Whats more important Veeky Forums? Game or aesthetics
PUA vs aesthetics
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> Implying RsdCuck or any game faggot could trump all powerful Chad aesthetics
Suppose I took back all the time I spent in the gym and instead spent it on learning to talk to women and actually talking to women. I bet I'd get laid a lot more, but I'd still be a stupid skinny piece of trash. What's more important is having a healthy body and mind.
"game" but not specifically PUA. Having a healthy, confident mindset will also help with assthetics
>implying having game is ANYTHING AT ALL like the ass cancer that is PUA
Kill yourself my man
With game, aesthetics becomes totally irrelevant.
I personally saw a lot of videos of RSD, and took a seminar in LA. Tyler and his assistants are fucking beasts.
Aesthetics only matter for the first 3 seconds of the interaction, if you show confidence and look cool, then physical appereance don't matter at all.
Lifting won't get you girls, it'll only transform you into a cuck
Aesthetics improves game, but game can never improve aesthetics.
Tyler is way over the top though
Game is more important.
It is highly dependent on confidence. For most people being fit is a huge boost towards being confident.
This guy is clearly a chronic masturbater.
Why have game when you can just look good?
I was deep into the PUA stuff, probably read every book and advice there is up until 2011.
I've come to the conclusion that there are only a few commandments to live by, all the other shit is just waste of valueable time. Most of these commandments come naturally due to experience and having a good male role model.
Share those commandments, user.
Interested. Share. This PUA stuff is generally pointless in my opinion but I'm oddly curious about it.
I think PUA has interesting concepts when it comes to social interactions, but humans are way to complex to break it down into a technical science.
Girls rate your personality in accordance with how you look.
Unless you're a sputtering retard, having "game" is largely irrelevant.
Their focus is not getting pussy.
I'll try to keep it short.
I don't remember where I read it but the order should be like the saying "Live. Laugh. Love."
>use your time wisely!
>get your shit together
>work out, healthy diet, no drugs
>get your career going or start your own business
>money = time (think always in time instead of money)
>good living standard, no debt, healthy, emergency fund, retirement plan
>just look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the basic needs at the bottom should be covered in a long-term matter
>enjoy your life
>you got "Live" covered and managed to maintain a good living standard (um to this moment your focus should be on "Live")
>now use your time to travel around, meet new people, start a hobby, get yourself a dog if you like, treat yourself with something expensive as long as you don't interfere with "Live"
>the focus of "Laugh" is you! Your happiness.
>never make your happiness dependent on other people
>women are not part of "Laugh"
>due to your lifestyle accomplished by "Live" and "Laugh" women are going to be around you by default
>they are going to be part of your social circle and you are going to attract more women who want to be part of that social circle
>enjoy your love life but remember order: Live > Laugh > Love
It is really that simple. The PUA methods you read about you are going to apply without even thinking about it, just by prioritizing "Live" over "Laugh" and "Laugh" over "Love". No need to pretend you are busy because you are busy with your career and hobbies. This is also why so many players get a some kind of midlife crisis, doubting themselves and their quest of pussy...their focus is on "Love" disregarding the other two.
*long-term manner
Sorry. English is my third language. Hope the gist is still comprehensible.
this guy is fucking annoying. Tried to watch 1-2 of their vids but it was painful.
when will incels learn
lmao how much game do you think this guy needs?
PUA is using techniques to show you have value that you actually dont
Aesthetics proves you have value (discipline, consistancy, self respect, etc)
You, however have neither the looks nor the personality, so all your theory is just bollocks.
So much this. I used to focus alot on my body and just getting girls. I got depressed and in a financial crisis at 22.
Got a better job and just learned to be overal more confident and dont give a fuck. Take the lead and just enjoy myself. Took an extra job as well working as a teamleader at big events. Girls started to flock at me and everything became so easy. My boss literally asked me to stop fucking the student workers (dw they're all 18+) and I got the nickname Casanova.
