>meet girl on tinder >talk for a few days >wants to chill this weekend >tells me shes been with "only' 20 guys >then jokingly says "but ive had sex over 200 times" >she thinks im some kind of huge player thats had a ton of sex >im a fucking virgin
what the fuck? are girls really this big of whores (shes 19)
You should probably at least double the est she gave you
Liam Smith
Just wear a condom and don't do anything stupid, you'll be fine.
Hunter Morales
Girls get multiple offers for sex every time they go out. They get multiple offers from guys in Tinder. It is so easy for a decent looking girl to get sex.
Luke Lee
This can only end in tears.
Jason Green
I'm 23 and I've had massive amounts of sex total, I've been in 2 long-ish term relationships, which means sex at least once every other day for 2 years, and in my time between those two relationships I went and fucked as many chicks as I could. Racking up total numbers for sex isn't difficult, if she seems cool don't fuck it up over something like that, once you get to 27 all the girls either have kids or have had a lot more sex than that.
Christopher Carter
hnnnnnnnnnnghhhhhhh dat fourth one in ass MOMMY!
Jackson Foster
Every girl in that photo is fucking disgusting
I hope you have it saved as a joke and not some kind of arousal material
James Mitchell
I mean if she's been with a dude kinda long term it's pretty easy to fuck hundreds of times within a year. But also if she's slept with 20 guys by the time she's 19 and telling you about it she's definitely putting herself out there. Wear a rubber and get your nut my man but do not try to date.
Asher Allen
Wear a condom because she sounds like a tard, even normies know bragging about how much dick you take is typically not good conversation.
Dominic Cooper
This basically Even if they reject 90% of guys who offer them sex they can still rack up atleast 20-25 by the time they are 20 without breaking a sweat
Kind of strange how the dating world works, there should be an equal number of girls and guys but girls get offers contantly but there are very few girls to ask out or who agree to fucking
Sebastian Myers
In my experience, chicks that haven't had a long term partner typically suck at sex and just lay there. Can't tell you how many times I have to teach these chicks basic stuff. Ever have a girl fucking fish kiss you? I mean wide open mouth, no movement. Just because a chick is hot and has had a lot of partner's doesn't mean she is good at it.
I mean fuck one chick, gorgeous, thought she could talk to bees. Fuck.
Liam Hernandez
who cares? get your dick wet and then get out. Tinder is for fucking girls, not falling in love.
Lincoln Robinson
Why do people feel the need to talk about their sexual history on hook up apps
Easton Nelson
Would fuck her and then tell her to fuck off.
Asher Thompson
M80, decent looking girls from the age of 16 have probably fucked more than 30 guys with all the dating apps and the fact that chads are willing to fuck average looking girls in their free time. The other posters make a really good point with that. Who cares if she's even had sex with 200 guys. People fuck, it's what we're meant to do from the beginning, we are a promiscuous species. Go have the experience to get it out of the way. No one marries the first person they have sex with, so don't sweat over a relationship or whatever. Wear a condom.
Ryder Reed
bro youre on tinder .what type of women are you expecting to find on there?
Jace Robinson
>what the fuck? are girls really this big of whores (shes 19)
Everyone is having sex all the time, user. It's just people who come to Veeky Forums do so because we're not having sex.
Or she's fucking with your head or trying filter out alt-rights
Anthony Barnes
I'm UK so I don't know it's an American thing for girls to sleep around like this, but at my school the sluttiest girl has only shagged 5 guys, and she's 18.
Jose Rivera
posted this before w/e
>often end up talking with on night stands about number of partners (for some reason) >most of them are 19 - 23something and have had anything from 15 - to fucking 65 partners! >told one girl that i'd been with 22 >she goes: "ahh so you choose quality over quantity , i respect that a lot!" >i literally fuck anything with two legs and a hole . .
it's a new age out there user what can i say. the more slutty they are the easier it is to ge laid though..
