>she spoke to me first
Nothing ever prepared me for this Veeky Forums.
Also, fit humor thread
>she spoke to me first
Nothing ever prepared me for this Veeky Forums.
Also, fit humor thread
also lets find the heaviest person on Veeky Forums right now
>210 lbs
>qt3.14 who works at the gym comes up to me in between sets
>"I'm bored and I recognize you so I'm gonna talk to you."
>"tell me a joke, user."
>panic sets in as I don't know any jokes off the top of my head
>"uhhh... What's the difference between a chickpea and a lentil?"
>"I've never had a lentil on my face before."
>end of the conversation.
297 lbs
It took me a bit, but then I laughed. Comedy gold right there; too bad she didn't realise that.
Fuck I dont know any good jokes
>why did the fish get pulled over
You dodged a bullet. Thats a good fukken joke
>What do you call a bagel that can fly?
>A plain bagel
Panties will drop, guaranteed.
>work at liquor store (poorfag)
>stocking in the back, come out of cooler
>two guys walking back and forth in front of the beer talking about what is high test or not
>pick some shit tier beer and start yelling to each other about it being high test as they walk up to counter
>don't make eye contact with 7/10 grill who works the till
>mfw I just witnessed Veeky Forums in real life
You're heavier than Eddie Hall
Kekked hard, probably better than whatever stupid shit I'd come up with.
she seems like entitled cunt. I'm not saying I would tell her to fuck off. As I'm autist, like you and would probably say some lame joke too, flattered that someone wants to talk to me. But that's what should have been said.
Oh god I'm dying. I need to do this
>gym crush comes and asks ne how many sets in I have left
>tell her I just started
>leaves to go do some meme shit
>guy walks up to me and asks how many sets I have to go
>1 more
>guy takes the power rack
>gym crush comes back and looks at me like I've failed her
This happened to me the other day except instead of my gym crush it was some huge black guy and instead of a look of failure he gave me a look of seething rage.
It's not like she told you she was coming back or if she was gonna wait for it.
My go to:
What do gay horses eat?
>what do you call a bulimic girl with a yeast infection
Laughed so hard I had to walk around A bit.
>tfw to intelligent to get this joke
actually dwayne is 6'5
I usually tell the second guy that somebody else asked me that, and before moving onto the next exercise I leave my shit in the power rack and go look for the first person. Am I being too nice?
that was kind of too close to home user
Fucking kek.
If it makes you feel any better, if I were a girl, I'd date you right away.
Yeah I usually don't hold shit for people. It was the look after that killed me though
Recently made this joke to some shy slut on facebook
> I could breathe your avatar
>> what do you mean?
> That's how much it's airbrushed
>dwayne is 6'5
he's 6'3 AT BEST. It has been proven many times
No. Not at all
>tfw too retard to get It
Can someone explain it? Fuck I wish I knew english
>258 as of this morning
You're the real MVP user.
>chick pee on my face before
you should literally have asked for her one rep maxes
> qt chinese girl asks me for help in class
> imagine life together while explaining the chemistry to her
man this is too much
>she spoke to you first
Quit it and quit it, user. Girls who talk to guys first are massive sluts.
This coming from a guy who had two girlfriends that both started talking to me first and both ended up cheating on me in a year.
this is gold. gotta remember this one
ayy lmao