Just be in the moment, never doubt yourself,what you do and who you are and you'll make it. Having a good physique, big dick and being good in bed helps alot. Girls do tell these things to others and they prefer a man that fucks around over a steady good partner.
>Year of our Lord Gandy 2017
>Still unironically believing in PUA or anything other than LMS
PUA is using techniques to deliver value you have some of which are behavioural which can be learned that women want in a man like leading, taking control, resilience.
Aesthetics is a visual display of SOME of the values women want in a man. Aka healthy genes, persistence, dedication, high achiever, safety and strength
Game is a value delivery system that's it.
If you're lifting to get laid then Game because no amount of lifting alone is going to remove your social awkwardness or teach you how to talk to women. Talking to women does.
Specificity is key in all things not just training. Want to be better at something you have to do that thing.
Aesthetics helps though just bare in mind women aren't men. Men are mostly attracted to visual aspects of women. Women are mostly attracted to behaviour aspects of men.
all those pua cuck in denial
>face aesthetic
>wide frame
>do not be to fat or too skinny
>aesthetic dick for turbo chad
this is what makes women wet
>muhhh confidence lel
Women wants D as much as men want pussy.
They want to fuck when they see hot male, its physical lust.
No matter how nice woman personality is, you are not going to fuck her if she is obsese landwhale with ugly face.
>while you complete "live" & "laugh", girls are getting dicked down by CHAD THUNDERCOCK
>finally make it to "love"
>girls only want to hang out with you because they're tired of riding the cock carousel and "just want a nice guy with a steady job and isn't only interested in partying all the time!!!"
Gonna be honest bro I been smashing hotties since I've been single these last 6 months and don't have 90% of what you've listed. I'm not happy most of the time either because of it but when I'm with women I "switch on" and just have charisma/charm.
I'm not lying or tricking women either and I focus on getting pussy, not above everything else, but it's a massive focus. I put in work.
Had 3-5 dates this week 2 are always 2nd dates at my place (I also live with my mother) where I cook for them, watch a film and fuck them.
I meet girls from Tinder, the street,shops, bars. I spend 1-2 hours a day approaching women and spend 1 hour a night texting them.
I know what you've said helps but acting like proactively pursuing women isn't necessary or won't get you laid I think is a bit misleading.
choo choo /r9k/
This is not true.
You can fuck around or start a relationship while completing the first two. The important thing is the order, your prioroties should be Live>Laugh>Love.
This is where most people fuck up. As soon as a woman enters their world they change their lifestyle. Not going to work out today, just netflix&chill with my gf. Credit card debt for a christmas present for her? It's okay, she deserves it. Moving to another city for your career? Thanks but no, she just needs another year to finish her japanese literature major. And than we are going to move to another city together.
The last bit of my post describes you.
I did not say focusing on getting laid won't get you laid. I said it is a waste of valuable time.
Do you enjoy living with your mother?
You spend 3 hours a day chasing pussy. Why not cut down to one hour and spend two hours working towards your own apartment?
Maybe it is just a phase and you are enjoying the single life after a breakup, but I'm pretty sure you won't be happy in the long run by disregarding "Live" and "Laugh". Seems like the only source of happiness for you right now is getting your dick wet.
I feel like this PUA shit is getting way to much hate, people should look at this stuff with an enormous pinch of salt.
I used to read a lot about this and watch all the RSD videos, and they're obviously aimed at the insecure guy who's had trouble with women. They try a little bit too hard with the whole
>do YOU wanna get LAID TONIGHT? you can be a BEAST if you want to!
Some stuff that I was able to learn that actually works wonders when picking up, is how much escalation works, making her comfortable being touched by you, close by you.
And negging actually works pretty damn good aswell, and most of the time it can be very funny. But then again, autistic faggots gonna autist and are not gonna pull with this shit anyways
im an ugly lanklet and i have success with women through daygame.