Jason Gutierrez
YOU LIE! pls.. pls lie.
Angel Watson
Zyzz said you never date sluts, only fug them
No good girl exists who has taken miles of dick
Lucas Hill
Guys are way too fucking salty about this kind of stuf. This is why I'm simply never honest about the amount of guys I've been with. I was a different person a few years ago (partying, drinking, etc), but not anymore. I don't think its fair when I get judged for things in the past. I wish I got just tell guys the truth, but from my experience guys get jealous very easily for no good reason at all. It's not like I never shower or whatever, never got pregnant and I'm STD free. It literally make no difference.
I usually tell guys I slept with 4 or 5 guys before and always in a relationship even though it's actually 4 or 5 times that. Not counting BJs and hand stuff like that. I do feel guilty about lying, but I don't really have choice if guys have these impossible standards. If I don't lie I'll never get a good guy, because some stupid stuff I did when I was younger.
Jacob Lopez
Inversely I was in a relationship with a somewhat of a reformed slut(fucked her ex bifs friends to get back at him etc) and she had some friends that were still playing the field. One chick had fucked 20+ dudes and was reaching 30 and legit cried about it all the time. "Why can't I choose the right ones?" shit like that. Once they hit 30 they'll want to settle down and you can either choose to dive into the puss or get younger puss. It gets easier as you get older and learn how life works. A lot of guys smashing these young broads are older dudes that know the ways of the world and have careers. Just focus on yourself and keep a chick around if she makes you happy like no other bird can.
Christian Price
>and my hobbies include Netflix, cooking from scratch, hanging out with friends, and traveling!
Aaron Flores
>guys have these impossible standards You should take this out of the pasta, it makes it less believable
Camden Torres
Guys im seeing an attractive girl at a bar tonight I met off Tinder. But im a 27 year old hkv.
WTF am I gonna do? I don't want to be a sad loser anymore I really dont want to fuck this up. Any advice?
Kevin Price
No guy honestly believes that and any guy that asks that question is a faggot. You're also a faggot for lying. Find a dude that doesn't give a fuck instead of assuming all males are beta faggots.
I don't give a fuck about what a chick has done just be cool and actually show you care about me and my endeavors and I'll return the favor. Besides, head game is prolly VICIOUS.
Isaac Parker
>not taking 100's of feet of dick >impossible standard
get fucked roastie
Ryan Bailey
i think it's more so the fact that you've fucked that many dudes that they may not be able to compete with the best cocks you've had, so you will be yearning for the time you got that good dick from user back in the day. for me it is anyway. i got ED before from anxiety when i was about to fuck a girl i was madly in love with, she told me its never happend to her and she felt like she was ugly to me and broke it off very soon after, I felt like so much of a pussy its unreal it really knocked my confidence for a long time, part of that was due to the fact she had taken a lot more dick than i had fucked girls.
Nicholas Murphy
>Who cares if she's even had sex with 200 guys. People fuck, it's what we're meant to do from the beginning, we are a promiscuous species.
And it was only until we stopped being promiscuous and started the whole marriage thing that society started to evolve and stabilize. woman A >fucks with all the men of the tribe >doesn't care who might knock her up or if she gets an std >if you want to start a family with her there's a chance that the child won't be yours >she might give you an std >she's likely to cheat on you with another man >you will mean nothing to her as she has been with so many men Woman B >doesn't fuck around with alll the men of the tribe >the children you'll have will most likley be yours >no stds >she's not likely to cheat on you >you will actually mean something to her as she chose you over all the other men
Marriage and the nuclear family leads to a strong and healthy society, promiscuity leads to the destruction of society.
Logan Mitchell
it's just the way it works nowadays. It's pretty logical when you think about it, most 20somethings go out like what? 2-6 times a month, ofc you're gonna bang someone sooner or later.
