You guys want a gym horror story?
>at gym this evening
>doing cable pull downs
>watch a scrawny guy, looks around fresh college age, go to the bench press
>he literally has sticks for arms and struggles putting on the 45 pound weights on each end
>he sits down
>oh here we go
>he lfits the bar off the rack, idols, then the bar comes flying down to his face
>rush over to help him and another guy helps him too
>his front tooth is chipped
>oh fuck
>the other guy shouts for the staff
>kid is crying and licking over his wound that is gashing blood
>everyone else is just standing or sitting where they were in complete shock
felt bad for him, man.
Gym horror story
>dropsets: you're doing it wrong
Funny enough, I was a fucking idiot and did drop sets as soon as I hit the gym when I was new. I would go to the gym, do 40 curls, then automatically, 35, 30, 25, then 20, and I was done.
Fuckin idiot before, lel.
>go into gym
>start squatting
>standing at bar just resting for a bit
>see one of the gym employees sitting at seated butterfly machine
>starts making weird faces
>gets up and collapses
>other gym staff notices and check him out
>ambulance is called and takes him to the hospital
>everyone's shaken so finish workout and leave
>come in a day later
>turns out his heart stopped and he died on the way to the hospital
>he had a history of drugs abuse and was turning his life around when his body just gave out
Fucking crazy. We could go at anytime, any day. And now our gym has a gains ghost.
do you have to do spooky squats now?
Not much of a horror story like that but I've got a good story from my friend's powerlifting coach
>coach and buddies at commercial gym
>all squatting ~500lbs
>looks relatively easy because there's five of them just cycling through the rack
>dyel sees this and wants in on the fun
>they ask if he wants them to help unload the weight but he just figured because they're all doing it so easily that it must be lightweight
>manages to unrack the weight
>stands there for about a second
>crashes down into the safeties
>dumbass nearly passed out
>they never saw him again
>be scrawny college student
>decide to play a prank on meatheads in the gym
>load up 1pl8 on bench press and drop it on my face
>gym brutes gasp in horror and rush over to help me
>mfw i was only pretending to drop the bar
If he can unrack 500lbs he's not a dyel
>he had a history of drugs abuse and was turning his life around when his body just gave out
Fuckin creatine NOT EVEN ONCE.
>be me
>crush livelift and lat pulldowns
>5x5 and then max weight to failure
>Steam Room Hero
>hit lockers
>enter steam room
>poison gas
>fucking gopnik used camphor spray
>steam room ruined
>only thing i actually want to do at the gym
Thanks a fuckin lot, Boris. I won't be able to taste my chicken and rice this week, but you got your witchdoctor medicine steam in, you pasty white nigger
I just realized where my life is. I saw this and said "I'd fuck that squash so hard". Then I saw and realized that's how I left inside after saying it. I'm going back to the gym to work out these demons.
>implying the gym doesn't encourage drug use
The manager there pushes whey by the gallon bro.
the spookiest squats
>Be in gym
>Chest day
>Across from my Bench I spy a couple squatting with barbells.
>Their backs about 20-30 degrees from being parallel with the ground as they squat.
>mfw I think about their spines.
jesus christ it's a life size mantis
>chitinous articulated joints
> *BRAP*
I actually saw something that could have been a horror story today..
I saw some young kid come in and go to the bench press machine.. he puts a 45 on each side... but only half way on for each.. they were visibly off center.
As he unracked the barbell I was like oh shit here we go...
The bar swayed back and forth like a teeter totter from left to right he got two reps in and just barely was able to rack it.
I thought for sure he was going to lose control and the bar would go flying
bench press*
I don't know why I said bench press machine
Poor kid. Probably signed a gym contract and doesn't want to return after this shit happened.
Hope he makes it back in.
Oh boy do I have one for you Veeky Forums.
>walk into gym at peak time, because was feeling good and wanted to get it over with today
>head to squat rack, everything is full, including platforms
>someone leaves squat rack, ask the guy who just started deadlifting if I could use the rack, he tells me go ahead
>do warm ups, rack my weights up for 5x8 because deadlift sucks and I need better hammies
>first rep goes smooth, as usual
>guy bends his head down to start deadlifting
>get into third rep, time stops
>"Did I remember to shit before coming to the gym today?"
>let out the vilest fart of my gym career, like a jet propulsion system when it first gets fuel
>I could lift off with this much force
>continue my set like nothing happened, had headphones on so I could only feel it, not hear it
>guy behind me stands up, leaves his 4pl8 DL on the floor, and walks away, returns an hour later after I'm done squatting
I felt bad for that guy, but fuck am I gonna let these gains go
That woulda been bananas
>be in gym
>doing my stuff
>aim for the exit just thinking about the great day i have lifting more weight than usual
>then see two men in curl machine
>the one standing scream worried
>turns out the man using the machine have a collapse
>the men standing see me and tell me to get help
>i see a coach and tell him the situation
>coach rushes to the man
>ambulance is now outside the gym
>i help to lift the man and get him in the ambulance
>mfw all this happens suddenly when i was going to the exit of the gym
>home gym
>2 weeks ago
>breaking a pr today
>going for 5 pl8 1 rep
>dog always watches me and waits because we eat together after
>he's 14 years old
>I grunt as i struggle to break pr
>dog looking at me with a smile watches as i complete it
>he lays down and dies of a heartattack
>I spend the next 2 hours digging a proper hole for him in my yard and building a coffin
> his grave is 5 feet away from outside gym
>signed up for gym this week and selling my cage and equipment.
