over head press (benchpress every other workout) 1 2 3 4
chest dips 1 2 3
rows 1 2 3
shrugs or different exersize that targets traps 1 2 3
curls 1 2 3
lat raises 1 2 3
all done with 8-12 reps iv been lifting for about a year and i want to increase volume so i get bigger also i do this Monday Tuesday Wednesday and take weekends off
You do this? 3 days in a row? Are you stupid? Go do a simple upper lower split,or get on the sl, or ss train don't fucking kill yourself with your shitty routine.
Benjamin Turner
Bench Incline Bench Pec dec Dumbbell pullover things idk what theyre called Dumbbell flies superset with dumbbell presses
Deadlift These lat pulldown things with cables while kneeling Actual lat pulldowns Seated Rows T bar rows Pull ups
Dumbbell curls Tricep pushdown Hammer curls Reverse pulldowns Preacher curls These dumbbell things where you lay down and extend your arm Concentration curls Rope pulldowns
Lateral raises Front raises Dumbbell press High pulls Reverse pec dec Squat Calf raises Leg extensions Cable crossovers Shrugs
cardio is intervals on treadmill of max and no incline for a mile around 8 mph after each sesh
Ian Torres
R8 AxBxCDx
A: Squat 3x5 Bench press 3x5 Ohp 3x10 Incline BB bench 3x10 DB Lat raises 3x10 Incline DB fly 3x10 Lying tricep extension 3x10
B: Deadlift 3x5 Barbell row 3x5 DB row 3x10 Pullups 3xF Facepull 3x10 DB shrug 3x10 DB curl 3x10
C: Squat 3x5 OHP 3x5 BB bench 3x10 DB lateral raise 3x10 DB incline flies Lying tricep extension 3x10
D: Deadlift 3x10 Weighted pull ups 3xF Lat pulldown 3x10 Facepull 3x10 DB curl 3x10
Luke Adams
On a slow cut at the moment, so I upped the volume in the new year. Rate me fellas
Day A Power Cleans: 5,4,2,2,2,1 Push Press: 5,4,2,2,2,1 DB Press: 5 x 10 DB Row: 5 x 10 Hanging Leg Raises: 3 x 15 DB Hammer curl: 3 x 15
Day B Deadlift: 5/3/1 Chest Dip: 4 x 8 squat: 5 x 10 Lateral Raises: 5 x 10 Machine Row: 4 x 8 Concentration curl: 3 x 12
Day C snatch grip high-pull: 3 x 6 Front squat: 4 x 6 Overhead Press: 5 x 8 Chinup: 4 x 10 Close grip bench press: 4 x 10 Cable crunch: 3 x 15
Can someone help me with a routine for my GF too?
Day 1: Deadlift: 3 x 8 Overhead Dumbell Press: 3 x 10 Leg Throwdowns: 3 x 15
Day 2: squat: 3 x 8 Dumbell bench press: 4 x 8 crunches: 3 x 20
Day 3: Deadlift: 3 x 12 Overhead barbell press: 4 x 8 Leg Throwdowns: 3 x 15
James Evans
Is this some kind of cheat code to unlock max gains?
Camden Gonzalez
any opinions on ppl splits? I've been trying it this week and it feels good so far
Anthony Robinson
good if you care about looks and no functionality
Jason Clark
Hope this is a bait. No legs and three consecutive days? Just do full body monday, wednesday and friday or atleast do a PPL if you can only work out monday, tues and wedn
Nathaniel Johnson
Do way more legs m8, you are on a split. Put arms and legs together and turn down arm volume for legs, 6 bicep exercises are way too much. You need some hamstring work, otherwise you will fuck up your posture and more. Pls add your stats, if you dont ohp at least 2pl8 theres no way to justify this volume
Bentley Thompson
Id say pushpullpush, next week pullpushpull would work better here
Nolan Johnson
Depends on your weaknesses. Shoulders will suffer, legs will get a lot of focus, and arms will suffer, and chest and back will have serious gains. Try it and then decide if you want back to fullbody, stay or advance to a brosplit
stop killing the board by telling people to go elsewhere
Zachary Nguyen
Benjamin Scott
it's a lot of volume, depending on sets/reps of course. sets/reps?
Xavier Cooper
OHP day >4*10 OHP >Push Press * F immediately after last set of 10 >Partial reps 5*F
Julian Mitchell
A Bench 3x5 F. Squat 3x5 Dips 3x8 Incline Bench 3x8 Skullcrushers 3x8 Tricep pulldowns 3x8 Abs
B Deads 1x5 OHP 3x5 Chins 3x8 Rows 3x8 Lat Raises 3x8 Curls 3x8 21's
i try to go heavyish on the 3x5, the rest is hypertrophy where i focus on form rather than weight. I rest 2.5-3mins for the heavy lifts and the rest is usually 1.5min
William Roberts
probably decent! how long do you spend in the gym per workout?