And say you lose your V-card to your first bf when your're 16, you then break up and you're in a long term relationship from 17 - 19 before you break up with that dude too. Even if you "only" bang like 3 dudes a year from your 19, which doesn't seem that much at all, let's be real, you'll be up in like 20 partners by the time you're 25 and that's like a nice not slutty girl.
So no wonder party girls/"sluts" are hitting such huge numbers if you ask me..
Jaxon Diaz
How can we be trying to bang random sluts all the time, but criticize sluts for having a large volume of random sex? How is us wanting to be male sluts any better?
>i-it's okay when we do it!
Ayden Perry
i lost my virginity at age 23
Brody Peterson
don't tell her you're a virgin man just play it cool like its all normal. remember that she is lucky to be dating you cus that is the mindset that will get you laidand don't be afraid to escalate but also pull it back every now and then. female psychology is retarded man watch some Jason Capital videos
Ethan Reyes
The only thing I care about a girl's past, relationship-wise, is if she's cheated. I could give less of a fuck how much dick you've taken
Lucas Diaz
You know what i dont understand? Why do girls tell us how many guys they have been with in the first place? Why? I dont give a shit? I dont wanna hear it? Why do they always tell us? Such irrelevant information that can be kept under the table
Grayson Hughes
duck out if the compromises make you miserable. duck out if you get miserable. duck out if it just makes you uncomfortable.
the goal is not to force a relationship to keep going. its to find a relationship worth keeping.
there is literally no benefit to frankensteining a relationship other than possibly sex, but you're better off withotu it if it isn't working.
emjoy the relationship for as long as you can. and if it goes south, leave, cuz all you're doing is preventing yourself from finding the good one that might last.
lasting isn't the point, it isn't the goal.
And yeah you have to take the risk of making a high stakes deal with a potentially very unstable person, plus people change. That's life, you can't play all of it safe.
If you're worried about hurting someone, DON'T, because that pain and shame will pass faster than you think but the pain of regret lasts the rest of your life!
Matthew Morales
i think a viagra in the wallet doesnt hurt either, youre not gonna disappoint her too much if you have one of those
Daniel Lopez
>tinder >a literal hookup site >surprised about sluts
are men this fucking stupid?
anyone on that site is trash
Kayden Thomas
unless you feel the opposite and you're just memeing, a lot of guys feel the opposite of your post and the thought of what/how much she's done in the past before you will eat away at them
it's not black and white either. some guys kinda care and some guys kinda don't care
Landon Miller
>No one marries the first person they have sex with, so don't sweat over a relationship or whatever.
You would be surprised.
Gabriel Thompson
The fact that everyone seems to be having sex and it's so casual and easy makes me feel more terrible about being a 24 year old virgin desu.
Lucas Martinez
>I could give less of a fuck how much dick you've taken
Why do so many retards get this expression wrong? If you could care less, that means you still care.
Jack Diaz
kys whore
Ryder Johnson
it's not that easy if you want a "perfect situation"
if you really don't give a shit where your dick goes it's like 4 or 5 out of 10 difficulty
im not memeing, i just dont understand why any guy would ask about it in the first place. i dont care about it, or rather i dont wanna hear it, because then i will think about it. why not prevent that by not asking in the first place.
Its like an uncomfortable number that will make most guys feel uncomfortable. You are basically stabbing yourself by asking that in the first place. I also hope girls dont do this out of nowhere, and only when asked. How shitty is it when 1 second before you pound her ass she'll go "btw ive fucked 100 guys before and just xD".
Jeremiah Morris
>tfw been catfishing on omegle for like 7+ years and i've had dozens of long term skype whores to get naked and masturbate for me, along with a collection of hundreds of pics of girls from 18 into their 30s
if you wanna fap to real people instead of porn it's fun
Parker Sullivan
True I guess. Whenever I'm out I never even bother because I can't be assed talking to strangers. It's so awkward, can't hear them because it's loud music. It's much easier for me to get to know people when I'm sober.
