Day 1.
Day 40,000.
way too fat for auschwitz
So you're saying there's a chance :')
show tight boipussy
how does this happen? Like getting fat makes more sense to me than people like this, wouldn't you be hungry all the time?
I believe in you, user. Stick with it.
Thanks friend
Some people are just raised on small portions of food their whole childhood just like others who are raised on big portions of shitty food.
My best friend whom I've known essentially forever is this way while I'm a little more muscular and fatter. When we were kids and I spent the night as his house all the meals his mom would cook for us were easily 1/2 of what I'd eat at home.
You look just like I do. Are we gonna make it
Height and weight?
I think so. Always been a distance runner and I'm hiking 2600 miles this summer so it's time to prepare.
6'0" 145lbs
Holocaust didn'thappen, but it should of.
I weigh only a kilogram or two more than you at the same height but I look fat...
You can do it user. Everyone has a little bit of zyzz in them.
I rarely eat anything with sugar added to it and cook almost everything I eat myself, nothing processed. Maybe that will make a difference?
Gains is the hardest when you are so used to having no appetite.
135 5'9"
post glutes, twinkfag
>thinking that is Auschwitz
I was 6'1 135 when I was 18, I'm now 205 at the same weight at 26. Hang in there you puny shits.
i'm 135 at 5'11"
how did you eat more?
>inb4 eat more
but seriously. liquid calories? what were your primary bulking foods?
Currently getting out of auschwitz. I lifted weights unregularly last year and for the last month I've been on a sucessful bulk and lifting with good progress. Was at 132 pounds and now at 145 at 5'10.
Increased my bench press 22 pounds since I started lifting again (20 days ago), 20 on squat and I haven't been doing deadlifts, just rack pulls.
Also, does newb gains still exist for a guy that has lifted unconsistently for a year but is now starting to get serious about it?
Dont underestimate alcohol for calories
keep going friend
we're all going to make it
also nice chest shape/insertions
Thanks m8, we're all gonna make it
Good look pal.
Fellow skelly here who used to be 134lbs, now 150lbs. Same height
>112 years later
Started 135
Just broke 200 last week
We're all gonna make it
You've got a better base to work from than a lot of the lads on Veeky Forums. Stick to a routine and eat well and watch the gains roll in
Tfw 6'2 160 lbs and I still look like this
Time for more chocolate milkies
Alcohol also induce apetite to some degree.
>tfw grab a hefty kebab on the way home after a few beers with chaps
How long did that take? Just curious.
Way too fat for auschwitz
I'm 5'8 at 101
Routine? Diet?
Trying to get into hiking also. I don't want people to see me running. Did some of the Appalachian trail but never a backpacking gig.
Nothing seems to work...I think I have a tapeworm
>tfw no auschqitz bf
kill me
>those sweet lips
>cute nips
>wide hips
just shave the hair below your neck and ill love you forever.
I kinda dig your chest acne.
Looks like you withstood a shotgun shot.
tape worms eat like 7kcal a day or some shit
eat more you dumb fuck
Those lips were made to suck dick