No high test thread

>no high test thread

Other urls found in this thread:

is my gf high test? pic related

your gf is fat


>first office job
>get paid to shitpost and save grill pics

keep it up

close but no cigar, tummy is way too chubby. if she dropped her bf% she has potential though, assuming she has a nice ass from those wide hips.


wish i had a job lol, good one though


holy fuck. I need to hookup with a girl like this. never been this thirsty in my life. this is real thick.


Bloody hell fire

Facccckkkkk my dick

She's fat.



>Those huge ass thighs and knees

shut UP


I think she looks good, others are just jelly.

i'd smash desu




Jesus fucking christ
What can men do when faced with such thickness

I would bang no doubt but not high test


are you gay

why do i have to go on without a high test gf lads?


No shame I'd fuck her

I thought the fin would kill my libido but it's obviously not working.

tfw no high test gf to barbecue with.

me too, but it would be an in and out job, those cow tits are an indicator of future obesity.

same tbqh except a bit of shame

plastic as fuck

That's stacked, not thicc.

Do you not see those hips and waist?


not even sure what the goal posts are since they seem to get moved so much

non photoshopped images would be a good start.


Wtf am i looking at senpai

holy moly id root the fucken cunt off her


>Veeky Forums

Pick one and only one.



This... Might literally be the best body I've ever seen






Nice Fitness related thread, you thick skulled mongoloid

Found the low test Irishmen

This board will never recuperate. /pol/itic and quasi-porn threads everywhere. Shitposting galore.

You make me a bitter man, user




/pol/ rustles me a bit, but this site let along board has always been dedicated to shitposting. At any given point, we're about two clicks away from a a man on est with tit implants fucking a dude no homo. It also used to have splergelords like Adi, Tiny, Doorbrah, and others. Honestly, it's just nostalgia man. Go with it.


You have low standards

sorry for not meeting your high standards and having a different preference to you, Veeky Forums poster

>caring more about board rules than sexy women

It's ok.

Some day you may

how about this girl from reddit

requesting T H I C C Asians


No one has ever found the sauce to this image :'( Looked for like half an hour one time too

Bikini bra strap doesn't seem like the safest place for your car key. So many girls lose their tops in the surf.

That's not a car key. That's the locker key for the beach. You can get replacements really easily.


So a THICC girl is all up in my shit these days, i've fucked plenty of girls in the past but this one... hot damn she is hot as all hell. The thing is, i have a not so impressive dick, 15 cm.

Is there any point, brehs?

Keep in mind this is the kind of girl who will gossip about my cock with her bitch friends.

If your name is Markus, you're gay.

> i've fucked plenty of girls in the past but this one

thanks for making sure to point that out, stud

They were all pretty meh. This one is on another level. Also, are you insecure, man? I am, about my dick.

no im not insecure to the point where i make sure to tell an anime imageboard about how many girls ive had sex with so they know what a stud i am


Breh, i'm asking for advice on my dicklet situation.

but yet ere we are

Oh lawdy that's the perfect woman

>no ass


That feel when no stronk gf.

too much ass

poor pupper
leave him the fuck alone


too low test


Hot mama

High test = nigger taste.

Consider the influence of "your" current preferences.

(I am a robot)

The highest of test

Well, fuck me. I used to check their Facebook page and they even have a website, but I can't find it now. The team was called "Angels" and they were from the Czech Republic.

brap: the thread

consider the influence of (((your))) current preferences.

thinn is the result of jewish brainwashing meant to weaken the genetic stock of europeans so they have an easier time conquering us

Nevermind, I found it: Look for "AngelsTeamBeachRugby" or "Andílici - sexy ragby" on Facebook (I can't post the link, it takes it as spam).

I had to browse my search history all the way back to june 2015.

I dont understand the appeal you people have for these Frankenstein hoes? You got a skinny hoe's upper torso mounted on a fat hoe lower torso from the waist down. I mean How the hell do get like that do sit up and curl 5 lbs weights but ride a hover board everywhere never walking anyhwere?



Fuckin' Gino. Top bantz.

So are you short, fat or a woman?

What fuels your hate, user?