Is this a good muscle massager? I saw it at the store and it said the massages from it are good...

Is this a good muscle massager? I saw it at the store and it said the massages from it are good. The online reviews of it also say that too. Will it help get rid of muscle soreness?

yeah but you stick this one up your ass

Why would I stick it up my ass you fag? I'm asking if this would help massage muscles

yea. i use my sister's massager

Does it work for your sister? I need to make sure it works well enough to massage my hamstrings cuz they've been really sore lately.

she makes wierd sounds when she uses it so i guess it works well. probably works better on her than on me but she's been using it for a while and i'm new to this massaging/foam rolling thing

Oh yeah, that works. That works really nicely. You're gonna love it.

you will use it once for your back and once for your ass and then never use it again

Okay, thanks. I'm new to massaging also.


Why would I ever use it for my ass?

>no DOMS in ass
>obviously not using a squat plug
Not gonna make it

i got this as a gift. it was supposed to be for deep massage but i have no idea how to use it

These are more popular in the massage scene nowadays

These things are actually legit for getting rid of some muscle aches.

Yeah but no one ever uses them for that

Isn't pucci a mussel?

your sister is using it on her pussy you fool!

it would help massaging your anal muscles

Yes OP it will get rid of muscle soreness, but you need to make sure that you use it immediately after your workout, right before you leave the gym make sure to plug it in and massage your aching, tired muscles in front of everyone

come on don't be so mean.

yes it was made for sore muscles but chick mainly use it for the clits ect but it will work. if u think it will help fuck others and do what ever helps. tho if u have a bath tub and access to a lot of ice, ice baths work a treat

Delete this and delete yourself

Really want to cop one of these. Gotta experience HFO

thumper massager

I can't tell if this is a meme or not, but I've always thought about getting one for massaging myself. Could be nice

wife has one for getting herself off.

is it worth a damn for knots though?

No, it's a....
wait for it.....

kekd hard

8/10 reply

It's decent.

I got my girl a magic wand and it's useful for pussies and actual massages.

Put that guy on my traps for 5 minutes at the highest setting and they're loosey goosey.

>being a literal cuck

It's cucky to place a vibrator on my girls clit while she's riding me?

You have the deepest insecurities man.

Yes. I use my wife's on my back. Sometimes she uses it on my dick. There are lots of attachments for it too, but they are generally for sexual purposes. It really is the best handheld electric massager you can get tho.

The motor is just top quality. A well spent 200 dollars if you're having a lot of weird sex.

The real one, and not the cheap chinese clone ones on Amazon.

Push that baby into my quads after a squat night. Hammies are harder to make sore enough for this, but damn will this and a epsom bath loosen them up
