What are Veeky Forumss thoughts about this guy?

What are Veeky Forumss thoughts about this guy?

If his pizza project has pepperoni the size of his nipples on it I won't be buying it for sure.

Unbalanced as fuck.

GOAT arms and face

SHIT everything else

his program piss

>this is what girl mean what they say they love nerds


Im gonna be a dick and say that when guys say they love nerd girls they most likely mean someone like STpeach or whatever her name is too
Its not like that 120kg grill with glasses who plays mario cart gets a second look because she is nerdy

Fine as fuck.

another fitness youtuber who gives generic life advice and sells overpriced programs and supps

but hes a nice guy so no hate from me



Is he natty, Veeky Forums?



>Girls like handsome guys
What a fucking shocker

But thats not a fair comparison either, the average male "nerd" isn't a landwhale.

God no, the guy competed in the Men's Physique at the Olympia a few years back with a sub 5% bf.

Ofc its fair
Skinny and ugly are qualities that are equal to being a landwhale for girls

Literally, he has pussy and pizza in his pants...

I like Steve because he's actually a decent role model when it comes to an entire lifestyle, not just juice and lift. Does lots of videos about staying active via sports and triathlons etc, doesn't shill his ON sponsor too hard, doesn't constantly release videos about riding in ferraris and buying new houses, talks about general life motivation and mental wellness (goal setting, meditation, cutting out bad influences in life, etc).

He does look a little bit like an aesthetic alien though...those eyes are so far apart.

just another curl monkey with tiny little bitch legs.

Must suck to be a grower. I can barely fit into 511s now because of sumo squats (inner thighs), but you can see obvious outlines of my dangus even with undies on. I catch women looking constantly
