Is it true that fit people, in general, are not intellectual?

Is it true that fit people, in general, are not intellectual?

Other urls found in this thread:; filename=Diet-Induced_Obesity_Causes_Ghrelin_Resi.pdf

It are true.

>she made a typo she is so stupid looooooooooooooooooool

How do I get a pump like that?

haven't there been studies done that see a correlation between low IQ and obesity?

i would think that an individual that is being active and health-conscious is displaying higher intellectual ability than some fat fuck that just eats and complains.

Forgive me Lord for I would fuckin wreck her pussy goddamit

>haven't there been studies done that see a correlation between low IQ and obesity?
This is more true
Most people with some sense know to work out and take care of yourself

Also im pretty sure i want to spot her while she does straight leg deadlifts, spot real close

more neurons devoted to muscle recruitment=less neurons devoted to critical thinking, reasoning, calculating, etc.

but nothing in life is this black and white, and generally most intellectual people understand the benefits of fitness and try to do some sort of exercise however minimal.

there is a negative correlation between intelligence and strength, mainly because a lot of genetics is a kind of tradeoff. for the biological changes necessary for a lot of strength, intellectual growth has to take a backseat. biologically only, this has nothing to do with training/studying.

Would you suck her clitdick?

Yeah I think it is somewhat true that more obese people tend to be low IQ but really "beautiful" fit people tend to also be stupid. Fatty here btw who is pretty intelligent. I think obese people that are intelligent realize they are obese but it becomes a task when you were raised that way and have had literally no other diet. The stupid obese people could care less that they are fat.

Intellectual ability =/= reddit intellectualism.

>Writing like that

Pick one

sorry dog those are different parts of the brain. it doesn't work like that.
maybe you could say more neurons for lifting means less neurons for throwing but let's just say noone has hit their neuronic limit in different hand eye coordination activities

I would drag my dick thru a mile of broken glass just to have her smile at the person sitting behind me on the bus, just for those 2 seconds I thought she was smiling at me



Im Veeky Forums and im about to finish my degree in history and international political relations. Then im starting my journey to a phd in WWI or WWII, i havent decided yet.

I'm fit.. and I have my degree in cell and molecular biology... and currently work as a database developer

I think I learn gud

What is your end goal exactly? To be underemployed at Starbucks or at a non chain place?

No. it's just that how much mental capacity do you need to say I wanna lift that and put it down again?

>history and international political relations
please be bait

Yes. The stereotype of the average meathead is true, but that doesn't meant you can't be smart and lift.



I'm pretty fit and i'm a junior majoring in Building Construction at Virginia Tech

Yes I am aware I am participating in a dick measuring contest. No I don't care.

Aerobic exercise like jogging has been shown to greatly increase functional cell turnover and regeneration; exercise is the best anti aging technique atm. If you want to maintain intelligence to the best degree and have the best neural regeneration, exercise is a must.

Lol thats not how it works. How are you confident enough to post something so wrong?

Expecting snapchat posts to be intellectually stimulating

more like
>you clicked on this thread because of wimmin, reinforcing OP's poooooooooooooooint.

There are no perfect people. The mass majority of people will do the absolute least to enjoy social success. An attractive person does not need to be intelligent to be socially successful, so we will not assume that attractive people are smarter on average. People that are not attractive require other means of social mobility, such as intellect or humor. This is probably why "nerds" are usually not attractive, they adopt the pursuit of knowledge, and are successful in their social groups because of this adaptation. This is probably why females are not seen as being as funny as males. Females on average receive more attention than males, and do not need to adapt traits such as exceptional intelligence, humor, or advanced skill sets as required in sports

If we follow this, only a very small and disciplined minority will actually be both attractive and exceptionally intelligent, and when compared to the entirety of humanity, I would argue is correct

Note that this does not take into consideration nature, only nurture

>Fatty here btw who is pretty intelligent
>could care less

Cardiovascular fitness sure, but the stereotype def applies to roid monkeys and the hulk smash kind of body.

Educate him and expand his knowledge base. At least he provided conversation. You just demean people.

Who seems more intelligent? The dude adding to discussion or the guy just putting people down?

1 year into my physics phd boys

not Veeky Forums yet though, calves and hip flexors still need some mass

People always make this assumption and I'm fucking fed up with it. People always assume I'm a stupid jock when in reality I'm a straight-A student who happens to go the gym.

... Hip flexors need training? The one muscle that's overdeveloped in nearly 100% of the population needs training for you?

The reason the stereotype exists is because of back in the day when manual labour jobs existed for retards. If you were "ripped" back then you almost certainly were some kind of idiot who chopped wood, dug trenches, did whatever hard as manual labour you did for 10 hours a day. It's a stereotype that followed us into the 20th century.

In general there is no correlation between intelligence and fitness. There are some good studies on it but no direct link. An intersection of fit people is mainly the same as a sample of non fit people in regards to intelligence. That is to say if you got 1000 fit people and 1000 non fit people you would find extremely similar results when testing for intelligence between the two groups.

But it doesn't matter because the stereotype will never go away and people will always think what they do makes them smarter than other people.