Holding on for the new PR. What a pal.
Don't do it user, what happens when you break another pr and kill an innocent gym-goer this time?
Don't have any but these will have to do
>Finish doing ohp and moving fixed weight barbell
>Small uni gym, so waddling between people
>bump barbell into guy dl'ing
>he aleady cleaned it so it wasnt as dangerous
>felt so bad man
Id kill a million gym goers if it brigs doggo back
that's crazy, I bet he felt like a real idiot.
Last semester at my college gym, apparently some kid was doing bb bench press with ~45s when he dropped one of them from the top and it smashed into his eye. He was wearing glasses too, fucked his eye up pretty good from what I heard.
Unfortunately I got there just after all the excitement, gym staff was just cleaning up the blood trail when I was starting up.
>Also horror story of my own:
I was benching the other day and I failed a rep and just had to roll of shame the barbell. Next set, some huge dude must've seen me struggle with the last one so he came over to spot me and I was beginning to struggle again so he leaned over to grab a bar and a drop of sweat landed right on my god damn eye.
I said thanks to him for the spot but god damn it kinda bugs me when people spot without being asked to.
Either you're drunk, trolling, retarded or all three.
He sounds like a true bro
>seated overhead press
>this overly hairy, old man in a wife beater comes in
>asks me how many sets i had left, and i answer just one left of 110 lbs
>i get up
>he comes back with some huge ass plates, probably around 50 lbs each
>is hardly able to get them off the floor into the bar
>unracks the bar
>half asses a rep, immediately drops the fucking bar into his face, chest, legs, respectively, and then forward
>screaming incoherently on the ground with hands on his face
>PT and trainee staff run to help
>old-guy-in-wifebeater starts cussing and acting aggressively against staff
>PT is now dragging him outside
>look at the seat he was in, a small pool of blood is formed in front of it, hollow barbell seemingly bent
>pic related, mfw i just watched
This happened a few months ago
>go to uni gym
>gym population is 99% frat bros and sorority sluts, very rare to see any real autism happening.
>step into the weight room
>notice a barbell sitting there unattended loaded up with 5plates
>rarely see anyone lifting that heavily in here, curious who's barbell it is
>250 pounds of condensed autism goes literally sprinting by right in front of my face
>jumps as if he's a long jumper approximately 10 feet before the barbell
>lands with both feet shoulder width apart, hands perfectly placed on the barbell
>Screams at the top of his fucking lungs
>*begins lifting*
>succesfully pulls 5plates with perfect form
>every frat bro and sorority slut in the entire section of the gym is staring at this man in horror
>laugh it off
>start warming up
>about 10 minutes later see the autistic pikachu line up his approach path starting about 30 feet away from the barbell
>full sprint
>stick's the landing
>again, everyone basically mortified staring at this guy
Homeboy did 4 sets like this then left, haven't seen him since.
>go to set down dumbells after set
>dick gets pinched when setting down the weights
my sides
I am going to try this at the Y. Sounds amazing
What country are you from?
Was doing delt raises, when I brought the weights together ahead of me my headphones that weren't in my ears swung in between them
>there were no survivors
Why is this bad?
its not but he only curled
So they were doing low bar skwaats?
post this comment again so more people can read your great story
i usually do rotary lat pulldown that has a handle for each hand instead of a bar
not sure if that machine or cable pull down is better, they both seem to do the same thing
Except it was in a way that put a even more ridiculous strain on their backs.
made me cry.
>not using the safety bars
I used to do this too, is there something wrong with doing that?
This man is my hero.
What a bro
That's a pumkin, not a jack o' lantern. What the fuck is this shit?
That sucks dude. I'm sorry about your dog.
I had weird base in my heart for a month or so after abusing some drugs... Literally thought I was gonna die any day and being antisocial and mostly home alone there would be no one to call for help. I put a little more value on my life now.
>be me
>bench 205 as a PR
>proud of myself
>next gym day bench it again
>now convinced I can consistently do it
>stove breaks
>can't make any food besides eggs in the mike
>decide to get some fast food gains
>there's a pizza there too
>think I've been doing good on my diet I can relax a little
>figure I can do cardio and burn it off anyway
>literally the next day
>do my usual sets, go to bench 205
>can barely raise the bar off the rack
>get pinned under the weight and need help to get it off
Fuck the weight aspect of it. Bad food LITERALLY kills you. After that scare, I'm clean. I will never touch that shit again. My gains are too precious. What a humiliating way to learn this lesson.
