Explain why fruit is bad. Inb4 fruit sugar

Explain why fruit is bad. Inb4 fruit sugar


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No one ever said fruit is bad


Is this your first day on Veeky Forums

Literally no one other than Aguadito ever said fruit is bad on this board. And even he only said apple is only relatively bad compared to the superior Coke Zero.

Your post seriously and unironically requires a "no u" response.

>Is this your first day on Veeky Forums
I know it's yours but what is mine.

>Literally no one other than Aguadito ever said fruit is bad on this board.

Allow me,

Lurk more, faggot.

Nice meme

Admit you're wrong and suck my balls

how about let this doctor who works at an obesity center and specializes in sugar explain it to you


scientists > doctor


Also, pure high fructose corn syrup =/= fruit

"A high sugar diet is a high fat diet"


>explain why fruit is bad..... without citing the main reason why fruit is bad.

Fructose is hepatotoxic.

I already cut out grains, how am i supposed to get carbs withiut fruit?

peas, lentils, legumes, beans, cauliflowers, broccoli, sweet potatos, fucking kill yourself.

white anything>pajeet doctor
>implying i want to know what food to eat for more precise shits on the designated shitting street

it's bad if you're already insulin resistant or diabetic

This pajeet is no doctor, he is the owner of examine.com however and knows research.

No grains no gains. Don't believe the paleotards.

This is the same "expert" that thinks sugar molecules have fat in them, while simultaneously claiming that no food in nature has both carbohydrate and fat in it.

Fruit isn't bad. Fructose is a simple sugar, but it won't spike your blood sugar like you'd think it would. Unless you're going overboard and eating pounds of fruit a day, fitting it in with your macros is perfectly fine. Most people don't seem to make the distinction between "sugar" and "added sugar." Sugar is not bad, added sugar is.