I'm not on Tinder because I'm not attractive. Recently joined a weightlifting gym and the guys there all seem like chads desu. Not even 20 years old yet they're really experienced. Hoping some of the influence rubs off.
I guess girls their age (17-18) are easier now. I'm 24 so it's kinda awkward to hook up with teenagers and most girls my age that I know are either collegues or classmates which makes it even more awkward.
Angel Hernandez
Camden Rivera
i don't agree or disagree with your whole point, but it's the definition of "ignorance is bliss" what you're saying
wouldn't it be better/healthier to be able to know and truly not care in your core? rather than have to say "na na na not listening i don't wanna know" to maintain sanity and security. it's tough
Cameron Brooks
the younger girls thing is normal dude. you would think girls your age or older or whatever would be a "bigger accomplishment" or "cool" or whatever but the majority of the time girls want guys that are at least a little older, sometimes significantly older. so if you're 20, and you don't wanna risk underage bs, go for the 18 year olds for some experience. in a couple years, go for the 20 year olds
Hudson Kelly
Gavin Gomez
You're literally sifting through a slut directory, of course you're going to find sluts. The average number is actually lower than it was the last couple generations, but it obviously isn't going to look like that if you're using tinder as your sample.
Wrap it up and don't let yourself start to feel anything for her and you'll be fine.
Gabriel Hill
What happens when you lie
>You attract a guy dumb enough to believe your lies >Your relationship is built on a false premise >You resent him because it takes a complete idiot to believe your deflated notch count because there are Indetifying behaviors that give it away >Your resentment for him grows
Tbh, that's the only type of guy you'll attract. Either that, or a guy that doesn't care about your notch count.
If a guy could have a virgin, he would. Unless he is of low value you himself.
Plain and simple, tbqh- even tho this is bait. You end up with who you deserve either way tho. Beta cuck or beta idiot with no social acumen- both of which you will hate
Brandon Myers
I've met actual Virgins on tinder me than once, but at the same time I've met 17 year olds 60 guys deep
Nolan Thompson
Boy am I laffin. You forgot reading and hiking and "I automatically swiped right because of your dog"
Jackson Hill
John Jones
It is a general accepted thing that having much sexual partners (even when in the past) is just not attractive and shows how bad you're as a partner. This is not only for woman but also for men. People who don't agree with this statement are lowering their own standards and as a result will attract a partner that does to.
Joseph Lewis
>woman that has had multiple sex partners does not understand why she becomes unattractive once the greater indicator of her psychological stability and ability to raise a stable family (which has genetically been her gender's only function for thousands of years) is turned to shit
If you like dick more than modesty this is the price you pay. Its not good or bad, it just is.
Julian Parker
>The past doesn't matter!
Funny how people only try to say that with a straight face when the past in question is a woman's sexual history. If you don't want to be with an alcoholic you're better off pursuing someone that never got into drinking heavily than you are hitting on people at AA meetings.
Christian Barnes
Bad bait
Parker Brown
it's so fucking difficult to find women who haven't slept with 10+ guys, and I'm only getting older, and it's only getting harder
at 25 i'm probably going to crack, give up, and become a hedonistic sicko who fucks meth whore prostitutes in parking lots.
Grayson Hill
>The reason you always multiply what number your girl tells you by three
Josiah Rodriguez
>sincerely ask this one day >"3" >drunk so involuntarily blurt out "so 9?" >"how did you know that?"
never fails
and also divide a dude's count by 3 too
Carter Wright
>but not anymore. that is untrue, you're a whore forever and always, enjoy your multiple divorces and children with multiple fathers
Thomas Parker
>plebian guys claim to have slept with many women
lol I divide by 2
Carter Hill
And you faggots mock me for leaning towards fobby asian/foreign girls raised in stricter countries
For dating i mean but if your on tinder what do you expect? Just dont date some reformed bslut and srop being desperate
Jace Nelson
I've fucked only 7-8 girls, but when I tell my new girlfriends how many I've slept with, they immediately become suspicious of me and just think I go around fucking anything that moves.
