Is this a good training?
Is this a good training?
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No matter what, I just can't see them as people.
i don't get it; gravity is literally doing 100% of the work here
You aren't supposed to view members of an inferior race as equals. Indians are literally on the level of mudhut africans. At least US niggers learned to use toilets.
Looks a bit like crossfit to me
Yeah, exactly, and that's one of the reasons he still looks like absolute shit.
>Is this good training?
No. This is bad training. All this is doing is placing tremendous stress on his elbows, wrists and shoulders.
I just did the move, it actually is doing upperchest and triceps while stretching the biceps in the most dangerous way imaginable.
>tfw indian
Kek'd and check'd
is this?
D-did someone say snap city?
that kid's gonna stop growing at like 4'
Hey mom, how do you like Veeky Forums so far?
Lifting doesn't stunt growth
Is this functional patterns
Functional poo
Iron Sheik show how to do it better.
This is a conditioning exercise for kalaripayattu. It's not good for strength, because that's not what it's for. They're trying to revive the martial art though, basically reconstruct it like HEMA, so this may not be a common or recommended movement.
Honestly with enough weight that isn't a terrible exercise
At least post the full video.
>does a shitty catback C&J
>holds it over his head for a million years
>lowers it for some shaky ATG squats
i'm so thankful i wasn't born indian
>haven't even invented clips
Good on them for literally living in dirt and still working out
Yeah some of it is retarded but not like they have access to fancy shit like we do
It's for wrestling it's kinda fun to do tabata stuff with them
man, look at how shitty they look.
this guy did nothing but pullups, situps and pushups and looks way better than any of them
>current year
>trying to make it
I'm sure they'd look decent if they cut down to as low a bodyfat as this guy
They probably get like 30 grams of protein a day with whatever the fuck they eat over there
>indian clubs
friendly reminder that a poo-in-loo was one of the strongest men to ever live.
Apparently this is legit and hard as fuck
This looks horribly dangerous.
This is almost worse than vegan parents forcing a non carnivorous diet on their children
If you're an unathletic dork maybe
>wildly swinging weights under the effect of momentum
that's how you impinge a shoulder
If the parents do it right (understand nutrition), it can do more good for the child than "normal" diet where parents just cook whatever they want. Usually people who have done the decision to follow a diet, have better understanding of nutrition than people who just eat what they want from any source.
I'm not even vegan, i just hate people whose opinions are based on internet memes and zero research
>ops webm
>wild movement
>tfw no memester mom to browse and shitpost on Veeky Forums with
lol why they use fake plates in crossfit ? to boost their ego or smthing ?
Because beginners can't start doing 40kg snatches etc. Those plates help to get the bar to the right height
I bet he was one of the strongest smelling too.
>That form on his pushups
I know he's like 6-7 but come the fuck on familia, why bother with them if it looks like a stripper sliding over the ground
>all this buthurt
You niggers would get rekt in Kabaddi
>inhuman shitskins
>make 80% more than whites
What did nature mean by this?
Wrong image
is this their standard issued gym clothing? look at the old guy sitting on the patio miring their butts every time they squat lmao
cause of their culture. the suicide rates are also much higher for them because of family pressure on kids to study 24/7
I'm travelling to Bangladesh next month for two weeks. Should I bother with finding a gym over there to continue training?
>for two weeks
That's not even enough time for the mandatory diarrhea to pass. Trust me, lifting will be the last thing on your mind.
The only Indians that come here are the top 5% IQ wise. Your average poo is a literal retard.
Why is India so poor then?
The grill in the back has pretty good form
would bang
That's because you're low int
I just can't see them as people
is it mandatory to wear a towel in poo gyms
I like the great gama so much and this is the first time i see someone mentioning him here for few years now, ty. Kinda saddens me when i see the new pushup threads with the last two digits instead of 3
>Is this a good training?
It can be
That would give you 20% of US population made out of mastermind Indians, you underestimate their numbers.
Try 0.0005%
nah not really lol
bye bye rotator cuffs
I'm dead senpai :D
I'm 23. Indian. Overweight. I've lived in North America for the majority of my life. Don't have an accent. Have dated one white girl, who left me for a chad. Then dated an asian girl who also left me for a chad.
I'm educated and make over 6 figures at 23 after living in Section 8 for the first half of my life. I play guitar and piano well and sometimes in front of audiences. I've traveled the world. Read/write books and poetry.
The truth is? None of that shit matters. Personality doesn't matter. Money doesn't matter. Skills don't matter. Aesthetics... Aesthetics are the only thing that matter. And if you're Indian? Boy are you at the shit end of the stick... Not only are you fighting your genes, you're fighting the culture you grew up in (food, values, roles). I still strike out with most women in real life or otherwise. I have maybe 3? matches on Tinder after a month. 2 matches on Bumble.
If I derived my self worth exclusively on my ability to get women, I would have killed myself a long long time ago. Not to say I haven't tried a couple times.
If you're Indian and reading this, I hope your journey is different. Happier. Kinder. Better. Nothing hurts more than feeling, and actually being inferior. Especially when its something you can't change like the color of your skin, your parents, where you were born or the way you were raised. God speed, I feel your pain. Be strong.
> inb4 fag
get some surgeries
When you only have your top .01% come to the US of course they will do well. They make up 1/7 of the world but have hilariously few successful people.
Dude just fuck Indian girls, they're hot.
I want get big like Esteem'd Raj "Takes it to the Street" Pajeet.
HA HA I laugh when American all dead from disease obisity and 2028 India become Super Power.
It's not just him. The dad and the daughter are doing the same.
i think he meant why the fake plates are the same width as "real" plates. we have 2.5kg plates at my gym, but they're made of rubber and very thin so you can clearly show they're 2.5kg plates. crossfit has plates that look like they could be 20kg, but they turn out to be 10.
functional pootterns