways, as if trying to draw geometric patterns with my body. I'm glad I was alone, I must have looked pretty dumb. Or looked like an awesome dancer and I may be wasting a talent, who knows.

Ever since my first trip my depression symptoms are gone. I don't feel suicidal, I don't feel particularly sad, at most melancholic if I don't sleep well. Feeling happy is much easier. I also feel more open and less judgmental towards people in general.

Would recommend to any depressed autist that doesn't have anxiety problems.


Finally, somebody with an interesting trip report.

>Chasing the dragon

>So many people claim shit like being enlightened
i actually went into my first trip as a edgy teen that hated niggers and spics. came out as loving everyone, saying everyone was equal, and became and environmentalist.

reality fixes that nonsense though.

I had one of the best time of my life trying weed for the first time. Feels like I've been chasing the dragon ever since. I only did .5 of shrooms on my first dose to avoid that problem and I still had a great time. I'll be doing that for every drug I try from now on

>tfw just hit me that's what i've been doing this whole time

How do shrooms compare to acid?

I did a lot of LSD in high school and I can't help but think that it fucked up my short-term memory, then again that could just be my paranoia.