Jaxson Cook
a little over an hour usually. if i take more my time, maybe 1.5h
Angel Phillips
I ripped mine off Candido. Pls bully if I deserve it ABAxABx A- Upper Bench/Incline Bench 4x5 DB shoulder press 4x10 DB Row 4x10 Barbell Curl 3x10 Cable Row 4x12 Tricep Pushdown 3x12
B Squat 4x5 DL 3x5 Ab bullshit Sometimes I do RDLs (3x6) and Front Squats (2x5) instead of DLs. Occasionally I pull sumo.
Rest days are stationary cycle 40 mins or a long hike/bike ride.
Luis Garcia
Bump please god don't let this actual fitness thread die
Benjamin Gutierrez
To produce gains you need to >Trigger a need for muscle growth >By trigger a need for strength gains >By consistently increasing your working capacity and power output >By consistently progressing on a lift or lifts
Too many is just two many.
I'd do 1 primary push, 1 auxiliary push and 1 primary pull with 1 auxiliary pull motion.
Replace the shrugs curls and lat raises with Chins.
If you want OHP or Bench to be your primary focus on it and do something with the other.
Personally I would focus OHP and do chest dips as am accessory, but that's because I don't desire to be super competitive with Bench Press and know that I'll get a decent one simply by OHPing
B: Squat 4x5 Chins 3x5-8 Bent over rows 4x5 Curls 4x8
give it to me straight. and yes I know that I dont deadlift, I dont need to.
Jayden Myers
Rate my routine pls. I mixed PHAT with PPL. I'm also running a Test-e 500mg/wk only cycle. Is this any good?
#PUSH POWER BB Bench 4x5 Machine Inner Chest Press 4x5 BB Shoulder Press 4x6 BB Front Raise 3x5 Dips 2x6 Skullcrushers + abdominal work
#PULL POWER Deadlift 3x5 Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 3x8 Weighted Hyperextensions 3x12 EZ Bar Curl super-setted w Behind The Back Curls 3x8 Cable Close Grip Curl super-setted with Cable Reverse Curl 3x8 Leg Extensions, Press and Calf Press 3x12 each
#PUSH HYPERTROPHY DB Shoulder Press 3x12 Cable Upright Row 2x12 Lateral Raise 3x12 Cable Rope Face Pull 2x15 DB Incline Bench 3x10 Butterfly Machine 3x12 Cable Inner Chest Press 2x12 Cable Lower Chest Raise 2x10 Skullcrushers 3x10 super-setted w BB Close Grip Bench Cable Rope Triceps Pushdown + abdominal work
#PULL HYPERTROPHY T-Bar Row 4x4 Cable Seated Row 3x10 Close Grip Front Lat Pulldown 2x10 Hyperextensions 3x10 DB Incline Curl 2x10 Cable Close Grip Curl 3x12 super-setted w Cable Reverse Grip Curls 3x8 Bicep Curl Machine 2x12 Leg Extension, Hamstring Curl, Leg Press, Calf Press, Calf Raise 3x10 each
Nathan Peterson
I hope this is a troll.
Nolan Anderson
Care to elaborate?
Dylan Gray
Jonathan Morris
Switch ohp and lat raises with the frontsquat and abs, and increase sets and reps on the 3x8, thats pussy volume, do at least the isolation 10+reps
Austin Flores
is Push Pull x Push Pull Legs x OK or is that retarded?
Jose Richardson
Bump plz
Xavier Bell
u dont need leg day, squat is push and dl is pull
Anthony Parker
so Push Pull x Push Pull x x is fine?
Blake Ross
push pull x push pull x dont be a pussy
Brayden Scott
Feedback please!
A: Squats Deadlifts Leg Press Weighted back extensions Biceps Abs
1st week is 3x10; 2nd week is 4x10, 3rd week 5x10 on main lifts at 70% 1RM.
2nd week is 3x8 etc. for 75%.
3rd week is 3x5 etc. for 80%
4th week is 3x3 etc. for 85%.
Then test new 1RM.
Want overall size and strength.
Alexander Collins
that's not possible for me schedulewise, otherwise I would've
Isaac Smith
Can someone explain to me why an ABCDABCD split without rest days wouldn't work? Seems like if you recover well enough, it would be good.
Logan Bell
Throw in some more hamstring work as well. Unless you have some extreme torso lean in your squat (layne norton like), you'll want some hamstring work for knee health and overall development.
If you're open to doing some sort of deadlifts, RDLs would be a good replacement for bent over rows. If not, back extensions or GHRs in place of curls. Biceps already get plenty of work with chins so they might not need any more focus.
As long as you're pushing progression, your routine should be giving you gains for quite a while.