Is meth a good way to get Veeky Forums? I saw someone today who I haven't seen in at least 4 years...

Is meth a good way to get Veeky Forums? I saw someone today who I haven't seen in at least 4 years, he was tweaking but lost weight and didnt look like he lost any muscle.


Amphetamines supress hunger and meth lasts for like 20-30 hours so I guess it would help with fasting


This dude was able to talk coherent and make sense, but he was moving every minute and doing weird motions, he must do like 40 hours of cardio in addition to the appetite suppression.

you might want to use coke because you can probably function better on it

Meth is cheaper no? And I was shocked how well he was functioning, well how well he was able to talk and stuff, but he was doing twitches and weird motions

If you want legal stims stronger than caffeine to suppress hunger look into yohimbine hcl and ephedrine, but don't use both at the same time

Will any of them give meth like effects?

yohimbine can make you pretty horny and twitchy

ephedrine gives some interesting focus

Thanks do u have to buy it online or can u walk into GNC or whatever and get it ? Any suggested dosage for yohimbine?

If you take a high dose ECA stack you definitely see sharpened focus and high anxiety. I'd say it's more like Ritalin than amohetamine in my experience, but it's pretty good.


it fucks up your brain tho
also i hope you're not living in the philippines

Yes I assume it does after a bit, I was just shocked how well he was functioning on it and he lost tons of fat

The ways people would go just to not have to eat a bit less hurt my head.

amphetamine can unironically be a very good weight loss aid, yeah. but it can be damn addictive, and thats why your doctor wont prescribe it to you unless youre a real fat sack.

its illegal too and can get you into a lot of trouble.

id reccomend the EC stack.

yohimbine hcl about 15 mg is the sweet spot, just buy it off amazon use primaforce, pills are 2.5 mg each

you have to use it fasted and you have to do cardio 30-45 minutes after you take it don't blame me i didn't make the rules

more difficult to get your hands on ephedrine hcl, most people just buy bronkaid/primatene instead, not ideal, i like yohimbine better anyway

don't lift on yoh or your heart will feel like exploding lmao

So you can do cardio on it but not lift? I assume u mean just mid paced cardio and not high intensity shit

Dunno mayne, fasted state cardio (morning) with yohimbe always felt like death. The heart pounding away, that specific feeling you get when there's shitloads of adrenaline running, but no reason for it whatsoever.

What do you use yohi for? Any tips?

Think about the best possible pre workout you know. multiply that be two orders of magnitude. That is meth.

if you can take non-disabling small doses of it and maintain your lifestyle it is the single most effective stimulant known to man. it is literally a superpower
>SPOILER: you can't.

yes steady state cardio for 45 mins, the yoh makes it really easy

haha yeah you need less workload to get into 150-160 bpm. only use it in the summer when i wanna dip below 12%, do about 2-3 weeks of 5 or 6 days cardio 1 or 2 days lifting, lots of fasting, low carb, actually gets ripped pretty quick

acute strength losses that return quickly but no real muscle loss only water and glycogen, very bearable way to do things imho

I've used meth intravenously quite a bit over the last few years and am pretty strong. Just add roids and go to detox or jail for a bit every few months.

How do you pick your yohimbe from the internet? Any tips? I've seen the bulk powders from china being sold, but those chinks fake anything.

do benzedrex

google how to get high off it

its strong af, on the level of adderall desu

Do you do carb refeeds? Any pointers for cutting? Permabulker here, can maintain caloric decifit quite easily, but lifting suffers.


I know a guy who lifts and is swole and when he cuts he goes on like a month long meth binge and gets shredded as fuck

It works but I'd rather not be all tweaked out for a month just to cut weight

pills>powders you really don't want to mis-dose this stuff

there's like two reputable brands. i always use primaforce

yeah i eat a medium amount of carbs on lifting days when i'm using yoh over that brief period. but really i try to keep insulin low, even though yhcl has a short half life the metabolites linger for much longer.

if you're above 15% don't bother with it, it doesn't shine there. try doing total fasts on your non lifting days with light cardio, and eating at maintenance cals on lifting days

even at 15% or a bi above u still get that cracked out jittery feeling with it and appetite suppression right?

How likely is it that you'll get scammed if you are buying an ECA stack online?
It's a national product so it's quite cheap but will I get scammed when it comes to drugs that are not expensive on their own?
Other than that are anti flu pills but I don't want to take 200 mg of ibuprofen per 50 mg ephedrine

Appetite suppression? Dunno. The jittery feeling (fun)? I'm 20-something to be realistic and 17 by the electronic scale thingamajig. It kicks hard.

this what im looking for?

Yohimbine HCl

I heard when people die they lose a lot of weight

Puritan's pride for me. Probably best if you trust other Mericans.