Which is honestly something one SHOULD be suspicious about. Not sure why women wouldn't be subject to similar scrutiny.
Jack Williams
my ex girlfriend had at least 20 kills before she was 18. when she brokeup with me over text after 2 years she slept with some guy in a week. dont date whores lol
David Gutierrez
>tfw 0x3 is still 0 I only date virgins No non-virgin will say that she is a virgin, so I can be almost sure that she's telling the truth
Jaxon Rodriguez
Ive slept with 2 girls and they were relationships. Bj from a 3rd. Should i just be honest and tell ggirls that?
Camden Perry
Foreign girls become huge sluts in America
Alexander Lee
>he thinks Asian girls are less promiscuous
I had a Korean and a Chinese girl jump my bones (both were very attractive, especially by their own peoples' standards) when I was living in Beijing, and overall I didn't find it hard to have sex over there. Also managed to bed a Muslim Uzbek - took her virginity, unfortunately, which ruined my bedsheets - and two Muslim Kazakhs.
They're just as promiscuous over there.
Ethan Foster
Charles Collins
Girls with a low count will like it. Girls with a high count will either like it because "Ooh, I'm corrupting him" and think it's hot, or they'll get insecure and it'll be funny, so why not?
Carter Long
That seems false can you provide a source?
Bentley Harris
I fell in love with a literal prostitute, which is weird because the only other person I loved had barely made out with a boy.
We broke up when she moved back to Canada.
Blake Butler
Bullshit. This is true for women only. A man with a lot of sexual partners is proven to have genes worth of spreading. Women are even attracted to guys having lots of sexual experience.
Cooper Anderson
rolling for 4
Austin Ross
Spot on. Women complain about being labeled a slut and it affecting their relationships but men cop the same thing when they admit to/are known for having a high count. Generally, we just don't bitch about it as much
Juan Johnson
lol i think you get all of them for that
Brody Howard
Girl with low count = Will respect it
Girls with high count = Will get confrontational and will try to prove to you that you're wrong and that you need to learn how to adapt and be more open with sex. Pretty much they're going to try and cope with their high sex count, because your willpower and ability to reserve your sexual urges makes them feel like a cheap slut.
Anthony Hall
who cares? you're on tinder to get laid right?
Adrian Davis
Care to explain or show evidence?
Blake Walker
Aiden Clark
well i mean for a start
Jonathan James
But what kind of woman are attracted to these kind of men?
Angel Jones
He implied that it's a globally attractive trait in men, similar to a wide Jaw
Matthew Foster
Guys believe me, never tell them your number and never ask them for their number.
Isaiah Stewart
>face tattoo dropped
Leo Parker
This. It is biology/nature.
Hudson Parker
I'm 21 and I have literally no motivation to lose my virginity or get with a girl. I spend all my time on school to have my dream job later or working out and working towards the goal I set myself. Most girls I know lost their virginity by like 14-15 I feel like I just missed out so I work towards other goals that actually mean something to me
Tyler Bailey
It's 2017 people fuck know one really cares any more either. Also with me having a fair few girl friends and having a couple of male friends who have a lot of female work drones (one works in a hospital with a load of nurses) I've realized women are as slutty as most men but for the most part they just keep it to them selves l..but if you know them they wil tell you how much they love slobbering on the duck
Logan White
>just keep licking the cum out of her vag >i swear this is the best option
Ryder Cruz
It's a test, like most interactions with women. They want to know how much you're willing to let them get away with.
Parker Young
You don't get it.
If you ask for her number she is going to tell you what you want to hear. She most likely is going to lie, especially if she considers you worth of a relationship. makes no sense to ask her, just look how she behaves. Most whores can't play the innocent girl for a long time.
If you don't tell them your number she is going to assume a number, and if you behave confident she is going to assume a high number and therefor be mire attracted to you. Even thou you fucked onl your hand prior to her.