'Game' or whatever you wanna call it is about meeting girls and interacting with them i can tell you that no matter all the shit you read and watch, the only way you will get better with getting girls to sleep with you is practice. Which will involve getting rejected a lot. Im ugly and when i first started i was so nervous to talk to random girls, but now im so much more confident and relaxed about it, and from that it lets my charisma and wit come out.
That being said i have no doubt i would have even more success if i had an aesthetic face. But now that ive had success with women, i dont focus my time on it anymore because there really is no need to. They shouldnt be such a big deal in your lives.
These idiots shit on PUA stuff because they take it as a whole for every single situation (nevermind the fact that they don't understand the material, social interactions, context, etc) instead of taking the principles, a few soundbytes and tailor it to your personal experience and come up with your own material.
could it maybe work vice versa too?
acting "alpha" and shit surely could make you look better too
Haters will hate, but there si a shitton of truth in you post.
It should not be an advice for getting pussy, more like an advice in having a good life.
Pussy is just a neat side product in being a down-to-earth person who has control over his life.
Good question, but other studies have looked into this trend and have accounted for that exact possibility and have found that it comes down entirely to appearance.
seems legit
Faking alpha, that means faking traits that attract women will lead to compliments/success. Maybe you even manage to fake your way into pussy.
More success will give you more confidence. More confidence will give you more success. A positive feedback loop.
I've seen so many guys who are all hyped up to get into 'game' and start slaying bitches left and right. Then they realise they don't even have the money to eat out, but that changes quickly.
Thankfully in my community its really cultivated to get on top of sustaining your life and most guys are trying to succeed in their education and jobs in some way.
Most people think that anyone who is actively trying to be a 'pua' is try hard trash but in reality they are all great down to earth people who are just improving their lives and having fun with girls while they're at it.
That's in my experience anyway.
Joff pls go
Got laid more as fat confident guy making money than introvert lifter
Damn, that's goals right there. How to improve facial aesthetics?
So you started as a fat confident guy and became an introvert lifter? This makes no sense.
It's your face.
visit Gandy and hope that reincarnation is real, surgery is cope, your trash genetics color every facet of your being and it is impossible to become a human if you were not born one.
I started out as introvert lifter, became a fat confident guy, then became a fat unconfident guy after getting hung up on a girl and fucking my life up. Ideally I'll both have my life back in order and not be fat in 1-2 years.
Online dating doesn't work in guys' favor. Girls are more sexually attractive in pictures than in reality, while guys are the opposite. The girl also can't see how you carry yourself, who knows you, how you relate to the people around you and them to you, basically the shit that actually matters aside from looks & money. Meanwhile you see an enhanced version of her looks while not being able to see anything about her life or personality other than a flattering summary by herself, which boosts her appeal in your mind.
It's Gandhi retard.
>thinking game is the same as your written down personality on a website
No wonder you're a virgin loser.
>due to your lifestyle accomplished by "Live" and "Laugh" women are going to be around you by default
Oh really? Not in my experience.
Maybe you're good looking?<
PUA is selling the myth that girls don't care about looks because it's something people want to buy. People so desperately want to believe that you can change your life and do whatever you want but in reality you have very little control over almost everything in life.
>looks dont matter guys its all about game :)
>LMAO you're an ugly virgin I don't need to listen to you
Bahhahaha. Keep deluding yourself mr. coper.
You and your kind are fucking idiots, making this about extremes, either handsome 10/10 or ugly with game. You're fundamentally broken and try to justify your failures with things outside of your control (boohoo I was born ugly). You're pathetic.
You and your /r9k/ kind are even worse than fatties.
>I c-can totally compete with C-Chad!! Looks don't matter, looks don't matter, looks don't matter
>Im probably a Chad too h-hehe look I have a solid 7/10 gf (in reality 4/10)
>go back to r9k please c-choo choo this is my safe place I am C-Chad t-too, I am Chad, I am Chad, h hehehe
wow so so soooooo bitter. No wonder you never have anyone by your side.
