What's the point of bench pressing when dumbell chest presses are by far superior?

What's the point of bench pressing when dumbell chest presses are by far superior?


Give reasons or you're baiting

why not both

Why would you not be doing both? Or even more?

>increase ROM
>less ego lifting
>increased stabilizer work
>no need to wait for the cage to be free
>easier to drop if you need to

Disgusting cunts not wearing a shirt and sweating everywhere

less weight less gainz

so you can db press more

DBs too awkward when the weight is heavy

who is this rod god

the heaviest dumbbell in my gym is only 100lb

I like both. I like the way I'm able to really pinch my shoulder blades together with a barbell. Feelsgoodman. I also like the balance afforded by dumbbells. I use both I think you miss out if you don't do both.

Why do both when you can just do more db press?

Scott Herman. He has a Youtube channel.

confirmed weak stabilizer muscles





this desu

>the heaviest dumbbell in my gym is only 100lb
its a good thing you only need the 10's faggot

>using the cage to fucking bench

I do both pal. I bench twice a week and do dumbbell bench right after. i also do incline and close grip on other days. i'm counting 6 different benches per week.

Im stuck at 30kg DBs 3x5-8

It's getting too difficult to jump to 32.5kg so I need to BB bench.


I have tiny baby wrists so I like benching better, but I'm pretty sure DB is literally better for aesthetics.

try reverse pyramid, worked like a charm for me

bench press is more incrementally loadable and better suited to heavier loads because you don't have two chunks of metal floating around above your chest that you have to maneuver into place

that said, do both

as Mike Israetel says, incline/flat bench for your primary chest move, followed by high volume of dumbbell bench

Doing both has its benefits. When you know how to bench properly with the bar the risk of hurting yourself are slim but shit happens. Same goes for dumbbells.

I do both. Been doing low volume low reps/ moderate to heavy weight on the barbell and doing high volume high reps light to moderate weight on the dumbbells.

Seen dramatic results in size/strength.

So do both. Period.

stop trying to progress the weight, and increase the volume instead

do 4 sets, then 5 sets, then 6 sets, then try those 32.5s again


>not using the cage to ensure that if you have to drop a rep that the safety pins will catch it, thus allowing you to strive for maximum effort while maintaining maximum safety

retard spotted.

Ego. These kids can do 225lbs on the barbell and can't even do 80lbs dumbbells, that's why.

I suppose it's good for absolute beginners that can't bench more than 60lbs. But once you reach 1plate it's time to switch to dumbbells.

I get a much better pump from barbell bench at this point, and it's my primary chest press movement. I have used the dumbbells a lot in the past though, and use them for incline press still, but after my barbell bench I'm too gassed to do any other flat press. Dumbbells definitely helped me achieve my current chest strength a lot, though, and they definitely have serious benefits.

Shit like this and the whole 'no OHP in the rack' memes are straight cancer. Feels like lifters who have been on Veeky Forums just enough to know a few of these catchphrases to parrot.

If my gyms not busy, Im doing OHP in the squat rack/cage, of which we have 4. Where the fuck else am I gonna do it? If I'm using heavy weight I'm not risking damaging my shoulders because I have to use more movement then just moving forward and placing the bar back.

Same with chest. I have a shit shoulder thats prone to dislocation. Im not asking for a spot, and Im not risking my shoulder popping or having to discontinue early because of my shoulder and risking injury.

In short, fuck off. The amount of people in my gym who are shredded to the gills who use racks is yuge.

Most cages don't have Westside hole spacing so benching in them kind of sucks. Then again, most gyms frown on you dumping your plates, too.

You lift more and it's better for triceps.

I still feel DB bench is vastly superior. I see people BB benching 2plate+ and not looking like they lift then I see some teenagers throwing up 70s-80s dumbbells for 8 reps and having decently built chests


>hurrrrr just clean the weight up!

Waste of energy, plain and simple.

I go to 2 commercial gyms. 1 has 2 racks and the other has 1 rack and 1 half rack. Fuck the half rack can't squat in that bitch cause the side rails aren't adjustable and I can't hit depth in it.

Then I have to wait for the half squatters and the girls doing 20 endless sets of squats and on their phone during their 5 min rest. Bullshit.

I get in the rack do my sets of squats then overhead press after. Quick. No bullshit.

O prefer dumbells but progression is harder because bigger increments. How do I progress on dumbells?

I do pull ups in the rack, never felt bad about it.

i do barbell bench press and then dumbbells chest flies

also barbell ohp and seated dumbbell ohp with higher reps

Don't most cable machines have pull up bars in the middle?

Barbells are more fun

>What's the point of black girls when white girls are by far superior?
Because you can have both unless you're a faggot. Like OP!

They do, but I like the grip of the other ones more. And cables are used more intensively most of the time.


Have fun stalling when the jumps get too big

Just BBB bench then Db after

Good luck finding a dumbell pressing competition.

Why use dumbells when 2/3 filled water jugs work your grip and stabilizers?

I could do 42.5 kg dumbells x5 before I could do 225lbs barbell x5, and I generally only do barbell.




