Will leaving Veeky Forums forever help you "make it"?
If this website is preventing you from "making it" you probably have some bigger problems that need to be addressed.
Makes my nips puffy
The reason I made this thread is because I've been here for years now and at this point I'm pretty sure I've seen everything. I don't think there's anything more I can get from this site aside from entertainment. I'd say I'm on my way to making it (full time student, great job, lift) so I'd say I'm well of I suppose. Thing is, I come here daily and sometimes for hours at a time and it's begun to eat away at my life gains with the time I'm wasting. Sure the solution is to try and moderate myself but I don't think I can. Like all of my addictions, I believe I might have to go cold turkey. But how the fuck do I do that? I have internet just about everywhere I go and despite my busy life, I have so much time to myself that it's impossible to avoid. I can hardly even read anymore because my attention span is so fucked. Anyone got solutions?
In honor of yesterdays thread about leaving this site and all the posts with people who've been here for years I got an idea.
Let's all ask here for a temporary ban.
Include in your post for how long and report your own post so a mod sees it.
One thing I cant figure out is: what should I do with my downtime if not Veeky Forums?
If I had 'made it' I would probably have invites for stuff from friends, but since I havent yet all my evenings are completely unbooked.
What should I do?
No videogames, no anime or porn.
Do something productive. Learn a language, fix a motorbike.
but those arent downtime activities. what should I do when I need a break?
I'm trying to get back into reading, made a long list so it'll be a while before I get through it. I also signed up for boxing/muay thai so that'll keep me occupied as well. Also asked for more days for my job since more money is always good.
Small things, man. They add up.
read a book, meditate, maybe watch a good tv series
You never leave. Not really.
>Psychology today
Interesting articles that aren't clickbait and make good conversation
Same thing usually
Because of bragging rights
To be informed on how the world works
To be inspired by other people and learn about your role models
>Learn some music
Because its fun
>Learn about film and watch good ones
To get better taste
etc etc etc. Pretty much everything is better than Veeky Forums EXCEPT for slow boards like (sometimes) Veeky Forums things like /out/ and travel or /diy/
shameless self bump
I used to be a complete loser at the start of highschool, only played video games had only a few weird friends. Later in highschool i completely left the computer and it changed my life I ended up going out meeting tons of people and a pretty gf, now im in college my gf left me recently and have like 1 friend and im back on here
I don't have a solution, but you are me
another shameless self bump
Every time I've had a gf or felt happy I left this place and felt much better without all the negativity that stems from Veeky Forums. I always come back when things go to hell, though.
are you me?
you should have stayed in normieville and found peace
>i haven't touched any of these books
>i haven't even heard of half of them
i need to change
I'll never leave this place. In 10 years when me and my gf have a house and family i'll still be shitposting here.
We're all here forever. Strap in.
>The solution is to try and moderate myself
>But I don't think I can
There's your problem. You have "excuse making little bitch" syndrome. Don't worry, you can overcome this by not being melodramatic, and relaxing a little.
Imo, fit will get you from knowing nothing about fitness into having a decent base of knowing what movements to do for strength and bodybuilding. It's great for getting people into areas they know nothing about, while keeping them safe from putting their work into areas that won't pay off (people meme others for the fun of it, no permanent harm is done, but when you spend your entire life spending money on bullshit because the fitness industry tells you to, that's permanent and harmful damage). However, once you have this base of knowledge and basic experience, it's up to you to go further, which means eventually leaving fit, and getting your knowledge through books. Sure there are no memes in books, but you'll improve yourself a lot more. I'd guess I only have a half a year left in me after being here two years, but who knows.
>he thinks you can just leave willy-nilly
That girl is so kawaii it's not even funny. I'd kill her for anything
I thought infinite jest was a meme
she's cute as fuck but you will never fuck her and you need to accept that. keep her in your fap folder but far away from your heart.
What a coincidence, just a few minutes ago I was honking that I needed to leave this place.
I don't know if I can leave Veeky Forums entirely cold turkey, but I am definitely leaving /r9k/. I stopped going there for almost a year in 2016 and I have no fucking idea why I went back. That place is not good for my mental health.
this may sound dumb but i think these sorts of changes have to come "from within". a lot of the time, excessive use of Veeky Forums is a symptom of something else, and just cutting out this site will only result in doing the same thing on other sites
it is, but for a good reason
No, this site is the only reason I decided to better myself, mainly this board Veeky Forums and /pol/
I just realized that, in a sense, it's a book about memes.
> Aside from entertainment
This. I only really come on here to get a laugh or see whats up on my favorite threads/topics. Other than that there isnt really much else I can enjoy
>That place is not good for my mental health.
I swear, it's permanently altered my thought processes. Now I'm insecure about women, and have been fapping to cuck porn. I need the inner strength to say no to my impulses, but I still give in...
someone just recommended that to me
it really depends on the boards you go to.if i only visit Veeky Forums and /tv/ for example then no it's not a problem and i will still make it. But if i vist the really degenrate boards all the time like /r9k/ then yes you will not make it
I know this feeling. For the 2-3 months up to Christmas I was working 50-55 hours a week, going to the gym 4x a week, learning to code, got all my habits right (calories, sleeping, doing chores etc.) and I started dating a girl from the gym who will probably be my gf. I had 30 minutes free time a day, but I never felt so determined. Any sort of problem I confronted head-on. My confidence was at an all-time high.
I gave up the main job and now work 7 hours a week so I can focus on coding. My sleeping habits have slipped a bit already. Self-discipline becomes much harder when there's no accountability like you get at a normal job. I'd also add that this site is terrible for the young man who is trying to find his way in the world. I started going on Veeky Forums at 19. Each time I go back after a period off, Veeky Forums appears worse and worse.
You have to take a step back from it to see how toxic it can be. There can be the odd good post or bit of info, but ask yourself this; does the ratio of good to bad posts make it worth it? Anything you need to know can be found elsewhere. Veeky Forums isn't special in that regard. The main reason I find Veeky Forums appealing is that it's relatable for people like you and me who are slight social misfits; popular, socially capable or not. The esoteric humour is difficult to find elsewhere. However, it makes you fine with being bored, and the toxic opinions WILL begin to gnaw at you, as much as you think otherwise. Imagine if Veeky Forums was a guy. Would you want to see that guy for hours a day?
If you do want to leave, the best way I've found is to stay busy. There's always something you can do. And when you want to do nothing, meditate. Or watch a new series. Go for a walk. It won't be easy at first, but don't get discouraged. Track how often you use it each day and try to break yesterday's record. If you don't, don't give up, just imagine it as a graph of usage that steadily decreases over time, with a few hiccups here and there.
Start drawing, split time between Veeky Forums and /ic/, with the occasional visit to /v/ for drawthread practice.
just think of it as leisure time
Some people spend their leisure time watching netflix or TV
At least on Veeky Forums you can (sometimes) learn something useful
just moderate yourself
>leaving Veeky Forums