/BWG/ bodyweight general

>Why bodyweight?



>Youtube Channels


>Our very own Veeky Forums calisthenics king (unnoficially)

>tl;dr version?

Pressing/Planche Variations

- Pushups (Normal/Diamond/Pseudo-planche/Tuck-Planche)
- Dips
- Handstand Pushups (Elevated pike/Headstand/Handstand)
- Planche (Frogstand/Straight-arm frog/Tuck/Flat tuck/Straddle/Half/Full)


- Rows
- Chin/Pull Up variations
- Rope climbing


- Pistol Squats
- Shrimp Squats
- Lunges
-(Hill) Sprints

Core Strength (First 4 should be held for 3-5 sets for 60s each with little rest (1-2 min) between sets. 30s sets are fine for L-sits and pseudo-planche leans). The rational for the short rest period is that these are basic positions that you should be very comfortable in.

- Plank Variations (Forearm/Straight-Arm/Pseudo-planche Leans)
- Hollow Body Hold
- Arch Body Hold (don’t do this if you have low back issues)
- L-Sits
- Dragon Flags
- Front/Back/Side Levers Progressions

>Safest Static Hold Progression
Steady State Cycles: www.antranik.org/how-to-implement-a-steady-state-training-cycle

>Common Prereqs
> www.gymnasticbodies.com/forum/topic/3750-prerequisites/?p=93540

>Wrist Prehab

>Bicep Tendon Prep

>Based Scooby teaches you how to do a pull Up

>How to make parallettes out of PVC

Other urls found in this thread:


More like cuckold general

keep giving us free bumps cuck

what the fuck bro
also bump

literally can't find a way to do glute ham raises at my house, any suggestions

I just got a belt, how quickly do you guys add weight to dips/chin ups?

pin your feet under something heavy like a sofa and proceed

Same as any other lift. 2.5kg a workout until linear progression ends.

i can do sets of 10 pullups pain free but chinups give me a weird clicking discomfort (slight pain) in my right shoulder. obviously just don't do chinups, but anyone have any ideas what is causing this, as i'd like to be doing both

I have the same issue but with pull ups. I can do weighted chin ups just fine, rows too but pull ups make one of my side hurt no matter how hard I work my form. It's weird

Get a set of bands. Rest for a couple weeks along with band face pulls, dislocations and stretching.

i already warm up every session with band work including dislocates and facepulls, and i just came off a deload week

Brehs it's hard as fuck to go from Front Lever full tuck to half tuck. Try and just fail instantly. Any way to ease this transition?

>freestanding handstand pushups
>doesnt take his glasses off


When people tell you to engage your core during exercises such as planks, leg raises, etc. - do they mean pull your abs in like in a stomach vacuum, or brace them like in a hollow hold?


Can this help with my bulged disc in my lower back instead of doing weights that cause pain to my disc. I am new to bodyweight so I just want some advice.

Is it ok if I do Dominik Sky's push/pull/abs videos as a routine?

technically those videos are just progressions of the same exercise. you can do push and pull on the same day, since there aren't too many of them. basing a routine off them would look something like this:

(for each of these, do the hardest variation you can't do 3x8 of. once you can do 3x8 of a particular movement, go up one progression. e.g. if you can do 3x8 negative pullups, move on to 3x5 regular pullups. it's okay if you can't quite pump out 3x5 yet, but you should be pretty close)

3x5-8 dips
3x5-8 pullups

3x5-8 pushups
3x5-8 rows

ab workout (i haven't watched the video in a while. iirc he gives sort of an outline of an ab routine. so do that)

leave the ab work for last, since you want your core tight for all the other exercises. doing abs first will leave them too tired to ensure proper form.

do this 3x a week. if that's too much, do 2 days of just the push/pull and on the third day work just abs. your abs are technically getting worked during all the other exercises if you're doing them right, so focused ab work isn't as important.

also check out /r/bodyweightfitness's recommended routine for warmup/skill work. it's good shit

Holy shit thanks a=man

is this a good program to increase pull up count my goal is 20 pull ups which is what this program says to give you if you follow it

Are 100pushups.net and 50pullups.com decent programs? I just want as to get as many reps at these two exercises as I can.

sure but you won't be getting stronger, just like working up to benching 100lbs for 100 reps doesn't actually make you stronger. you just get really good at that particular movement with that particular load and that's it.

i mean, if your goal really is just to do 100 pushups then yeah you can get there, but don't expect that to translate to strength gains in other exercises.

What do you do to progress? Switch to diamond pushups once you can do 3 sets of regular pushups?

yep. from there you can start working pseudo-planche pushups or one-arm pushups.

What defines a full set for you? I've seen recommendations as low as 5 and high as 25.

Great, bodyweight reps are all I care about.

My regular L-sit times have tanked (20s - >10s) since I progressed to L-sit pull ups. They also hurt like all buggery way more than when I first started. Am i over working that area or should I cut regular L-sits out?