I don't do dumbbell bench but I do dumbbell Arnold press as an accessory movement after my bench press. Stronger shoulders: stronger bench.

bench is a better overall upper body mass builder, dumbell version is just more pec centric. bench press is easier and has greater potential to be progressively overloaded, so it will lead to more muscle growth overall. you should utilize both but to what extent depends on your individual needs.

Bullshit, my brother does 70s for dumbbells and benches a plate. Pretty sure he's gonna be doing 100s by the time he benches 2 plate.

Haha. Bollocks. Used to BB bench 60kg and DB bench 36kg DBs.

Meanwhile, anyone with a strong chest is busy using barbells because the increments of increase provide more ability to play with rep ranges. Increase if you want or use small jumps if you want. Even microloading is possible.

Unless you have dumbbells with DB microplates which I've never seen. And getting them into position is a problem when you're strong.

>he benches 140lbs combined dumbell weight
>can only bench 1 plate with barbell
>even though dumbell bench is way harder than barbell for equivalent weight


It's more about whether or not you're used to barbell vs dumbbell. I can do 110s on dumbbell for 8 reps, but I cannot even come close to 2plate on barbell for 1 rep

Absolute bullshit troll.

I'm not, really, but whatever dude.

>tfw I can do 80lbs db press 3x3, but I can't 2pl8 bp



I dont have a BB, only DBs. Thats why I lift DBs

Nothing against BBs, but between the cost and risk when you're solo is just not worth it. Dropping a thousand dollars on DB weights gives me a metric fuckton of weight to move around with plenty of room for compound and isolation exercises, same amount of money on a BB doesnt give you that flexibility of choice, you can do the core exercises but you cant do all the isolation work you might want.

But then again its what you're looking for, if you want strength then BB is good, if you want to mass then DBs work better.

What? This is not unheard of, user. I too have known (real) people with this same issue.

Try lifting more and lurking/fit/ less.

>a thousand dollars
Please no.

No one is this retarded

>his gym doesn't have a bench with built in safeties
Everyone point and laugh

The closer the hands end at the highest portion of the press, the more contracted your chest will have to be.

For chest gains, imo: cgbp>dbcp>normal bench press

>being such a beta you feel bad using the cage to bench

That's me

I don't want to call bs 'cus I can hit 100s for 5 but can't hit 2 pl8 for 5, but your shit is all retarded.

I generally only work with DB press so I might be able to hit 2 pl8 for 5 if I start training it again.


a) I'm a power lifter, so higher activation of the pectoralis major isn't as important as being able to lift more. I'm not trying to build a chest, I'm trying to improve a lift.
Strength training with dumbbells is ridiculous.

b) overall shoulder health

Is it really different? Only working out at home till I get less dyel to go to real gym. I use 65lb after about 2 months. Could I hit 1pl8 on a bench?

You should probably go try and not ask other people who havent seen you lift. But yes probably.

incline bench is the best chest exercise so why wouldnt you just do that?

This has always intrigued me. My buddy uses 100 with DBx10 but cant BB 2pl8. I can BB 3pl8 but struggle with 100 DB.

You can incline bench with either twat

Home gym fag here. I was able to get 100lb dbs each hand for 2 reps. Just got a bench and bar finally and could only do 185lbs for 2 reps. They are more different than people think.

Wow. Are you telling me you can do a bench press motion with 160 pounds but not with 225 pounds? That's so weird.

I remember I once met this guy who could leg press 100 pounds but couldn't squat 2 plate. I guess everyone's body is different y'know. *shrug*


>yfw everyone who can squat 2pl8s can leg press 100 lbs
>transitive property=everyone who can leg press 100lbs can squat 2pl8s

If you want a nice chest then youre going to have to do some isolation. it doesnt matter if you do DB press or not.

Dumbell bench is way harder than barbell with the same amount of weight.

There is guys who could bench 225 barbell but couldn't bench 80lb dumbells.


OHP is fine in the rack. Unless the gym is pretty empty, why not just ask for a spot when benching?

people who claim dumbbells are better than barbells are just weak dyels who try to make up for the fact they're weak as shit and have some excuse for it, like "muh stabilzers"

The guy in the pic is trying to destroy his shoulders and bench press is better.

The increased ROM can cause you to over adduct your arms forcing your shoulders to roll forward and compromising the rest of the set. So the optimal ROM for dumbbells is pretty similar to the barbell bench.

They are beneficial for bringing up both sides though. It's also easier to bail.

is this shoop?

My bench is 300 with barbell and I've maxed out the 100 lb. dumbbells. Dumbbells pump the chest better, especially if you bring them together at the top of the rep.

>thousand dollars
Lmao literally what

I guess a lot of it has to do with wrist strength and other stabilizers.

Like I have tiny hands and wrists so I can't DB bench for shit, my BB is way better.

>he can't DB press 120's

>tfw can do 230 bb but can't do 70 db



OHP as main upperbody lift. DB bench and dips as accessory.

The setup fucking sucks at 35 kgs

Half repper detected

because i have a home gym and only 35lb dumbbells. don't have the money for individual ones up to 100lb

so i only barbell bench

That's literally not possible

Do you goys do 5x5, 3x10 or something else with DBs?
