What 5 months of lifting has done to me

>What 5 months of lifting has done to me

Best method to kill myself?

> Load up 4pl8 on bench
> Unrack unto neck

>implying you can follow a method

wtf were you lifting? burgers to your mouth?

Program and current lifts?

All that matters is that you get stronger

did you?

Kinda. I dropped from 107kilos to 82 in 4.5 months. Then started going to gym. It was hard and and boring to eat healthy when school started. I've been eating like shit for last 2 months.

My instructor wrote it for me. I cant fully write down it. Its chest/biceps,back/triceps,shoulder/back or legs alone with abs. I bench around 50,squat 100kg. Havent done deadlifts.

Yes,but since noob gainz stopped it got harder. I barely add a kilo a week to my upper body.

50kg flat bench after 5 months? Come on m8 you are hiding something from us.

As i said. I lost 25 kilos in under 5 months. No one didnt warn me about losing muscle. I am heading to the gym. I'll bench and see how much i can go for 1rm.

don't forget to set them safety pins, gl

that routine sucks balls, depending on the frequency you are either not hitting chest/legs often enough or overworking the shit out of your upperback

Seriously, chest biceps? back triceps? What the fuck

do starting strength/stronglifts instead

also the guy in that pic can not bench 50kg for a full set unless you're like 6'6. Are you touching the bar to your chest?

nvm im retarded ameriburger, 50kg is not as much as I thought it was

Yeah you look like shit because your routine has the chest volume of an instagram girl workout, you should be benching every other time you hit the gym at least.

>Chest biceps and Back triceps.

I don't get it. Wouldn't you want to do tricep accessories on chest day since benches, dips etc all use triceps alot?

strong body looks strong

being strong inevitably makes you look good, its really that simple..


>strong body looks strong
we're not looking at the same picture, clearly

Shit diet. Shit routine. You were doomed from the start m8, sort them out if you want results.

What is your diet like? That's what really matters.

also time under tension and technique matters, many people cheat their reps in some way and dont understand why they dont get results

same here OP, started in September, had shitty routine proposed by gym's instructor, switched to SS last month and fuck everything else because it simply works.

I think he means that strong lifts will eventually lead to a strong look. both things being something OP has yet to achieve.


start recording yourself, I was doing squats during my shitty routine. When I started SS I could spend more time on my form (instead of doing the over 9000 shitty isolation exercises). So I began recording and I realized that I was 1/4 squatting. Had to remove ~20 kg to be able to go below parallel.

Start a strength program (SS/SL) or if you're not confident lifting, find a better trainer. Whoever put you on that rubbish program is the world's biggest gains goblin.

everyone reaches that one point in their lifting where their lift start going up more slowly and usually is the point where your body starts to resemble a functioning human being

Okay,OP is back. I could do 60kg for 3 reps without spotter. Maybe i could so more,didnt want to risk an injury.

I guess I should start doing SS since this much comments. I dont think instructor shit to be real,he does the same to everyone.
And my diet is shit. I am out of the home at 8am and get home at 8pm. Should i consider buying whey?

youtube mentzer underground part 2

You're fat. You need more cutting than lifting.

lol that's ed coan not mark rippetoe XD

>he does the same to everyone.
keeping them from making progress so they either stay in the gym or lose motivation and let the rest of their contract expire without using the equipment? I bet he does.

do 100 pushups slowly and eat only rice and drink only water

If I am weak and fat at the sametime,how does cutting helps me?

Well,i dont think he does that intentionally. But he simply doesnt give a fuck.

Which one of these do you wanna be?

is this a trick question

Have you tried actually lifting?

lanklets, when will they learn