Bump because I'd like to know

I think you all might be interested in this progression chart:

My shoulders feel super unnatural during dips, I have the strength to do them but I know im doing em wrong lol. Whats the proper shoulder/scapular movement for them?


Anything more is redundant in case of strenght.

Is it dumb to be working pullups/pushups both at the same time?

Not really following a strict plan for pushups, generally try to do 15 reps for ~5 sets at a steady progression of +5 reps per week. Sometimes I do this twice a day.

Just started working on pull ups using the neutral grip and GtG, can do 3 dead hang ones, wondering if I should go for the supinated grips since thats what I'll be tested on.

Also any additional advice on how to improve pull up gains would be much appreciated

Whoops I meant pronated pull ups

Should extension/ scapula pulled back. Do some shoulder dislocates gymnasticbodies.com/forum/topic/1358-shoulder-dislocates/

Hi guys

20 body weight squats
10 push ups
20 walking lunges
10 dumbbell rows (using a gallon milk jug)
15 second plank
30 Jumping Jacks

what do you think about this? I found it on nerdfitness. I am a beginner to bodyweight training and I have no equipment other than one dumbbell which I am using for the rows. Thank you!

without knowing where exactly it's hurting, it's hard to say. if it's not legitimate pain (as opposed to just harder/more soreness following the workout), i say keep doing what you're doing and your l-sit times should recover as you get better at being in that position. if it really hurts, stop and try to pinpoint where exactly, then look for some light p/rehabilitation exercises to help.

jumping jacks are better for a warmup and 15 second plank is way too light for anyone but a completely untrained individual.

it also lacks any form of vertical pulling exercises, which help activate the lats and improve your scapular depression (which is good for anything on parallel bars/rings). i suggest you either find a place to train pullups (tree branch, some beam somewhere that can support your weight, etc) or buy a doorframe-mounted pullup bar. the iron gym is consistently around $25 on amazon and i've used it for a couple years now with no problems.

I hope this is bait
If not got to /r/bodyweightfitness and follow that routine.

I switched up to 30 seconds planking now.

And aren't dumbbel rows considered vertical pulling exercises?

Also I forgot to mention that I do that set 3 times and once every two days.

That doesn't tell much really.
First, tell me what is yout goal with this routine. You want to lose weight? You want to build muscles? You want just some light exercises to move around a little, because you sit all day?

It looks like good warm up, but nothing more.

can you BW guys post your bodies please? because i'm having a hard time believing it is beneficial alone

Well, my first goal is to lose the fat which is on my legs, butt and stomach, and second goal is to become as massive as I can.

its my fault i love cuck porn

anyways bwf app got molding mobility and starting stretching addons, been super helpful! any1 else here a fan?

So loose weight and then got massive.

Honestly best way would be to read the sticky and go to the gym. You can of course do this with bodyweight, but it will be slower (building muscle part).
>lose the fat which is on my legs, butt and stomach
You can't really loose fat just in certains spots, you can only loose it overall. But still eating under your TDEE and cardio would be enough for weightloss.

>second goal is to become as massive as I can.
If you want to do this with bodyweight start with pic rel or or Foundation series books.
All of them follow same principle as lifting - progressive overload, meaning adding more weight to the next workout.

Damn English, I always mess things up because of different spelling/pronounciation.


look up planche leans and replace planks with that. you'll still be doing plank at first, at least until you can do 60 seconds, but planche leans will help build a foundation to start working actual planche.

dumbbell rows are horizontal pulling. the weight moves perpendicular to your body line. good for your middle back, but not so much for the lats.

this is like the bodyweight version of DYEL, man


im not posting that shit on Veeky Forums
what I can say is that I went from spooky skeleton to skinny with big lats and abs after a few months. The lats give the illusion that ive doubled my shoulder width as an added bonus. also handstands and l sits and things of that nature are super easy to do.
Just go to gym if you want aesthetics. this shit is fun though

hoping to be able to planche within the distant future
just doing leans and tuck planches atm
how do I differentiate between if im correctly pronating my scapula and if im letting them wing

b u m p

I'm a poorfag and can't afford a gym right now. Is it possible to make bodyweight as fun as lifting?

I personally like it a lot more than gym. I went to a gym for 6 months at first then switched to BW at home, I'm having a lot more fun now

yep. a pull up bar + decent pair of rings should set you back maybe $50 and that's all the equipment you really need. and you get to feel like a ninja doing crazy bodyweight shit like in the op

doing weighted

HSPU, pullups, dips, pistol squats
2-3x a week

Best gains of my life

i find it more fun than lifting cause your manipulating your body rather than just lifting heavier shit. Makes levers and handstands and stuff feel really accomplishing. And you always have advanced shit to work towards like planches.
gym is a hundred times better if you just wanna get big fast though, as you'll just be a cut skinny dude for a while

pls help

what do you use for weight?