A Good looking man will always mog some average Joe with "game" lmao.
Keep coping boyo.
Don't lift for women.
Looks play a role in attracting women. There is no doubt about it.
But I strongly disagree with
>...but in reality you have very little control over almost everything in life.
Most people are in full control of their diet, fitness, clothes, hygiene, grooming...
All of these things improve your appearance. This is part of "Live", getting your shit together. If you don't respect your body/appearance and take care of it, why should somebody respect you? Why would somebody give you for example more responsibilites (career) if you neglect yourself?
There are people that lost the genetic lottery, that were born disfigured or due to an accident. But these people tend also to have the best attitude/mindset towards their physical appearance. Most people complaining about their lack of "looks" did not even maxed out their potential. Some are still overweight, no muscles, wearing not fitting clothes, bad haircut, bad posture or even basic shit like brushing their teeth.
And this is just your control over your physical appearance. At the same time you can improve your body language, your voice, how you talk...
Women are not only attracted to looks, countless studies have found more attributes that makes women attracted to you. And almost all PUA methods have their basis in these. Status, power, pre-selection, demonstrating high value and so on. This is why women fuck their ugly bosses for example, or the ugly fat bouncer of a bar, because of their power/status.
>I am going to deny thousand years of evolution to feel better about myself. the post
>Experiments have shown that we consider attractive people "as more sociable, dominant, sexually warm, mentally healthy, intelligent, and socially skilled" than unattractive people.
>By the time cute kids become attractive adults, they've benefited from this bias for years, giving them higher levels of confidence.
>It's a "self-fulfilling prophecy," Mobius and Rosenblat say.
>I am going to deny thousand years of evolution to feel better about myself.
I am not 10/10, i am 3/10. I am not trying to make anybody angry, but trying to deny simple truths is stupid.
Can you get gf and have sex as ugly manlet? Yes you can
Can you have wife, kids and happy family as ugly dicklet manlet? Yes you can.
Is woman going to feel warm in vagina and feel real lust when she is looking at ugly manlet? No
Is she going to initiate conversation with you or try to make physical contact with you when you are ugly? No
Is she going to laught from your shitty jokes if you are ugly? No
Despite fact that we have very advenced society and humans were walking on the moon, we are still simple animals inside.
All those pua retards do not understand that good talk is not that much important. Human use body language to communicate and body is everything.
Usually betas have this traits:
>walk manually
>0 eye contact, stare in ground or act like he has some very important message on smartphone when alone in public
>nervous fast moves
>talks very fast like he is always in hurry
>you can feel cringe tension inside him
If you are aesthetic you can get away with ridiculous shit, you can say fuck off to women and she will be back in 5min.
Fact. If women find you attractive physically, its very hard to discourage her from your D
If you are ugly you have to somehow compensate your ugliness in money, being cuck or some other shit.
Isn't PUA just a meme ?
Like i always just assumed it was, is this shit actually real or is it just some kind of delusion ?
/r9k/ is that way.
It's hilarious the kind of excuses you pathetic subhumans use to escape putting any effort into anything and then blame everyone and everything for your own shortcomings and for not getting what you think you're entitled to.
Answer in OP pic
>Paying for PUA lessons won't get you girls, it'll only transform you into a cuck
The first user is right though.
Not from what I've seen happen before me, but believe what you want because at the end of the day, you people won't even try, just bitch.
I agree if ur average it is possible. If ur below a 4/10 though you are fucked.
Read my post again.
I did not say that you should not try.
What more I said that even if you are ugly you can easily have gf/wife and kids.
But you are trying to simple deny fact that most important factors in our life are out of control and women are attracted to physically aesthetic males. Its not uncommon for a woman to choose some jobless/bandit that is 10/10 than ugly 2/10 stem student that is not able to stand for himsel.
Is it a lie?
