CBT, gayboys. Last one died.
Post your bodies for those (You)'s
CBT, gayboys. Last one died.
Post your bodies for those (You)'s
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currently bulking will i make it?
stats? I wish i looked like a gay boy.
Tfw first bulk
Protip: Don't shave your hair off, use an electric trimmer, so you don't get all those disgusting bumps.
t. actual grill
Oh, please. Like your in the place to give advice.
I do use an electric trimmer. It's just shit. Picture is a few months old but i fixed the problem with pic related.
Buy a Wahl trimmer, with a cord.
tend skin sounds like a dnd cantrip
one hundred and seventy-nine hundred Slovocian Kriks
23, 5'7", ~147
DL 235
Fr Sqt 175
Bk Sqt 205
BP 175
abs disasters under the bulk chub
22 yo
9 months lifting
183 lbs 6 foot
wtf my post broke. here's the pic. disasters = disappeared.
Okay Veeky Forums help me figure this out please.
So this is the program I'm doing right now and I absolutely love it but it's clearly not enough for me. dropbox.com
It usually takes me like 90+ minutes to finish and I'm completely exhausted by the end of it so I don't really want too much more to it.
Out of everything that's lacking, what's the biggest thing that's holding me back?
I'm working on eating more, I'm squatting again after fucking my ankle up for a month and I just switched entirely from flat bench to incline.
I'm thinking about just ditching the rest day completely and adding stuff there instead to help fix my weird physique. Right now all I've got there is abs.
So what else should I add there to balance everything out?
holy shit friendo where the heck is the chest?
6'0, 176lbs.
Deadlift 170kg
Squat 140kg
Bench 100kg
OHP 60kg
Idk man, I'm slowly getting stronger but it just refuses to grow.
I also had surgery for pectus excavatum when I was 13 so that might have something to do with it. I', just hoping that switching from flat to incline is going to fix it.
couldnt decide on which webm to post so I'll just throw this one out there too.
fuck I just went a take a photo, holy fuck i am dyel af
did you forget to work on everything other than shoulders?
shit you need a tan breh
I just posted the program man :( Delts are the only thing that even wants to grow.
I've been on the fence about it lately. Everyone says I should get a tan but everyone in that tanning thread from yesterday was saying how bad it is for you and how you'll get cancer. I'm not quite sure what to do.
Re-posting for bants. Comments were fucking hilarious last time.
No bottom half but I squat just over 2pl8 ATG for reps, so legs aren't shit but they're nothing special.
Also, only recently started doing hammer curls (hence the shit bis n forearms) cos I only just realised that weighted pull ups (even at 40kg for reps) do fuck all for biceps.
No need for a tan. Don't listen to this shit, you'll be thankful in 10 years for not getting unnaturally tanned.
You have an awesome shoulder-waist ratio, only thing holding you back is not eating enough
6'3" at 215. Down from 245. Trying to figure out if I should bulk or cut from here.
From the side
cheekie, is this your final form?
Nice body hair, m8. Ever consider getting more? Rub some onion on your body, it'll promote hair growth.
When was his prime? 91 looks most attractive imo
Geezus your shoulders are level with the door handle.
Average standard door handle height is between 86cm and 120cm
What a tiny man
fix your APT
5'10 180lbs
>squat 290lbs 5x5
>militarypress 180lbs 4 reps
>deadlift 396lbs
>benchpress is fucked because of injury so i cant do it anymore...
>incline bench 205 lbs 5 reps
>Comparing that bathroom sink to waist-lvl ratio
you need to eat nigga, the program is not the problem...
Lifted for 4-5 years in total, natty
>tfw a grill has a manlier chest than most posters itt
91 scooby was best scooby
Arms are small compared to the rest, but only relatively. Also kinda bicep heavy.
Incredible back for a natty.
It's a real struggle but I'm doing my best to eat as much as I can.
Is eating enough really my only problem? Surely I can balance out my physique by changing the program up a bit, right?
6'0", went from 155lbs to 180lbs in the last ~7 months. Still bulking and starting a cut at the end of March. Left is unflexed
215lbs, 6'2, trying to bulk the past 3 months since i started SS
178 cm ~60 kg
10 month progress.
>tfw your abs will never look good because of a massive ass scar on them from surgery, goddamn gains goblin doctors.
Bulk bulk bulk
5'11 175lbs
2 years lifting but 6 month injury
5'9 172
Should i bulk or cut right now guys? I'm so conflicted. Id like to be shredded for Excision in febuary for the qts but body dysmorphias a bitch
Hating myself at this point of my bulk
you better cut for excision. don't show up fat.
I'm fat but my delts have gotten round lately.
I'm 6'0 195 lbs and trying to have abs by end of April. Fuck me still so fat.
Also I'm 6'2" 195lbs
Why do you want abs?
You must have a gordan ramsey door frame bone structure to look like that at that weight
To be pretty, obviously
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
5'6, 166 currently
still pretty dyel but working on it
yeah i forgot my hoodie
im gonna guess some test prop, lose dose tren ace, perhaps some dbol?
haw haw nice gyno fag
have you been cutting or bulking or what?look pretty much like left you with more back fat
looking shredded OP
fuck me up Veeky Forums
Pls ignore nasty frat bathroom
6'2, 200lb, cutting for break
bf mode
Large and in charge
but also short
I'd pinch your nipples if I was a girl
thank you hungry skeletal
Routine and time m8m lookin good
Tell me what to do with my body Veeky Forums I will do anything you want
kill it
Pls no bully, I tried to get a bit leaner but I still look crappy
Aha not quite but trying. Thanks.
Bulking - abs disappearing
Ignore yellow stuff on my arm, it's cream for my eczema
Eczema isn't fat, so it counts as gains
How am I doing bros? I start my cut next week.
Your goals man keep it up
you too could join him with roids
That means a lot thanks
I think you got a problem
mmm downlighting
Where are your pecs?????
Arms could do with some work, but after a cut would look pretty good
dunno man, they went to hang out with my abs i guess
tbf the lats are good, just the pecs, abs and more arms and you'll make it
Get a haircut bro.
buy a fucking light
20 years old
Any help on getting thicker biceps?
6'1" 182lb
Do I have enough to cut soon or should I just keep bulkinguntil next spring?