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Just checkin mitts and suckin tits
r8 h8 mastrb8
sauce on chick?
Silly user, you don't put sauce on chicks.
Hairstlyle... why u wanna look like a trash bag? Pic related
Rest is ok I think
what would I lick then? I ran out of liquid chocolate and chamoy
Michelle Mylett
Don't fucking wear camo cargo shorts you autist
why not? it's hot over here, maybe not the camo-thing but cargos are cool
This took me way longer to make than I'd like to admit. Pls rate me bros.
7/10 I feel like you'd score higher if you worked on presentation. But can't hate on a fellow snowboarder
not a big fan of the greasy slicked back hair, but I won't judge. Body and girls are all good, epecially bonus points for that rock climbing girl, i'll have to add that to mine... Style is pretty shit though. Lose the douchey button up and cargo pants. 6/10
Fairly normal, but with a little bit of good taste thrown in. 6.5/10
body and hair goals are relatively easily achieveable, especially the hair (they all have slightly receding hairlines and you can maintain that til old age with simple rogaine)
lower your standards for women though, breh
the perfect one doesn't exist
8/10 because Connery and McQueen
BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPF *Flour flies everywhere*
All kidding aside, body is a bit small for my taste, hair and style are on point and I would suck a fart out of the blondes asshole and hold it in like a bong hit *cough, cough* "That's good shit bruh"
6.5 out of 1.
7/10 I think you can spice up the suit style with better colors, girls are pretty nice, good luck finding one with all those atributes
lose the beard, that meme belongs to 90's
I am probably at my hair goals already, I try not to be too flashy or over the top. I know I'm asking for a lot in the women department, but it is my ideal, I would really be looking for smatterings of all of it. I'm not chasing anything out of reach.
The first brap post to actually make me laugh, well done.
I'm naturally kinda between skelly and ottermode though, so the body goal for me is something I am going to spend this year working hard towards. I'm sure once I reach it I'll be looking to get bigger, but for now I think those are my semi-realistic body goals.
Good idea with the suit, I really just picked it because of the sean connery aspect. See above for my comment on the girls.
6.5/10. Body is good, hair and beard would be impossible to make look good irl for more than ten minutes I think and the style is okay. Good luck finding your perf twink houseboy senpai, he's out there somewhere.
>BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPF *Flour flies everywhere*