Could you explain which part of this quote is wrong or untrue? Its from uni research
>Experiments have shown that we consider attractive people "as more sociable, dominant, sexually warm, mentally healthy, intelligent, and socially skilled" than unattractive people.
>By the time cute kids become attractive adults, they've benefited from this bias for years, giving them higher levels of confidence.
>It's a "self-fulfilling prophecy," Mobius and Rosenblat say.
I did not say that you should not try.
What more I said that even if you are ugly you can easily have gf/wife and kids.
Not always, but probably in most cases.
So what? Life is not fair and failure is part of life. There is always somebody better than you.
Should I stop doing martial arts because Conor McGregor could beat the shit out of me? No, I continue because it is fun.
Being a career criminal is a better job than being a STEMcel Tbh.
Low IQ, primitive and intimidating is legit
>>walk manually
Most people who aren't fatass neckbeards already got that shit under control, atleast where I live. You won't stand out because you lift, dress well and have a career. It's a bare minimum.
Game, but aesthetics has higher implied odds and is far, far more fun.
if you do not know what if virgin walk then maybe you are not ugly enough to shitpost in this thread
When an ugly autist is walking in public and in front of him there is a group of attractive women, his brain change mode from auto walking to manually walking.
It looks like every limb of his body is moving on its own without synchronization with whole body.
Its pretty common in ugly betas, they are aware how ugly they, people make ewwww sound when they passby so they get nervous in public
jesus go easy with the strawmans copey
desu I find it funny how mad you people get when your world view is challenged
I still don't get it senpai, post examples
Growing up in a socially well adjusted environment is superior to both.
not the same guy, but when you see crying faggots like you on Veeky Forums everyday, it becomes easy to get irritated
So it is their lack of social skills (game), not looks.
But like some guys in this thread they blame their not perfect appearance instead of taking responsibility/action.
Ask yourself, who is going to get laid:
1. 6/10 in looks quiet shy guy
2. 5/10 in looks charismatic guy
This is also biology. Women get flooded with hormones if some guy takes action and leads in a social group setting, even if he is the ugliest motherfucker in this group. Women did not fuck the most beautiful men in their tribe, they fucked the best overall guy in their tribe.
Live laugh love is what basic bitches hang on their walls at home u autistic beta
Should be anime shit like you, right mr. Alpha virgin? :^)
>what is more important GAME or LOOKS?
>OMG GO BACK TO r9k you fagoot this is not cool :((((
Both, but mostly aesthetics imo.
You could be Jack Nicholson but if you're 5'5" you'll still get "sorry no but I'm sure you'll find someone someday!"
If you're C.H.A.D you can have passable skills and people will still desire you. Hell, my friends (now) wife approached him at a concert.
Okay. I don't know, I've never met one with this saying on her wall.
Listen, I'm not her to tell you how to live your life. Do whatever you want. I'm just giving you advice based on my experience and this "Live. Laugh, Love." is just a simplified approach to get the point across.
Well obviously but if you're a 2/10 guy there is no hope
>If you call game hitting on every woman you see and making a clown of yourself in order to get laid you should kys
>Aesthetics by far
If you think the contrary you don't know very much people or you aren't paying the necessary attention to human interactions, real life interactions not staged for YouTube.
I would say the opposite, actually.
It seems you're the one who don't know shit. Of course, you never got out of your basement long enough to actually learn anything about the world that isn't fed to you by the internet.
I know a guy who is borderline autistic but handsome as fuark, he is always sorrounded by girls, who literally hit on him and recibes good treatment always just to put an example.
just be tall theory confirmed
I'm not claiming any side, you're just irritating
yeah brah just act alpha and you'll turn into a robust 6'4" lantern-jawed North Atlantid WASP...
And I know a chubby, kinda average guy who could sell you anything and I've seen him steal chicks a few times from handsome/wellbuilt guys.
Why do you copecels think this is anything to do with rotcels9k?
protip: Veeky Forums isn't the only website in existence buddy boyo