Gainz goblinz gobblin up yo gainz
those fucking jews with their jewish fast food tricks taking away your gainz
BRAP... lol
What the fuck is going on in the OP pic
Your dog was amazing. He got to see you break a new PR and believed your happiness was more important than his life.
You did good by him, user.
It's a swamp I guess, with mold on the surface or plankton or something
>In gym after hours
>Doing squats
>Suddenly we hear weird banging noise
>See staff member run inside bloody with tongue shot out of his mouth
>Nope.Avi my ass outside as the man Hits the ground motionless
Eventually we made it far enough. Turned out a husband killed his ex wife for having an affair with the man whom happened to be the gentleman that was shot.
The husband an hero'd afterward
I had to do the roll of shame the other day
>shoulder recovering from injury so been using DBs as they cause way less pain
>set a new DB PR of 48kg for 4 reps
>do cable flies superset with press ups to failure
>chest is fatigued
>go for 80kg barbell bench press at the end of my workout
>easy shit, smash 100kg for reps, 140kg ORM
>actually not easy
>first 5 reps are good
>6 is a struggle
>7 is a real struggle
>8 doesn't happen
>roll of shame that bar
>once it's on the floor, clean the bar up so I can re-rack it just so I can feel like I'm not a totally useless piece of shit
>only a couple of old women on cross trainers in the gym
I think I got away with it.
>chip teeth during prank
>they're the fools!
>some bullshit
you cleaned 4pl8 after failing to bench it
>bench three consecutive days
>weird I'm not lifting what i did on day 1
are you retarded?
>gym autism
pick one
Where did you get 4pl8 from? Firstly 140kg is 3pl8, secondly, I was benching 80kg,which I failed and then cleaned.
>senior year of highschool
>im a manlet at about 155 pounds
>body actually looks pretty good, but look pretty small in normal clothes
>first day of weight training, lots of newbies
>coach has us max out on bench to see where everyone stands
>i go first and get up to 215
>newbies that aren't much bigger than me figure that they should be stronger than me
>they load up two plate on bench
>newbie benching 2pl8 and newbie spotting
>nothing can go wrong
>spotter helps him unrack it
>shit drops like a fucking boulder on his chest
>spotter can't lift it up
>fat ass coach takes forever to maneuver behind him and rerack it
>guy was carried to the nurse and missed the first few weeks of school
Not entirely sure what happened to him but I'll be honest i felt really satisfied
>Doing OHP 90k
>this scrawny black guy comes up to me, I dont really know him he is friends with my roomate or something
>aaay man lemmi work in man
>just fucking picks it out the rack and hits himself in the head with it
>panics and fucking sprints out of the room
>he is about 10 feet away by the time the bar hits the floor
>everyone looks at me because of the huge noise
>im just stood there not sure what to do
To this day he was the only guy I ever met who curled more than he deadlifted
Probably lost a bet of sorts
I'd just go to a private gym after some shit like that
>a gym ghost
kek'd heartily
But now you can always try to summon squatting strength from the spirit, if it is kind.
Rest in piece PR doggo
RIP in peace PR doggo
Rest in gainz PR doggo
Rest in piece PR doggo
Rest in piece PR doggo
Ain't you never heard of algae, motherfucker?
Rest in peace pr doggo
Rest in piece PR doggo
Rest in piece PR doggo
Rest in piece PR doggo
>deadlifting in a rack
get fucked
I'm sorry user.
Rest in piece PR doggo
Rest in peace PR doggo
rest in piece pr doggo
Rest in peace PR doggo
Rest in piece PR doggo
Rest in peace PR doggo
>Friend going to the gym for the first time, asks me to go with him
>The gym he chose uses 10kg bars instead of olympic bars
>Head over to power rack
>Someone before him was doing 2pl OHP so the bar is raised high
>Each of us go on either side to unrack the plates
>My friend decides to pull both plates off at the same time before i even reach my hands out to my side of the bar
>80kgs drop on my head, roll over and fall on my back and then scrape my calf
>Slight blackout
>Sober up and notice my upper back bleeding
>20 minutes after my entire arm is numb
>30 minutes later my entire arm is going blue
>Goodbye arm.
Thankfully my arm got better over night and after a few days it was fully flesh colored again.
Fucking retard.
I had a hearty kek at that last line
Rest in piece PR doggo
Rest in piece PR doggo
Kek кoмяade
fuck now you've gone and scared me
>gym empty aside from me, random bro and his gf
>gym only has one squat rack
>girl setting up in squat rack with a box
>"...what is this bitch doing"
>unracks weight
>step up onto box
>step down, repeat
>watch this in horror
>30 seconds in steps up
>knee buckles
>bar slams into safeties, plates fall everywhere
>head smashed into box
this bitch lets out the blubbering Ive only heard from children before, her boyfriend looks around a few seconds before mouthing "what the fuck to me" and going to help...never seen those two again
Yeah im sure that happened pal