>he takes supplements >he drinks preworkout >he fell for the protein powder Jew
How does it feel throwing away hundreds, if not thousands of dollars every year on shit you don't need and doesn't actually do anything for you? Like holy shit just fucking eat food and you'll be fine.
Literally lmao'ing @ur lives right now.
Carson Robinson
Not everyone is a tall talent Chad with good hair
Jaxson Perez
Caleb Ross
Dude cod liver oil is real. I can feel the effects the second I take it, it's scientifically proven fagit
Juan Price
you can buy all that stuff for like 30 dollars
lol just buy the generic version
Juan Campbell
>just eat
Owen Mitchell
>protein powder is a meme 2/10 bait
Robert Ortiz
Jokes on you faggot, im 100% natty I only take 750mg tren/250mg test every five days for a a small boost to my lifts
Brandon Rogers
>thousands I wish man
Bentley Reed
How does it feel that all that protein supplementation is completely useless and will mostly go unused? Literally just eat a big hunk of meat for one meal a day and you'll have all the protein you need and then some.
Henry Phillips
>Implying hundreds per year are too much to be "wasted" Poor NEET
Owen Peterson
It's wasted because it does nothing you stupid faggot. Can't believe you actually buy into that shilling.
Carson Taylor
>ITT: Fat /pol/ack hates fit people
Leo Edwards
Holy shit not even I have a 1300+ total at 215lbs. I just came to the realization myself that supplements are shit after forgetting to take them and noticing absolutely no difference in my training, or body.
Thomas Parker
post body with timestamp faggot
David Bennett
>I spend hundres of dollar on useless shit because I can forever middle class
Austin Green
>been over a year and a half that i have bought any supplement
Anyone else here 100% natty? >that guy that brinhs his gum bag full of shakers and supplements and accessories to only do bicep curls
Lucas Moore
I dunno man I spend $7 twice a year on Creatine and $12 once every 3 months on a multi vit. Sounds like you just shop at GNC
Kayden Cruz
Ahhh yes the cry of the BTFO DYEL.
Isaiah Carter
I feel bad that you care about what others do with their money. Lmao!
Aaron Cox
that was my first post in the thread, but at least you have now shown that this is a bait thread
John Parker
Juan Robinson
Creatine is the only supplement that does anything and the only one worth it, but it's also all about preference.
It's not so much caring as laughing.
James Johnson
Creatine really helped me out of a plateau so I've stuck with it. It's cheap as fuck so why not and I have really good hair genes so no worries about hair loss.
Lucas Nguyen
Oh, I get it! LOL.
Jaxson Reed
Joke's on you, but I only take creatine and B12.
And it only costs me about 25$ per year.
Nolan Clark
Some people lead a busy life. If, at the end of a lomg day, i realize i didnt hit my protein goal, it's nice to be able to get 40g from a shake in 30 seconds instead of preparing a meal.
William Kelly
Joke's on you I shoplift all my supps.
>>tfw walking out of grocery store with protein powder under one arm and a bunch of vitamins in the other
Caleb Nguyen
literally ill gotten gains
Elijah Lee
Jordan Price
I only take my supplements because they supposedly can help with depression. Even then, all but the d3 and multi were gifts from my mom because she's all into that homeopathic type pill shit. They don't do any harm so I just pop the 10 or so pills with my antidepressants after breakfast.
Pretty sure one of the amino acid supps makes me pee stink though.
Lucas Roberts
I supplement magnesium because i dont get enough from the food of which quality worsens each year. And yes i feel the effects. Also good meme bred
Xavier Peterson
>roommate takes preworkout, protein, multiple vitamins, creatine etc >tells me because I do cardio and don't spend money on supps I'll never reach my full potential >is dyel status >mfw coming back from a run and his gf is mirin when I take my shirt off >haven't even reached my full potential yet