How do I tell if I have wide hips?

How do I tell if I have wide hips?
I'm 18% bf and I'm shedding weight but I want to know if i should be training obliques because if I have wide hips I want to train obliques.
I have natural mild gynecomastia so I feel like I'm at risk because of high estrogen.

When I pull my fat back, it looks fine like I'm the pic where I'm laying down, but when I stand up, my hips look insanely wide. I can't be sure if its just fat or the bones are actually wide.
I do definitely have a lot of fat there.

Pls don't ignorio, we're all gonna make it but only if we help eachother.

It's literally just fat and you don't have gyno you're literally just fat literally

You're not 18% body fat first of all.

and yes, your hips are fine. You just have love handles and lower back fat.

Don't worry about it mang.
Also if you had bigger traps you'd have exactly my body atm. Nice n' soft.

You don't, you fucking idiot. If you had wide hips you would know because you would want to kill yourself. Don't train legs/core if you're fat.

Your atleast 30% body fat, you need to be honest with yourself. Lose weight. I'm not sure but you look atleast 15kg over.

>18% bf

>Don't train legs/core if you're fat.
What is this nonsense

I've been diagnosed by a doctor with gynecomastia.
Gonna ask for a hormone screen soon
That's the average estimate I got from websites using calculators, even tho they're pretty inaccurate.
>has tits
>has never done steroids
>didn't do anything to deserve tuts
of course I want to kill myself

Your doctor is probably overweight to. Your not even gyno just lose weight. If you were 18% you would be able to see some definition.

You're 20%+, probably 25%.

Does that count? I'm using my head to hide my love handles in the picture btw.

Does that count for what? You do know fat promotes estrogen right? If you drop 10 kg's you will look immediately better. Aim at doing it over 3 months.

>pic related is me and is way closer to 18%

nah ur like 12% but absolutely zero muscle

I'm not talking about muscle you dense fuck, I'm talking about fat. And your fat. I'm 5'11 180lbs, thats borderline overweight.
No way I'm 12%.

cool pic
that's not what I asked tho
I literally asked how to check for wide hips
I'm only going by what the shitty online calculators say, I have absolutely no other form of estimation.
Why would I lie to strangers on the Internet when seeking help?
Plus it's not like I'm not losing weight, I log everything I eat and get about 2000 calories a day, lift weights for 45mins-1.5hrs a day (depends on which groups), and do cardio (just light stuff, 20-30mins of 3.5mph walking on treadmill + some rowing after)

So if anyone else would like to get pissy with me over the only form of estimation I have access to, feel free, but that's not what the thread asks.

Pic related is me and looking like this is part of the reason I find it hard to believe I'm over 20% much less 25%.

The guy you're responding to isn't opie, that'd be me, but I do want to make sure you know that muscle mass has everything to do with bodyfat%, right?

you're definitely not 18%. I'd say 15% max

Presumably you're training to not look fat and feminine. So you want to develop your arms and chest exclusively.

Get a piece of string, wrap it around the widest point and tighten it as much as possible. You should be able to feel where your hips actually are.

Thought you were OP, and yes I do know this but I try to keep light because enjoy trail running and surfing. Muscle mass isn't my primary goal. I've been up to 190 lbs, but I just looked chubby and felt gross.

This fag is literally just butthurt because looks better than him.
End this retarded thread

getting ready to "end this retarded thread"
Ya he looks better than me I will aknowledge that ez but he doesn't look 18% at all

thanks for the advice, will do the string.

If I have abnormally wide hips I'm zyzzing out immediately

Are you retarded?

nigga you're like 50% bf

Are you a """power""" """lifter"""? Nobody fucking cares how much you can lift if you're fat.

I'm without a doubt over 15%.

Exactly how does training your legs and core make you fat and feminine?

In fact, if you want to lean down you should definitely train your lower body, as it's the largest muscle groups in your body.


How about you train legs/core so you have some legs/core after you cut imbecile?

>I have natural mild gynecomastia

Maybe. You're way too fat to know if it's gyno or if it's fat.

Ok ok.

Why are you worried about wide hips and genetics and insertions?

Anyone can look good with enough muscle and low enough bf %

You are like 15% bro.

Gays with thick asses and thighs detected

perfectly fine to be gay and thicc tbqh but it's not what the majority of guys want to look like