Weight vest

Is doing a basic calisthenics program with added heavy squats and deadlifts in the 3x5 range a good idea? I've been doing it about 3 weeks now and feels bretty good.

this is ideal as long as the upper body stuff is still challenging for you

best way to get into bw?

just do it?

get a pullup bar and do some pullups and pushups. Some bodyweight squats, and some planks.

if you can stick with that start one of the programs listed in this thread. (foundation, startbodyweight, r/bodyweightfitness reccomended routine)

How are you guys doing?

Making good progress, think it's about time to start on ring work. How bout you?

finally progressed to 3x10 pullups. Not really an accomplishment but i couldn't do a single one a couple months ago so thats cool

Why are strict form pushups so difficult? I could do 50 pushups with ok form, but with strict form (proper hip tuck, inhaling on down and exhaling on up, slow and controlled pressing) I can only pull off 30.

Also, how the fuck are you supposed to do diamond pushups without flaring your elbows? Making a diamond shape with your hands makes your elbows point out anyways, so tucking elbows close to your body seems physically impossible.

i think its because you're properly engaging your core

>how the fuck are you supposed to do diamond pushups without flaring your elbows?
don't make the diamond shape with your hands. just have your hands like you're doing a normal pushup but bring them close together.

how do I not blow the fuck out of my shoulders doing dips. My right shoulder feels kind of wonky the day after.

Shoulders: Push them back and down. Don’t let them roll forward. Don’t shrug them either.

Did my first chin-up this year since high school.
Manage to do 2 in a row yesterday.
Feels good mang.

what's your secret? negatives?

At first I followed , but decided to switch to doing negatives until I'm able to do chin-ups and later pull-ups for full sets.
I do 6x6 with 1 min break between sets.

are handstand push ups a good assistance exercise for the press?

Give me some exercises to correct my horizontal scoliosis and neck lordosis. For rotational I do twist holds and gonna start flag.

Hell yea man. You really gotta increase the ROM for them with some pbars or books or some shit. One of my favorites.

do dynamic front lever stuff. don't underestimate skin the cats, try negatives from inverted hang (using the appropriate leverage)

of course

haven't worked out since new year. simply got bored of it

Can I practice handstands everyday or will that not give me enough time to recover?

Post pic of body?

absolutely never gonna make it

Should i incorporate yoga on my off days or my workout days

Practice everyday, it's more of a being able to balace rather that having enought muscle to hold it.
Unless you're fat fuck and actually struggle to hold it even against the wall for a few seconds.

nice job bro

cheers m8

How long is a bodyweight workout session supposed to be?

I do 2 hours 3 times a week, when I find a job I probably won't be able to keep that up. Because of that I might switch to weightlifting and do like an hour a day.

Hour and a half for me.
Just cut down your amount of exercises by one or two and maybe reduce rest times by 10-30 sec.

I think the fact that I'm naturally pretty big/heavy makes BW a good choice for me. Also I'm depressed to the point I'm really behind in everything in life.

I'm dieting right now, that's it. After maybe that gives me some confidence/self esteem I'm gonna go on walks until it's regular enough that I feel like running instead. Then BW exercises like dragon flags, which despite not being fit, I can somehow do. That and pushups until I can do chinups until I can do pullups. I used to do martial arts and enjoyed it, was naturally pretty good at it too.

Mostly looking to work my way up to being fit by doing easy things like dieting and walking first, and working my way up. Hoping that helps my depression.

Also I think that if I want to train for martial arts again, or just boxing, I'm gonna play some dancepad rhythm games with it for obvious reasons.

just do a lot of front lever and also hollow body
worked for me - will work for you

i workout 1 hour 2 times a week + some core stuff whenever i got time/energy and its enough for some okayish gains

Keep it up bro, we're gonna make it.

So, I recent started doing bodyweight exercises because I have a lot of space in my dorm, and I'm not a fan of going to the gym. Should I target specific body groups on certain days, or go try to hit torso, core, and legs on the same days?

if you're just starting just do full body every other day. If the sessions take too long do somethig like push+abs on one day and pull+legs the second day.

Thanks. I just got done doing some push-ups, pull ups and dips. follow up question: Should I do them back to back, or is it ok to space them out through the day?

i don't believe there's anything wrong with spacing it out throughout the day, but i think doing it all in one go is more convenient.
Im personally anal about warming up before working out and i'd lose alot of time if i spaced out my exercises throughout the day, warming up then doing one thing and repeating.
also i think you lose a bit of cardio/endurance benefits if you're not doing it all in one session, but thats probably negligible.

just do what works better in your schedule tbqh famalam

still hoping for answers on this

i can do pullups easily
chinups though, hurt my shoulder, like something in there is sliding over a joint or something
i'd like to be able to do both, anyone have any idea's as to whats going on in my shoulder with chinups? its only my right one
foam rolling helped a little but not enough, same with band work