What's worse? Being a skinnyfag or a fatfag?

What's worse? Being a skinnyfag or a fatfag?

Fatfag, now lose some weight you fucking fat ass and stop looking for a hint of validation.

100% depends on how fat or skinny we're talking about.

If we're talking about something like your picture, i'll take being the fat one any day of the week over the alternative.

I'm actually a skinnyfag, 6ft and 60kg, it sucks

I've been both.

Fat is infinitely worse. You simply don't exist to the majority of people, getting laid was impossible and I generally felt and looked like shit. I used to weigh 260 now I'm 180 @ 6'4".
I'd rather be normal and focus on the way I dress and how my skin and hair look then be a "powerlifter" that can't see all of his dick.

tl;dr being fat sucks

I was like u 3 months ago

I just made it to 63 coming up from 55. Just keep going dude.

fat fag is nasty and shows lack of self discipline
skinny is just nasty

Skinnyfat is worse than either one.

being skinny fat, and never hitting your potential llow bf% weight.

>fat fag
cut -> bulk -> will look okay, unless loose skin in which case you're gonna look worse than basically any skelly even if ur jacked

bulk -> good physique

no contest, fatties have it way harder. probably because they made it that way, skelly is way less of a bad thing out of the context of lifting

then you're a retard

Used to be like you, now I am skinny fat and life is even worse.

nah, man. the skinny dude just looks like he can't even afford to eat.

What a poorfag.

same but i was 5'8 50kg. now 60kg, back in november

>cut, might have loose skin

>lean bulk forever

is this seriously a question?

I'm also 6'4, formerly 265, but fucking stuck at 220. I'm now hitting the gym 5 days a week and hiking on the weekends as well as counting calories and it's still a slow crawl. Just fucking kill me now.

being manlet is the worst

Fatfags drain resources and produce tons of waste from fast food etc

Use up our taxes, smell bad on subway, pressed up against you on airplanes and other seats

Skinny fag, and I say it as a skinny fag. It's fucking painful eating enough to gain any muscle mass and maintain it. I would be perfectly fine and not hungry eating like 1500 kcal daily, but I have to down breakfests that make me nauseus for hours to maintain muscles and make gains.

It might be also because I hate sweets and soft drinks, so my daily calorie intake from sugars is very small.

No man, be ready cuz it takes fucking ages, and it never gets easy, I'd say it gets worse. Gl user , don't fuck it up

>I've been both.

Same. 5'7 here (inb4 manlet, I'm well aware), and I went from being around 175 3 years ago to floating around 125-130 since last summer. My experience is that some would consider me fit and healthy while others seem more concerned by the changes in my appearance and diet now than when I was fat.

>Fat is infinitely worse. You simply don't exist to the majority of people, getting laid was impossible and I generally felt and looked like shit.

Holy fucking shit, this x1000000. I won't pretend it doesn't get to me at times, but somehow being called a hungry skeleton is easier to take than being flat-out ignored or seen the "big guy" in the group. I guess people just respect you more when your body isn't a testament to your lack of discipline/self-control and basic nutritional knowledge.

Fatfag because no one is going to make fun of you maliciously for being too skinny unless you're a woman.

Good job so far, user. Just ALWAYS remember it's easier to lose weight by eating less than exercising more. Everyone needs to exercise but there are some people that resort to twice a day workouts or insane cardio sessions instead of eating less.

You need to eat more calorie dense foods. Pb and whole milk will make up your remaining calories far easier than eating double servings of everything.

Keep on pushing through senpai, I found once you get the ball rolling again it gets easy. Like the other user said, cutting cals more is easier than upping exercise. That being said, pushing yourself on cardio (it's easy to become complacent) and cutting cals just a bit will make all the difference. Good luck senpai

Fat fag
You don't realise how bad it is being a fat lazy fuck unless you lose the weight, especially is you're a long term fatty. The lifestyle is engraved into your habits which makes you think living that way is acceptable, it's mentally shitty.

Being skinny is way worse, if you try to lift you start off squatting the bar, it's embarrassing, and the money you waste on bulking is a drain on your bank account.
Ignoring health and gains aspects, if you're skinny then you're weak, people will fuck with you and you can't fight back because you're weaker than a child.
Also women would rather date a big fat fuck that can at least keep them safe,(women are attracted to bigger guys after all) than some useless Auschwitz shit.

sadly this

also bulking is not that expensive, I literally eat 3 kg of boiled potatoes a week along my usual meals and I'm slowly building up mass without any belly mass

I could be wrong but I always thought fats had some advantages like starting with thick calves. I started scrawny so it's always been an uphill battle for keeping weight on.

Someone's obviously never been skinny

Skinnyfag is better in every way possible,

skinnyfags are fashionable, high end fashion clothing fits noone as well as it does skinnyfags.

Clothing looks disgusting on fat people

>Clothing looks disgusting on fat people

So would you rather see their folds in all their glory or

being fat just makes post-fatness terrible though

I'm exactly the same personality wise as when I weighted 320lbs and now I'm 250 and people act like I exist and all I can think is "man so you really cared about me being fat that much"

i just think everyone is a shallow faggot now

>Wanting to hang with 6 foot masterrace
Keep walking nigga

Being fat is worse. It's unhealtier and they get made fun of more often.

Skinnyfag of course, so I don't have to cut first. If you are skinny you can just start clean bulking and not worry about cutting