>a woman has bigger biceps than me

I've heard from a reliable source that people who train with weights mor rarely develop alzheimers than sedentiary individuals and that people who have developed alzheimers exhibit a slower progression of the illness when weight training.

A woman with more testosterone in her body than most men.

Yes, what does that have to do with intelligence?

Also I forgot to add there is also very good evidence that it is a perception issue as well. People who are fit tend to be much more outgoing, uninhibited (in social situations), and have increased ego to match. This also contributes to the stereotype because people like that typically have a much lower filter for what they say. So even though they might not be dumber than other people they decide to articulate dumb shit simply because of their social standing, self-perception, etc.

>more neurons devoted to muscle recruitment=less neurons devoted to critical thinking, reasoning, calculating, etc.

ayy lmao

I am legit curious what it'd be like to suck a clitdick


Masters in neuroscience here

senstive ass nigger

is this achievable natty?

A sound mind requires a sound body

>i am meme fag underageb& succ buzzword

millenials are ruining the english language

>millenials are ruining the english language

>i am meme fag underageb& succ buzzword

m8, you realize you're literally using millenial meme words to communicate, right?

>he's not classified as obese by BMI

> Fatty here btw who is pretty intelligent.

I would argue that people who exercise regularly and take care of themselves are more balanced, intelligent and successful individuals. Success snowballs.

There's no work in history, friendo.

You are probably actually obese though

There's a negative correlation between muscle mass and IQ scores

Intellects really depends on people but I find that most of the bodybuilding competitors that I've met is pretty smart and well put together.

It's actually physiological, being obese decreases your cognitive function, so if you are obese, especially morbidly obese, you are probably not as intelligent as you think you are.; filename=Diet-Induced_Obesity_Causes_Ghrelin_Resi.pdf

I feel a LOT less stupid now than when I was 430lbs (I am 260lbs)
Back then I had a horrible mental fog and could never think clearly. I used to think myself clever but did stupid things all the time

>Used to read childrens books and 'adultify' them by replacing each word with a 4 syllable word, then would publish the results on my blog claiming it as my own work
>Used to do crosswords in chicken grease 'ink' as a 'satire on my obesity not impacting my diction'
>Used to write large databases of soft drinks along with the moral lessons from their company history instead of working (got fired when my bosses found my 10 page essay on New Coke)
>Used to be very flow and considered myself 'thoughtgul'

I am sharper and more focussed now

Such a tragic photo

But yeah, seems absurd to think that something that can cause such widespread metabolic havoc isn't going to impair you mentally.

I think people think I'm less intelligent thenI actually am. When I'm at work people always seem kinda surprised when I help them and explain medicine and answer questions.

I'm not even smart but it lifts my mood.

>tfw cuties have a huge smile and dilates pupils
>tfw milfs shamelessly flirt

this but average commercial gym fags are stereotypically retarded

Dilated pupils*

Underrated joke.

Think of it as life being an rpg like Fallout. You get a set number of stats. If you're born exceptionally lucky or unlucky, you can get better or worse base stats with more or less skill points to distribute.
If you spend all your points in charisma (natural beauty), then you will have less to spend in intelligence. If you spend all your points in intelligence, you will have less to put in charisma. Here we get dumb beautiful people, and ugly genius people.
Let's say you shared your points. You can be decent looking with good intelligence. While being initially unexceptional at either, you have room to improve both at later levels.
If someone already has a high charisma build and chooses to get into fitness instead of books, you end up with a specialized build. Same with high intellect builds that ignore their body and instead choose to learn more.
However a large majority of us are not born in either extreme and instead have a more even stat distribution. We can get fit, and while we may never be as beautiful as some, we will still usually look good. If nothing else, it'll increase our endurance traits and help us stay alive. We can choose to seek knowledge, and while we may never have Einstein level IQs, we can become well educated and cultured, thus increasing our speech and perception skills.
Of course there are some of us that are born in either extreme that get all high base stats, and those with exceptionally poor base stats. This is a very small fraction of people. however.
Moral of the story, recognize your base stats and work with what you're given. If you were given high intellect but low charisma, bring your other stats up to par and take advantage of your strong suits. Personally, I think a high intellect build is best, since you're typically more aware of your faults and can quickly improve other skills. Low intellect builds may never realize their misfortunes, and thus never correct them.

I have a sixpack and never met a fatty that's smarter than me.

>being 13 years old and obese


kill self

just because it's too tight doesnt mean it's overdeveloped you cumrag

You Sir (and I only assume you're a man due to the rational explanation and the use of an RPG as an analogy) have won the internet today!!

PS - I had to spell check this twice. So...

>about to finish a degree

>hasn't drafted his Phd proposal, or even decided which of two radically different and complex periods of time he'll write it about.

Nice try fresher, people have written Phd's on single days in both The Great War and WW2 and here you think you'll bang one out covering 30 years.

You joker

Do you realize how stupid history is? You weren't even there to see all the events...all the nuances. I bet you don't even know your neighbors middle name, what makes you think you can understand a complex social interaction like a war between multiple countries?

I mean, fuck the haters and do what you want if thats what interests you...but like really...what the fuck?

They might be. They might also be very smart people but in public their spaghetti comes out and that makes em look retarded.